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Types of computers

1_______ computers can be divided into 5 main types, depending on the 2_________ and 3__________. They are 4___________, minicomputers, desktop PCs, 5__________­­­­ and hand-held computers.

Mainframes are the 6__________ and 7_____ _______ computers. The basic configuration of a mainframe consists of a 8________ _______ which processes, 9________ amounts of data very quickly. This central system provides 10_____ ______ and computing 11______ for hundreds of 12______ connected together in a 13_____. Mainframes are used by large 14______, factories and 15_____.

16________ are smaller and less powerful than mainframes. They can handle 17_______. That is, they can perform more than one task 18___ __ __ ____. Minicomputers are mainly used as 19_____ _____ for terminals. Typical 20______ include academic computing, 21________ engineering and other 22______ applications in which many users 23_______ resources.

24_______ carry out the processing on a single 25_________. They are used as 26______ _______ in the home or as 27_________ for a group. Typical examples are the 28______ ______ or the 29_________ _________. Broadly speaking, there are two classes of Personal Computer:

a) 30______ ____ which are designed 31­­____ ____ _______ on your desk;

b) 32_________ _____ which can be used as a 33_________ notebook. This is why they are called 34________ and laptops.

The 35_______ models can run as fast as similar desktop computers and have 36____ _____. They are ideal for business 37______ who travel a lot.

The ­38__________ computers can be held in one hand. They are called 39________ computers, or 40______. They are used as 41________ ______ or as 42_____ _______ or storing notes, 43_________ and addresses.

Exercise 60. (Track 5). Listen to the following extract from a radio talk show. As you listen, fill in the missing information about the various types of portable computers.


Power: runs on (1) ____________

Weight: between 15 and (2) ____ pounds

Screen size: about ten inches diagonally

Input device: keyboard

(3) __________

Power: runs on rechargeable (4)_______

Weight: generally between 8 and 15 pounds

Screen size: about (5)______ diagonally

Input device: keyboard


Power: batteries

Weight: as little as (6) _______ pounds

Screen size: as small as (7) _____ inches

Input device: keyboard


Power: (8) ____________ batteries

Weight: between (9) _____ and 6 pounds

Screen size: similar to notebook and laptop

Input device: (10) ____________

(11) ___________

Power: can operate on (12) _______ batteries

Weight: less than (13) __________

Screen size: very small

Input device: keys

Language work. Comparing.


Comparing is finding differences or similarities. When you want to buy a new device, or you read articles about the latest computer or mobile phone, or need to make a decision about the most suitable computer for you, you may have to use expressions like the ones in these examples.

  1. Comparison

A flat-panel monitor is slimmer than a CRT.

A PDA is more changeable than a laptop.

You can type more easily with a separate keyboard.

A netbook is less expensive than a notebook.

Free programs are as good as proprietary ones.

A tablet PC is the best option for me.

The more memory you have, the faster you’ll be able to load your files.

  1. Contrast

While a dial-up connection is usually cheap, it is very slow.

A scanner can be useful but it isn’t an essential peripheral.

Unlike CRT monitors, TFT ones are light.

3. Similarity

Online shops as well as local retailers offer good value hardware.

Both notebooks and desktop PCs carry out similar functions.

Exercise 61. Complete the text about the benefits and limitations of laptops and desktops with words in bold from the examples above.

1) _________ desktops and laptops have 2) _________ components but they are built in a different way.

3) _________ desktops have 4) _________ space to expand the system, they are less manageable 5) _________ laptops. On the other hand, laptops are fully portable: they are lighter and 6) _________ and so more practical if you travel a lot and need to take your computer with you.

7) _________ desktops, the screen, keyboard and mouse of a laptop are integrated. However, most laptop owners prefer to have a separate mouse 8) _________ the touchpad. Similarly, as the keyboard is miniaturized, some people buy an external one for use at home. You can type 9) _________ easily if you use a full-size keyboard.

A laptop’s CPU is slower 10) _________ access to data may be quicker, so its performance can be 11) _________ good as a desktop’s.

It’s hard to say what the 12) _______ option is. But remember: in the computer world, 13) ______ smaller the device, the more money it costs.

Exercise 62. Compare a notebook and a netbook; a laptop and a tablet PC.

Exercise 63. Write the advantages and disadvantages of PDAs.

Exercise 64. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. У корпусі ноутбука містяться базові компоненти комп’ютера, такі як: дисплей, клавіатура, сенсорна панель, а також акумуляторні батареї. 2. Ноутбук виконує всі функції звичайного настільного комп'ютера, але має важливу перевагу – ви завжди можете носити його з собою і використовувати у будь-якому місці. 3. Нетбук – це невеликий ноутбук, що призначений для виходу в Інтернет і роботи з офісними програмами. 4. Нетбук відрізняється компактним розміром, невеликою вагою, низьким енергоспоживанням і порівняно невисокою вартістю. 5. За допомогою нетбука ви можете переглядати Інтернет сторінки та електронну пошту, вести блоги, читати електронні книги. 6. Екран планшетного ПК дозволяє працювати за допомогою стілуса або пальців без використання клавіатури і мишки, має тонкий корпус і привабливий вигляд. 7. Користувач може вводити текст, використовуючи клавіатуру на екрані і за допомогою вбудованої програми розпізнавання рукописного тексту.

Exercise 65. Give definitions for the following terms.

desktop PC netbook tablet PC mainframe touchpad

notebook PDA workstation stylus

Grammar. Past Perfect/ Past Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect/ Future Perfect Continuous.

Exercise 66. Fill in with Past Simple or Past Perfect then state which action happened first.

e.g. When I …left… (leave) the house, I …realized… (realize) that I …had forgotten… (forget) my keys. First action: … had forgotten…

1. When I … (see) Julie, I … (realize) that I … (meet) her before.

First action: …

2. After I … (finish) digging the garden I … (decide) to go for a walk.

First action: …

3. I … (lend) Fiona some money only after she … (promise) to give it back the next day. First action: …

4. They kept arguing about the money their father … (leave) them in his will when he … (die). First action: …

5. Kate … (start) studying after John … (leave). First action: …

6. I … (buy) Ann flowers because she … (sing) so well in the concert the night before. First action: …

Exercise 67. Fill in with Past Perfect or Past Simple.

The biggest event in Tom’s life … (happen) by chance. He … (be) 22 and he … (just/ leave) college. He … (get) his degree and he was looking for a job. He … (want) to be a journalist but he … (know) he (not/ have) enough experience. You see, as a student, he … (spend) most of his time in the university theatre. He … (write) to all the newspapers but he … (not/receive) any replies. Then one day, the phone … (ring). It was a woman who … (offer) him a job as an actor. She … (see) him in a play at the university and … (enjoy) the performance. He … (take) the job and since then he’s been very successful. Last night he … (discover) he … (win) an award for his performance in the play.

Exercise 68. a) Complete these sentences. Use the Simple Past or Past Continuous with the verbs in column A, and the Simple Past or Past Perfect with the verbs in column B.

b) Match columns A and B to make complete stories.



1. A thief … (break into) our house last night while my sister and I … (pick up) a pizza for dinner.

2. I … (shop) with some friends yesterday, and I … (lose) my keys.

3. I … (drive) around with friends all day on Sunday, and I … (run out) of gas on the freeway.

4. I … (try) to go and visit my parents last night when I … (get) stuck in the elevator in their apartment building.

a. Luckily, I … (give) a friend a copy of them, and she … (come) over and let me in.

b. It … (reach) the fifth floor when it … (stop). After I … (be) stuck for about half an hour, someone finally … (start) it again.

c. I guess we … (leave) the door unlocked because that’s how the thief … (get) into the house.

d. Luckily, I … (bring) my Car Association card with me, so I … (call) them for help.

Exercise 69. Fill in with the Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous.

1. I was tired. I …………………………………………….. all day. (dig)

2. We ……………………………………for your call all evening. (wait)

3. How long ……………………………………………. there? (you wait)

4. I ………………………………………… there since 6 o’clock. (stand)

5. She ..……….. English for five years before she visited Canada. (study)

6. It started raining last Monday and it ………………… ever since. (rain)

7. I …………………………..……… to the firm regularly for a month before, but they still hadn’t answered. (write)

Exercise 70. Fill in with the Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous or Past Continuous.

1. We … (cook) all day for the party that evening and by eight o’clock we still weren’t ready. 2. John … (prepare) a beautiful meal for his guests and they all enjoyed it. 3. I knew she … (do) the washing because the machine was still working when I got it. 4. I knew she … (do) the washing because when I got in she was ready to go out. 5. By 10 o’clock the children … (do) their homework and were ready to go to bed. 6. The children … (do) their homework and by ten o’clock they still hadn’t finished. 7. The orchestra … (play) for about ten minutes when a man in the audience suddenly began shouting. 8. I … (wait) for Tom for 20 minutes when I realized it was a wrong restaurant. 9. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He … (look) for his cigarette lighter. 10. We … (walk) along the road for about 20 minutes when a car stopped and the driver offered us a lift. 11. When I arrived, everyone was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They … (eat).

Exercise 72. Fill in with an appropriate past form.

In 1894 a steamship 1) …was sailing… (sail) across the Atlantic Ocean from England to America. The sun 2) … (shine) and a gentle breeze 3) … (blow). The ship 4) … (sail) for three weeks and was halfway to its destination – New York. The passengers 5) … (relax) on deck when suddenly they 6) … (hear) a loud bang. They all 7) … (jump) up, 8) … (run) to the edge of the boat and 9) … (look) over the side. To their horror they saw that they 10) … (hit) some hard object which 11)… (tear) a hole in the side of the ship. Water 12) … (pour) into the steamship at an alarming speed. Fortunately another ship arrived half an hour later, just in time to save everyone on board.

Exercise 73. Fill in with an appropriate present or past form.

1. When she was young, she … (dance) a lot. 2. John … (drive) home when his car … (break down). 3. He was dizzy. He … (work) on the computer all night. 4. She was upset because she … (lose) her watch. 5. She … (wait) for an hour before he … (arrive). 6. He had a backache. He … (dig) the garden. 7. He was angry. He … (argue) with his daughter. 8. Marilyn Monroe … (act) in a lot of films. 9. Michael Jackson … (make) a lot of records. 10. She … (type) a letter while she … (talk) on the phone. 11. He … (clean) the floor but he hasn’t clean the windows yet. 12. Alexander Fleming … (discover) penicillin in 1928. 13. She … (clean) the window when she fell off the ladder. 14. He was tired. He … (swim) for hours. 15. He can’t find his wallet. He … (lose) it. 16. He … (not/ have) a haircut for ages. 17. She … (wait) for an hour before the bus came. 18. They … (still/ discuss) the plan at midnight.

Exercise 74. Underline the correct item.

1. ‘I really need a drink.’ ‘OK, I’ll buy/’m buying you one. What would you like?’ 2. ‘You look dreadful.’ ‘I know, I’m seeing/’ll see the doctor tomorrow at 4 o’clock.’ 3. ‘Did you remember to water the plants today?’ ‘Oh no, I forgot; I’ll water/ water them now.’ 4. I’ve already told you why I can’t see you tonight. I’m having/’ll have guests. 5. I’m sorry. I promise I’ll stay/’ll be staying out of trouble in the future. 6. I’m sure he’ll understand/’s going to understand if you explain it to him clearly. 7. I will have finished/ will finish my exams by the end of August. 8. ‘I’ve burnt the dinner.’ ‘Never mind, I’ll go/ am going to the restaurant and get a takeaway pizza.’ 9. I’ll have been working/ will work here for 40 years by the time I retire next week.


Exercise 75. Role play ‘Choosing a computer’. Work in pairs. One of you is a customer who wants to buy a computer; the other is a shop assistant. Ask and answer questions using the instructions below to make a conversation.

Shop assistant Customer

G reet the customer and offer help. Explain what you are looking for (computer type, your computer needs).

S how the customer possible models. Ask for some technical spe-cifications (CPU, RAM, etc).

Give technical specifications (describe Ask about any further

t he CPU, RAM and storage capacity). technical specs (DVD drive,

C ompare the two different models. monitor, communication, etc)

G ive the information required. Ask the price.

Answer, and mention any further Decide which computer to

d etails that might persuade the buy or leave the shop.

customer to buy the computer.


Exercise 76. Read the descriptions of the four people who need a computer and decide what type of computer would be the most suitable for each of them. Explain your choice.

1. Ann Gillard is a student. She wants an ultra-light computer that she could easily take to class. She needs to write essays, web-based projects and letters. She likes surfing the web. She would like to draw and write on the screen.

2. Elizabeth Campbell is a sales representative. She needs a lightweight computer with which she can process orders and communicate with her office while she is on the road.

3. Andrew Parker is the manager of an advertising company. He needs a powerful system which will work with optical disks and multimedia applications, integrating texts and pictures with animation and voice annotations. Digitized images and sound occupy a lot of disk space. He needs a computer only for work in the office.

4. Brian Mason is a CAD engineer. His job involves computer-aided design, simulations and 3-D modeling. These applications require a lot of memory and a large drive.

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