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Forces, attraction, law, major, repulsion, magnetism

Charles Coulomb, French physicist (1736–1806)

Coulomb’s _____contribution to science were in the areas of electrostatics and ______. He is best known for developing the law, the definition of the electrostatic force of _____ and ________ (Coulomb’s _____). During his lifetime, he also investigated the strength of materials and determined the _______ that affect objects on beams, thereby contributing to the field of structural mechanics.

experiments, field, electromagnetism, changing, generators, induction

Michael Faraday, English physicist (1791 –1867)

Michael Faraday contributed to the fields of _______ and electrochemistry. His main discoveries include electromagnetic _______, diamagnetism and electrolysis. Faraday built a device to produce what he called electromagnetic rotation – this device is known as a homopolar motor. Later he performed ______ in which he discovered electromagnetic induction. His experiments established that a _______magnetic field produces an electric _______. Faraday then used this principle to construct the first dynamo (in the form of a copper disk rotated between the poles of a permanent magnet), the predecessor of modern dynamos and _________.

Conservation, inventions, first, pressures, negative, investigations

Benjamin Franklin, American scientist and inventor (1706–1790)

B. Franklin was an inventor. Among his _______ were the lightning rod, glass armonica, Franklin’s stove, bifocal glasses etc but he never patented them. His discoveries resulted from his of ________ electricity. Franklin proposed that "vitreous" and "resinous" electricity were not different types of "electrical fluid" (as electricity was called then), but the same electrical fluid under different __________. He was the _______ to label them as positive and ________, and he was the first to discover the principle of _________of charge.

B) Put 5 questions to the text you have read. Tell your partners from other groups the information you have read and ask them to answer your questions.

C) What information about these scientists which was not mentioned in the texts do you know?


Exercise 8. (Track 1). Ben Adams is telling about the role of electricity nowadays. A) Listen to the talk and tick the points that he mentions.

__ 1. He says that the invention of electricity is one of the greatest scientific achievements.

__ 2. He compares the life without electricity with living in caves.

__ 3. He mentions the sources of electricity.

__ 4. He compares electricity with other forms of energy.

__ 5. He claims that danger for people and environment is the negative point of electricity.

B) Listen again and fill in the gaps in the text below.

____________ is one of the most important ____________ ever. It is the thing that powers the Earth. ______________ no electricity, we’d be back in the dark ages. Few people stop and ____________ amazing electricity is. With the flick of a switch, you can _____________ almost anything. Think _____________ happen if there was no electricity. We’d have no TV, no computers, no _____________ signals. It would be like _____________ living in caves. There are a few _______________ about electricity, of course. Number one, it’s _______________. Thousands ______________ each year from _________________ themselves or in electrical fires. And number two, it isn’t good for the _______________. Most electricity comes from burning ________________ and that ________________ greenhouse gases.


Exercise 9. Group work. Divide into small groups (3–4 students). You are experts in physics and you are participating in ‘Physics Club’. Discuss the following questions in your small groups and present your answers (ideas) to other groups.

1. A charged comb often attracts small bits of dry paper that then fly away when they touch the comb. Explain.

2. Sparks are often seen or heard on a dry day when fabrics are removed from clothes dryer in dim light. Explain.

3. A light, uncharged metallic sphere suspended from a thread is attracted to a charged rubber rod. After it touches the rod, the sphere is repelled by the rod. Explain.

Grammar. Infinitive.

Exercise 10. Insert to where necessary before the infinitives in brackets.

1. The teacher didn’t let us … (use) our dictionaries.

2. He advised my brother … (change) his car.

3. The student didn’t want … (take) the test.

4. I made myself … (write) as carefully as I could.

5. I saw him … (cross) the road safely.

6. We haven’t got enough time … (finish) the exercise.

7. She heard the baby … (cry).

8. We were happy …(be) at home again.

9. It takes ten minutes for me … (walk) to the office.

10. The water was warm enough for the children … (swim).

11. You had better not … (drink) cold water.

12. It is too difficult for us … (understand) her language.

13. She invited us … (spend) the day with her.

14. You can’t make me … (do) what you want.

15. I’d rather … (sleep) early tonight.

16. He made me … (do) it over again.

17. She can … (sing) quite well.

18. They are unable … (agree).

19. She would rather … (work) as a waiter.

Exercise 11. Infinitive as a Subject, Predicate and Attribute. Translate the following sentences into English.

A) 1. Забути цей день було неможливо. 2. Переправлятися через річку вночі було небезпечно. 3. Завдання кожного студента – наполегливо вчитися. 4. Допомогти йому тепер – значить врятувати його. 5. ЇЇ мета – стати відомою людиною. 6. Ваше завдання – підготувати доповідь з теми «Електрика» англійською мовою.

B) 1. Він перший допоміг нам. 2. Вона написала твір останньою. 3. Вона першою розповіла мені про це. 4. Директор говорив на зборах останнім. 5. Він першим привітав нас.

Exercise 12. Infinitive as an Object. Translate the sentences into English. A) 1. Вона щаслива, що навчається у цьому університеті. 2. Вона щаслива, що навчалась у Оксфордському університеті. 3. Мені незручно, що я турбую вас. 4. Мені незручно, що я потурбував вас. 5. Він був радий поїхати туди. 6. Він буде радий, що поїхав туди.

В) 1. Я радий запросити вас на вечір. 2. Я радий, що мене запрошують на вечір. 3. Я радий, що запросив їх на вечір. 4. Я радий, що мене запросили на вечір. 5. Я радий відправити вам цей журнал. 6. Я радий, що відправив їй цей журнал. 7. Я радий, що мене посилають на конференцію. 8. Я радий, що мене відправили на цю конференцію.

С) 1. Я хочу надіслати їй телеграму. 2. Моя сестра хоче побачити їх там. 3. Вона не хоче, щоб її там побачили. 4. Дівчинка любить, щоб їй розповідали казки. 5. Дівчинка любить розповідати казки.

Exercise 13. Infinitive as an Adverbial Modifier. too/enough/ soas with infinitive. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence using too/enough/ so … as with infinitive.

e.g. It is very cold. We can’t go out. – It’s too cold for us to go out.

1. You are very young. You can’t have a front-door key.

2. It is very cold. We can’t bathe.

3. Would you be very kind and answer this letter by return?

4. I am rather old. I can’t wear that kind of hat.

5. The ladder wasn’t very long. It didn’t reach the window.

6. He was furious. He couldn’t speak.

7. The fire isn’t very hot. It won’t boil a kettle.

8. Tom was very foolish. He told lies to the police.

9. You are quite thin. You could slip between the bars.

10. Our new car is very wide. It won’t get through those gates.

Exercise 14. Translate the sentences into English.

А) 1. Погода була занадто гарною, щоб залишитися вдома. 2. Завдання було надто складним, щоб зробити його за годину. 3. Він досить досвідчений, щоб виконати це завдання. 4. Сьогодні надто холодно, щоб йти на річку. 5. У цьому тексті занадто багато нових слів, щоб зрозуміти його без словника.

В) 1. Ми взяли таксі, щоб прибути на станцію вчасно. 2. Вона пішла на пошту, щоб одержати посилку. 3. Я ввімкнув телевізор, щоб подивитися футбольний матч. 4. Вони приїхали у Київ для участі у спортивних змаганнях. 5. Щоб вивчити мову, ви повинні якомога більше читати.


Exercise 15. Translate the following text in written form.

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