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2. Do you think it's better to have a teacher or to teach yourself?

Well, there's no substitute for a good teacher. I think you can teach yourself, but you can learn a lot more quickly with the guidance of a teacher. For example, when learning a language, you really need someone to correct your mistakes; you can get the grammar and vocabulary from books, but books can't tell you where you're going wrong.

3. Do you think the traditional classroom will disappear in the future?

I don't think it will disappear, but it might become less common. I think more people will study independently, using different technologies rather than sitting in a classroom. Maybe students will attend a lesson just once a week, and spend the rest of their time following online courses or watching video lessons.

Ielts Speaking Part 3: adding details

Explain why

Give an example

Explain the alternatives

Why do you think friendship is important?

I think friendship is important for all sorts of reasons. (why?) We need friends to share experiences with, to talk to, and for support. (example?) In my case, I like to meet up with friends at the weekend to do something enjoyable, like see a film or go out for dinner. I like chatting with my friends about what we've been doing during the week, or about what's happening in the world. (alternatives?) Without friends to talk to, life would be dull and boring; we would only have our families to talk to.

Mechanization or mechanisation (BE) is providing human operators with machinery that assists them with the muscular requirements of work or displaces muscular work. In some fields, mechanization includes the use of hand tools. In modern usage, such as in engineering or economics, mechanization implies machinery more complex than had tools and would not include simple devices such as an un-geared horse or donkey mill. Devices that cause speed changes or changes to or from reciprocating to rotary motion, using means such as gears, pulleys or sheaves and belts, shafts, cams and cranks, usually are considered machines.

Ielts speaking topics (new)

1. What is the meaning of your name?

2. Does your name affect your personality?

3. Tell me something about your hometown.

4. What are the differences in accent between your hometown and Hanoi?

5. What is the character of the people like in your hometown?

6. What is people's favourite food in the region where you live?

7. Do you think that people have enough time for leisure now?

8. Are there any historic monuments in your region?

9. Describe your Job? How do you spend your typical day?

10. Tell me something about the Hue Festival.

11. How have weddings changed in recent years?

12. Tell me something about the <Holi> Festival. <change with the festival name of your country>

13. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony.

14. Name a person whom you admire? Why? What influence does he / she has on your life? Would you like to become like him / her in future?

15. Are there any traditions concerning the birth of a baby?

16. How do you like <The test city> Compare it to your hometown. How did you get to this place?

17. What place do you like best in Hanoi?

18. What places in Delhi should a foreigner visit?

19. What places would you recommend a visitor to go to in your region/hometown?

20. If you had the choice, where would you choose to live in India?

21. Which parts of India would you recommend a foreigner to visit?

22. Tell me something about your family.

23. Which is your favourite colour?

24. Do you think colours influence our life? How?

25. Which is the best place you've been to in India?

26. Who does most of the household chores in your family?

27. Are the traditional sexual roles within the family changing?

28. Why is the divorce rate increasing so rapidly? Is it a problem?

29. What is your opinion of the planning family policy?

30. How do you discipline your child?

31. Is it acceptable for couples to live together without marrying?

32. If you had the choice, would you have a son or a daughter?

33. Are you going to bring your child up any differently to the way your parents did?

34. What hopes do you have for your child? (if you are married)

35. Do women still have too heavy a burden in their day to day life?

36. Is the increasing influence of the West largely a positive or negative thing?

37. Are you looking forward to anything in particular in Australia / UK / USA ?

38. What do you do in your leisure time?

39. What will you do if you fail the IELTS?

40. Who should bear the responsibility for payment of tuition fees?

41. What can be done to improve education in rural areas?

42. Have recent changes affected your job in any way?

43. Do you agree with private education? Why?

44. What can be done to close the gap between urban and rural areas?

45. If you had the power, what changes would you carry out within education?

46. Describe a typical working day for you

47. How do you see yourself in ten years time?

48. If you had the opportunity to change your job, what would you do instead?

49. If you had one million dollars, what would you do with it?

50. If you could start your life again, would you do anything differently?

51. What ambitions do you have?

52. Which country/place would you most like to visit?

53. What changes do you think India will see in the next few years?

54. Will any possible future changes affect your job in any way?

55. How do you think you will cope abroad?

56. How does it feel to go abroad for the first time?

57. Are you looking forward to anything in particular in Australia / UK / USA ?

58. What do you do in your leisure time?

59. What will you do if you fail the IELTS?

60. Why are you giveing IELTS? What course / job do you intend to pursue after IELTS.?

Special gift

Describe the best present/gift you have received:

Who send it? What is the gift? What is it for?

When did you receive it?

Detail information about the present.

Last year , my wife celebrated my birthday at home. She bought a electronic dictionary as birthday gift. I like the electronic dictionary very much. It's blue and quite small. It fits into my pocket. I remember at that time, my wife said to me :"she decided to immigrate to Canada with me. In future, we must study very hard .And she hoped that the electronic dictionary could help me to improve my English." On that day, I was very happy because my wife agreed to immigrate to Canada finally. Also, with the help of the electronic dictionary, I made such rapid progress that before long I began to write articles in English.

1) In China, when will people send the present?

Oh, attend the party, such as Wedding Party, Birthday Party. During Spring

Festival, people give presents each other, including clothes, books, flowers and foods.

2) Compare the gift which people have received 10 years ago to the present that people now are receiving, what's the difference between them?

( try to compare the gift you received in your teenage with the gift children received now )

Oh, I think the gift was monotonic before. For example, I often received a notebook as gift. But now, there are various gifts to choose from. Such as flowers, wine, food, clothes etc.

3) Just image the gift in the future children will receive.

In the future, I think more and more children will receive intellectual gifts, such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on.

4) Just image the gift in the future people will receive.

In the future, oh, in most case, people will give flowers each other. I think flowers will be the most popular present.


What is the interesting building in your country?

What is it located?

What is it used for?

Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

I think the interesting building is the Great Wall. It runs across north China like a huge dragon. It was used to enemies. Soldiers used to keep watch on the Great Wall. When the enemy came , fires were lit to warn other soldiers. I think the Great Wall is the most interesting building. Because it is one of the wonders of the world and it was one of the few man-made objects on earth that could be seen by the astronauts who landed on the moon. Also, the Great Wall has become a symbol of both China's proud history and its present strength.

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