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Unit 1-4(часть2).doc
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Exercise 12. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Translate the sentences:

  1. England (to conquer) by the Normans in 1066.

  2. A great number of words (to form) in the English language by combining other words.

  3. French (to call) the language of love and English (to consider) the language of business, diplomacy, and sport.

  4. In English many verbs can (to use) as nouns.

  5. The English language history (to discuss) at the Student’s Club now.

  6. French (to study) by him for 3 years before his mother decided to teach him English.

  7. English (to speak) all over the world in the near future.

  8. His vocabulary (to enrich) by regular reading.

Exercise 13. Translate the sentences:

  1. Цього словника незабаром буде опубліковано.

  2. Лекції з історії мови завжди слухають з великою увагою.

  3. З нею розмовляли англійською на конференції.

  4. Люди, що розмовляють англійською, діляться на три групи.

  5. Вище суспільство в Англії вивчало французьку.

  6. Англійський алфавіт базується на римському алфавіті.

  7. Словник кожної мови збагачується постійно.

  8. Найбільшу енциклопедію було опубліковано іспанською.

  9. Йому допомогли зробити переклад до кінця тижня.

  10. Нам запропонували купити двомовний словник до кінця навчального року.


Exercise 14. Give the comparative and superlative degrees for the following adjectives:

small, large, beautiful, important, much (many), little, late, old, ancient, far, good (well), wide, fashionable, known, modern, complete, easy, early.

Exercise 15. Fill in the gaps with the adjective in the correct degree:

  1. The first edition of this dictionary was … than the new one. (complete)

  2. Who speaks English … in the group? (well)

  3. The … known English language was spoken by the Celts.(early)

  4. English is one of the … widely spoken languages in the world. (much)

  5. I believe that the Russian language is one of the … languages to study. (difficult)

  6. To read is … for me than to write. (easy)

  7. His pronunciation is … than her pronunciation. (bad)

  8. This article is … than that one. (interesting)

  9. This text is much … than the one we translated yesterday. (difficult)

Exercise 16. Change the sentences as shown in the example:


John is as young as Tom.

John is not as young as Tom.

  1. Spanish is as difficult as Chinese.

  2. His English is as beautiful as his mother’s.

  3. This language problem is as serious as that problem.

  4. This task is as important as that one.

  5. Your mistake is as bad as your schoolmate’s.

Exercise 17. Change the sentences as shown in the example:


He is not as clever as his brother.

He is less clever than his brother.

  1. The old dictionary is not as complete as the new one.

  2. Polish is not as difficult as Japanese.

  3. English is not as difficult as Ukrainian.

  4. She is not as fluent in languages as her brother.

  5. This exercise is not as easy as that one.

Exercise 18. Read, translate and make up sentences of your own:

  1. The more you learn the more you know.

  2. The less you read the poorer your language is.

  3. The sooner you master Turkish the better for your job.

  4. The less he knows about our childhood the better.

  5. The more you work at your pronunciation the sooner you master it.

Exercise 19. Translate the sentences:

  1. Яка мова складніша, англійська чи німецька?

  2. Чим більше я читаю про історію англійської мови, тим більше вона мені подобається.

  3. Ця стародавня мова найбільш складна для вивчення.

  4. Те селище було розташоване ближче до ріки, ніж це.

  5. Це граматичне правило найскладніше у мові.

  6. Він розмовляє іспанською так само вільно, як італійською.

  7. Польська не така складна, як японська.

  8. Цей звук найскладніший у мові.

  9. Чим більше наукових відкриттів, тим більше нових слів з’являється у мовах.

  10. Латинь – одна з найдревніших мов.

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