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БСТ - Методичка для студентов 1 -2 семестр.doc
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Занятие 2(продолжительность-3ч.)

Тема: I am a student. My working day.

Цель:развитие навыков чтения и повседневного общения, а также развитие компетенций:

-ОК-1-способность к обобщению, анализу, восприятию информации, постановке цели и выбору путей ее достижения, владение культурой мышления;

-ОК-2-способность логически верно, аргументировано и ясно строить устную и письменную речь, создавать тексты профессионального назначения;


-Aктивизировать навыки чтения согласных в английском языке;

-Тренировать словесное и фразовое ударение;

-Тренировать конструкцию there + be. Случаи употребления, временные формы, особенности перевода;

-Тренировать употребление глаголов to be,to have,to do в различных функциях;

-Тренировать употребление глагола to have to. Случаи употребления, временные формы, способы перевода

Этапы занятия: 1) Речевая разминка Направлена на формирование компетенции –ОК-1 20 мин.

  1. Согласные звуки в английском языке стр. 20-21 (Марковина, 2010)

  2. Упр. 1, 2, 3, 4; стр. 20-21 (Марковина,2010)

  3. Словесное и фразовое ударение стр. 23-24 (Марковина,2010)

  4. Упр. 10; стр. 24 Прочтите текст«The Middle Ages», обратите внимание на фразовое ударение.

  5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  • What date is it today?

  • What is the weather like today?

  • Is it warm/cold/hot/cool today?

  • Is it rainy/sunny/snowy/foggy/windy/cloudy today?

  • What colour is the sky?

  • Are you pleased with such weather?

  • What was the weather like yesterday?

  • Were you pleased with yesterday’s weather?

2) Изучающее чтение«Training of Medical Engineers»Направлено на формирование компетенции–ОК-1 60 мин.

There are a lot of medical educational establishments in our country ranging from a medical college, institute or academy to a medical university. They differ in the number of faculties, courses and teaching facilities but their structure, application requirements and the curriculum are much alike.

Those who want to enter a medical university should have considerable academic achievements at school reflected in the universal state exam results. An applicant has to gain a high score in such subjects as biology, chemistry and Russian. The applicants whose score is the highest become university students.

First-year students have to get used to a new mode and pace of life. Some students live at hostels, others rent rooms or flats. Local residents live with their parents and relatives.

A course of study varies from four to six years. Those who seek for a bachelor’s degree (prospective medical bioengineers) do a 4-year course. The future dentists, pharmacists and clinical psychologists study for 5 years while the future therapeutists (Amer. – therapists) and pediatricians study for 6 years. The courses are mainly full-time but there are also part-time courses (the one for pharmacists).

The structure of a higher educational establishment is similar for all the universities. A university is headed by a rector and pro-rectors. A dean and a deputy dean are at the head of a faculty. University courses are delivered by various departments. A head of the department (mainly a professor) is in charge of the department. The staff of a department includes professors, assistant professors, senior lecturers, and instructors. Post-graduate students participate in the research work of the department.

The most common forms of teaching process are lectures, practical classes, seminars, laboratory works, case studies and on-the-job training. The most hard-working and enthusiastic students join scientific societies.

At the end of each term (academic year) students’ performance is evaluated by means of credit tests and exams. In their last year students take State Examinations and get a diploma. After that they can either get a job based on qualifications obtained or apply for a post-diploma course.

Professional training of medical engineers is currently provided in a number of higher education institutions in Russia (Moscow State Polytechnic University, St.Petersburg State Electrotechnical University, etc.) and abroad (Stanford University,USA, Massachusetts University of Technology, USA, etc.).

The syllabus of a bachelor’s course includes a number of subjects such as humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and some others which are studied in junior years. While doing professionally oriented courses in senior years students find out/learn about biophysics, biomechanics, biomaterials, measurement and analysis of biosignals, etc.. They also have practice placements to gain required experience and learning in practice settings.

Задание1.Соотнесите английские и русские эквиваленты:

1. curriculum

A учебная программа

2. applicant

B. заочное обучение

3. department

C. бакалавр

4. full-time course

D. академическая успеваемость

5. part-time course

E. требования для поступления (к поступающим)

6. application requirements

F. зачет

7. academic achievements/performance

G. учебный план

8. bachelor

H. очное обучение

9. credit test

J. абитуриент

10. syllabus

K. кафедра

Задание2.Выберите из текста все глаголы,называющие представителей преподавательского состава. Расположите их от самого высшего до самого низшего. Используйте следующие модели:

The rector is charge of/responsible for V + ing... .

Задание3.Сопоставьте формы обучения с их определениями. Подберите русские эквиваленты данным словам:

1. A lecture

A. an academic form intended to provide evidence for theoretical conclusions by using laboratory equipment

2. A practical class

B. an oral presentation intended to teach people about a particular subject by a university teacher

3. A practice placement

B. training taking place in a normal working situation, using the actual equipment, documents or materials that trainees will use when fully trained. 

4. A laboratory work

C. a small class of only a few students, in which the tutor gives individual attention to students.

5. A case study

D. an academic form aiming to clarify theoretical issues and develop practical skills;

6. A tutorial

E. practical training provided in occupational settings

7. On-the job training

F. analysis of persons, events or other phenomena within their real-life context

Задание4.Найдите на сайте ВолгГМУ информацию о кафедрах нашего ВУЗа, обеспечивающих обучение на вашем факультете. Опишите преподавательский состав и предмет(ы), преподаваемый(е) на кафедре по следующему образцу:

  • The staff of the Department for Modern Languages with a Course of Latin includes 1 professor, 4 assistant professors, 9 senior lectures and 12 instructors.

  • They deliver courses in Latin and modern languages to first-year students.

  • They also provide training in modern languages in the second year.

Задание5. Выучите следующие словосочетания. Используя информацию на сайте ВолгГМУ, опишите лекции и практические занятия, проводимые на первом курсе. Используйте следующие модели:

To give, deliver, offer, provide classes in…;

To deliver, provide, give present lectures on… .

  • The Department for Modern languages offers practical classes in Latin in the second term. It also gives classes in modern languages in the first and second terms.

Задание6.Опишите то, к чему студенты-первокурсники должны привыкать/адаптироваться после поступления в ВУЗ. Используйте подсказки:

First-year students have to get used to…

Prompts: new mode and pace of live; new social environment; new daily routine; new academic requirements; new dress code; new academic facilities; new extracurricular activities.

Задание7.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What do medical universities differ in? 2. What subjects does an applicant have to gain a high score in to become a student of biotechnical systems & technologies? 3. How long does the course last? 4. Who is your university headed by? 5. Who is the dean of your faculty? 6. Who is in charge of a university department? 7. What staff members does each department include? 7. What forms of reaching process do you know? 8. How is students’ performance evaluated? 9. What subjects does the course in biotechnical systems & technologies include? 10. Why do students have practice placements?

Задание8.Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо:

1. Applicants who want to enter … a medical university should have considerable academic achievements at school. 2. I am a first-year student and I have to get used … living in a hostel. 3. As I was seeking … a master’s degree, I had to do a 6-year course. 4. Who is currently … head of your faculty? 5. Next year I will participate … research which is carried out by the department of general psychology. 6. Students do courses … modern languages … first and second years of study.7. … end of each term students have to sit for exams. 8. I am going to apply … a post-graduate course if I graduate from the university with honours. 9. Students can develop practical skills … practice settings.

3) Работа над грамматическим материалом Направлено на формирование компетенции–ОК-1 55 мин.

а) Глаголы “to be”, “to have”, “to do”;стр. 292 (Марковина,2010)

б) Упр. 10, 11; стр. 18 (Марковина, 2010)

Задание1.Заполните пропуски, используя соответствующую форму глагола «to be» (am/is/are/was/were):

  1. I … a pupil last year.

  2. Now I… a student. I… a first-year student of the Volgograd state medical University.

  3. My mother … a doctor. She … at work now. She … in the hospital.

  4. My brother … a pupil now. He … in the fifth form/grade.

  5. The University … not very old. It … 66 years old.

  6. The course of studies at the Faculty of Biotechnical Systems & Technologies … 4 years.

  7. When I… a child, I … interested in drawing.

  8. I … in the first year now.

  9. It … interesting to study at the University.

  10. I … very tired yesterday.

  11. We … students now.

  12. I … at home yesterday when you rang me.

  13. How old … you? – I … eighteen.

  14. It … cold yesterday. But today it … quite warm.

  15. It is difficult to study at the University.

Задание2.Переведите с русского языка на английский, используя глаголы «have/has»:

  1. Университет имеет несколько зданий.

  2. В университете есть большая библиотека.

  3. В университете есть несколько хорошо оборудованных лабораторий.

  4. В университете есть большой компьютерный центр.

  5. В университете есть спортивный зал (a gym) и бассейн (a swimming-pool).

  6. У меня есть мечта (a dream).

  7. У меня есть брат и сестра.

  8. У меня есть много друзей.

  9. У меня нет собаки.

  10. У моего друга есть много книг.

в) Конструкция there+be стр. 292-293 (Марковина, 2010)

Задание1.Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола «to be»:

  1. There … 10 students in our group.

  2. There … 14 faculties in the Volgograd state medical University now.

  3. There … some research centers in the Volgograd medical University.

  4. There … four educational buildings and five teaching hospitals in the Volgograd medical University.

  5. There … many students at the University.

  6. There … 93 professors in the University.

  7. There … a reading-room on the first floor.

  8. There … two terms in the academic year.

  9. There … one faculty in the Stalingrad Medical Institute.

  10. Last year there … were only nine faculties in the Volgograd medical University but now there … even more.

Задание2.Поставьте глагол «to be» в соответствующую форму:

1.There … only one faculty when Stalingrad medical institute was founded. 2.There … thirteen faculties at the university at present. 3.There … many new books in our library next year. 4.There … no one at home when I came. 5.There …something interesting in this article. 6.There …a few mistakes in your last week’s test. 7.There … hardly any vacant seats in the lecture hall yesterday. 8.I hope, there … no wars in future. 9.There … several new courses in our syllabus nowadays. 10.There … 15 students in our group. 11.There … no Internet facilities at our university in the past. 12.There … several ways to solve this problem 13.There … plentiful opportunities for us to find a good job when we graduate. 14.There … time to waste now. 15.There … something wrong with my computer so I asked my brother to handle the problem.

Задание3.Выберите it или there:

1.… was a pleasure for me to attend this professor’s lecture. 2.… was a course of clinical psychology that I finally chose. 3.… is a new student in our group. 4.… is only one name in this list. 5…. was necessary to pass a few concluding tests to pass the credit. 6.… is a medical college within our university. 7.… is no point in resitting for the test I failed, I still have to read for it. 8.… was something strange about his appearance. 9.… is a requirement to come to classes on time. 10.… is a rule to greet the teacher at the beginning of each class.

Задание4.Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

1.Необходимо упорно работать, чтобы успешно сдать экзамены. 2.Есть ли на кафедры свободные аудитории сейчас? 3.В настоящее время в университете обучается около 6000 студентов. 4.Студентам, которые пропускают занятия, очень трудно написать итоговую контрольную с первой попытки (at a first attempt). 5.В компьютерном классе есть несколько новых компьютеров. 6.Посещение практических занятий и лекций является обязательным требованием в нашем университете. 7.Было полезно побывать в новом реабилитационном центре. 8.В следующем году в нашем университете будет еще один новый факультет. 9.Обсуждение этой проблемы с нашим преподавателем будет очень ценным для нас. 10.Существует ряд требований для тех, кто хочет в дальнейшем заниматься научной работой. 11.Студентам важно получать глубокие знания в ходе обучения. 12.Есть несколько способов повышения рейтинговых баллов.

г)Глагол «to have to» в настоящем, прошедшем, будущем времени стр. 292-294 (Марковина, 2010)

Задание1.Прочтите следующие предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите в каком значении употребляется глагол «to have». Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

1. I have a desire to contribute in a positive way to society. 2. She had no doubt that her profession was very important. 3. You have to try to be honest with your clients. 4. We will have three classes tomorrow. 5. I have no idea where he is. 6. Social maturity has something to do with a high degree of social skill. 7. At present we have a number of means of communication – via e-mail, telephone, skype and others. 8. He had difficulty in expressing his thoughts clearly. 9. We had the advantage of knowing the answer in advance. 10. We will have plentiful career opportunities when we graduate from the university. 11. She had to handle the stressful situation alone. 12. Her words had nothing to do with my reaction. 13. They will have a lot to do tomorrow. 14. I have to work hard to catch up with other students after my long absence. 15. She had potential to cope with stressful situations.

Задание2. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола «to have» (have, has, have to, has to, had, had to, will have, will have to):

1.The doctor reported that the simple exercise … a positive impact on her condition. 2.Medical engineers who go into medical work in a healthcare system … many opportunities to increase their knowledge.3.I couldn’t come yesterday as I … an appointment with my dentist. 4.She … quit the college as her parents could not support her any longer. 5.Any physician… be able to find a way with his clients. 6.Students must … access to a good library. 7.You … hardly any success in your career unless you are well qualified.8.This pharmacy … no wheelchair access. 9.In the final year of study we … a deep understanding of major technical problems10.Postgraduate students should … all the necessary research skills.