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17. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 1.

18. Fill in the missing remarks of the dialogue.

A.: … .

B.: I don’t think you’ll be able to see a lot in one or two days. Today London is one of the largest cities in the world.

A.: … .

B.: Nine million, I believe. I mean the population of Greater London, of course.

A.: … .

B.: Well, the main parts of London are: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. If you are interested in churches and historical places you should go to Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Tower.

A.: … .

B.: The City is so important because it is the banking and commercial center of the world.

A.: … .

B.: Well, you certainly should see the British Museum. But if I were you I should leave that for some other day. You could spend a whole day there. It’s too big to be seen in an hour or so.

A.: … .

B.: In the first place, Whitehall is the name of the street. In the second place, it is the political centre of the British Empire. All the chief government offices are in the Whitehall, you know.

A.: … .


Greater London – Большой Лондон, административно-территориальная единица, состоит из Лондона и частей графств Мидлсекс, Эссекс, Кент, Суррей, Хартфордшир, делится на 32 района (borough) и Сити, площадь 1580 км2.


Sightseeng in London

Tom: What are you going to do this week?

John: Well, we don’t really know.

Tom: Why not visit Kew Gardens?

Helen: Well… we’ve been there. We’ve done a lot of sightseeing since we came here.

John: Yes, we’ve seen all the usual things like the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament and the British Museum.

Tom: Have you been to the National Gallery?

Helen: Oh, yes. We’ve been paying regular visits there for the last fortnight. You know how keen John is on painting. We’ve heard some good lectures there, too.

Tom: Have you visited Westminster Abbey?

John: Yes, we went there a week ago. But I haven’t seen St. Paul’s Cathedral since I was here last time.

Helen: I have! I’ve been there two times.

John: But I really ought to think about the business side of my visit now. I haven’t been to a motor-car factory yet. I expect things have changed over the past five years.

Tom: I’m sure they have. Yes, there have been some very big developments since you were here last. Tell me – would you like to go and see the factory at Reading?

John: Yes, I would.

Tom: They have a very big modern factory, and I happen to know the Personnel Manager there.

John: Thank you. I’d be very grateful to you.

19. Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 2.

20. Make up dialogues of your own using Dialogue 2 as a model.

Situations: You meet your friend and talk about some places of interest

based on the information collected:

a) St. Paul’s Cathedral;

b) the British Museum;

c) the National Gallery.


Walking round the city of London

Mr. Voronin: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting.

Mr. Smith: That’s all right. Though I have been wondering what’s happened to you.

Mr. Voronin: A friend from Moscow is over here on a short visit. He’s been attending a conference here and today I’ve been showing him round.

Mr. Smith: Oh, have you? Where have you taken him?

Mr. Voronin: We’ve been walking round the City and he insisted on climbing to the top of the Monument.

Mr. Smith: Oh, you’ll be stiff tomorrow. There are over three hundred steps, aren’t there?

Mr. Voronin: Well, there are three hundred and forty-five, to be more exact. But still, there’s a marvelous view when you get to the top.

Mr. Smith: Oh, yes, it is wonderful. On a clear day you can see for miles.

Mr. Voronin: We also popped into the Moscow Narodny Bank for just a few minutes.

Mr. Smith: Oh, it’s that fine new building just opposite the Monument? I haven’t been inside yet.

Mr. Voronin: Would you like me to take you there one of these days?

Mr Smith: That’s very kind of you. Thank you. And now you’ve earned a good rest after all that sightseeing.

Mr. Voronin: I certainly have. I’ve been walking round for over three hours.


The Monument – «Монумент», колонна, воздвигнутая в лондонском Сити в 1671 – 1677 гг. в память о Великом лондонском пожаре (Great Fire). Считается, что её высота (61,5 м) равна расстоянию от «Монумента» до лавки пекаря на Пуддинг-Лейн (Pudding Lane), где начался пожар. Наверху имеется смотровая площадка, на которую ведет винтовая лестница.