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Текст 1 Features of the Russian management.docx
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  1. Management decision-making steps

Preparation of management decision implies a system consisting of five stages.

1. Stage of formation goals. The goal should be significant and feasible with the available resources.

2. Phase analysis and solutions. You must first understand the problem faced by the organization, to determine its nature and importance. The problem - the deviation of the actual parameters of the target, the possibility of such a deviation in the future in the event of failure of any action, change management needs. In the process of thinking about this problem, install the set of factors that influence the final result, the tolerance, the resource data, etc. The problems are:

  • standard. For their decision needs instruction and guidance;

  • rigidly structured. The solution - the use of economic and mathematical models;

  • loosely structured. The solution - make the system analysis;

  • unstructured (new). Solution - expert assessments and opinion.

Methods for identifying the causes of problems:

  • identify factors that appeared to coincide with the moment of the problem;

  • identification of objects are treated similarly, where a similar problem from happening;

Chart "fishbone" (cause-and-effect diagram), its creator - Ishikawa.

Must rank the identified reasons in order of importance. You can use the Pareto rule: eliminating 20% ​​of the causes can solve the problem by 80%.

3. Stage of decision-making. When deciding to set an alternative, that is, a situation in which you need to choose one or more options. To select an alternative (solution) must be:

1) set up a system of indicators (qualitative and quantitative), using the method of scaling;

2) by the criterion base. Criterion allows us to answer the following questions:

  • is there an alternative valid;

  • is there an alternative satisfactory

  • is there an alternative to optimal;

which of the two compared alternatives better;

3) make a choice (decision) in view of the risks and opportunities of implementation. "A bad manager can provide the right solution, but good - doable."

4. Stage effects. Interventions at the performers are economic, organizational and educational. As a result, the motivation to perform work out a solution.

5. Stage of implementation and evaluation. The organization of the production process, with its inherent standards. Measure results, comparing it with a standard deviation score and assessment. Getting feedback.