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15 Decide whether the statements are true or false. Correct the sentence if it’s wrong.

  1. In preindustrial period people used freezers for homemade food preservations.

  2. The English confectioner Nicolas Appert developed a method for preserving foods by heating.

  3. In the 18th century people knew that microorganisms caused food to spoil.In the early twentieth century, manufacturers produced canned food that was hygienically processed.

  4. Michael J. Owen in Britain developed a semiautomatic machine for producing both jars and bottles.

  5. It was Bryan Donkin who improved Appert’s invention and patented the use of metal containers.

  6. The USA was the first country to use canned food.

  7. Paper emerged at the end of the nineteenth century as material for wrapping and packaging food.

  8. The Tetra Pak was invented in France in 1952.

  9. Carton containers were used for packaging milk, fruit drinks, and other liquids in the 19th century.

  10. The development of special packaging materials helped to enhance the convenience of a microwave.

  11. Canned food is safer to eat than the traditionally unpackaged products that are sold in bulk.

16 After reading the following text say if you share the enthusiasm about the new package with it's creators.


Snack packaging engineers, the lucky scientists responsible for the technology that seals the freshness of snack foods, have been working hard to develop new bag-sealing techniques that will enhance the experience of opening a bag of chips.

"The fun is keeping the snacks inside the bag, and the fingers outside," admitted Dr. Simon, a leading scientist in field of snack packaging. "Of course, we want the consumer to eventually get the bag open really we do – but as with any other experience, we've found that if a little extra effort is needed to get to the food, it is enjoyed just that much more."

"We once made a bag that had such an explosive force we considered a warning label on the outside," said Helmut Kholrahber, engineer. "The bag was made with a special kevlar alloy that was almost impossible to tear open with the hands. Instead, the consumer was required to sit or jump on the product to break the seal and release the pretzels, which would explode out like salted shrapnel. It was more like a pretzel pipe bomb. We had a very big market out East where they enjoy that type of humour, but eventually the government asked us to stop production."

Puncturing sometimes works, but engineers are modifying the technology to create explosions when snackers try to pierce the bags with car keys, pocket knives, or even fingers. "We're developing a special gas to put in the bag you know how there's always some air in there to puff it out and look fuller – that will explode when it contacts the atmosphere," said Helmut. "That will be an exciting development."

Chip bag engineers have other tricks to make snackers work just a little harder to get at their favourite snack food. The little folded seam is one such trick, as is the non-sealable resealable bag. The "tear-here" tag is a classic ploy picked up from the condiment package engineers. "It's brilliant the way they can always get ketchup on your shirt," said Helmut, shaking his head in disbelief, "even after all these years."

New technologies in the last 15 years have really opened the market for innovation. "It's a real art," said Simon. "The combinational potential is enormous – pressurizing the bags, vacuum-sealing, freeze-drying, they're all great methods. Like a jack-in-the-box before its last crank, the true connoisseur enjoys the anticipation right before a bag opens – the plastic or foil stretches under the force, and then – boom!"

Some engineers feel that perhaps exploding chip bag gags are losing their humorous value, but Simon attributes this to a jaded older generation unable to come to grips with a rapidly changing packaging environment.

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