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1. with bias towardsтут: на користь

2. output — випуск; продукцiя

3. ... is yielded ... — виробляється

4. ferrous metallurgy — чорна металургiя

5. harvester — збиральна машина; комбайн

6. machine tools — верстати

7. to satisfy the consumers’ wants — задовольняти бажання споживачiв

8. raw material — сировина

9. outdated and worn-out production equipment — застарiле та

зношене устаткування

Vocabulary exercises

  1. Find equivalents:

1. heavy industry

2. ferrous metallurgy

3. enterprise

4. with bias towards

5. outdated equipment

6. raw materials

7. light industry

8. machine-building industry

9. coal industry

10. to satisfy the consumers’ wants и. сировина

  1. branch of industry

12. industrial output

а. легка промисловiсть

б. на користь

в. промислова продукцiя

г. вугiльна промисловiсть

д. важка промисловiсть

е. машинобудiвна промисловiсть

є. галузь промисловостi

ж. пiдприємство

з. чорна металургiя

и. сировина

і. застарiле устаткування

ї. задовольняти бажання споживачiв

II. Substitute the words in bold type by their synonyms:

1. Industry is the most significant area of Ukraine’s economy. 2. In the current structure of Ukraine’s industry a great part is occupied by heavy industry. 3. Nearly two-fifth of Ukraine’s people work in industry. 4. Many of Ukraine’s heavy industries are centred in the Donbas region. 5. It has rich mineral deposits and major industrial base in favour of heavy industry. 6. Today’s industries cannot meet the consumers’ wants. 7. A large industrial output is produced by machine-building industry.

III. Complete the following sentences:

1. In the current structure of Ukraine’s industry a great proportion is occupied ... . 2. A considerable part is played ... . 3. The machine-building industry accounts ... . 4. Ukraine’s plants and factories produce ... . 5. Today’s industries are unable ... .

IV. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are

false say why:

1. Ukraine has a developed economy with strong industry.

2. Machine-building is presently the largest branch of industry.

3. Ukraine is very rich in mineral resources.

4. The Donbas is one of the main food suppliers for the country.

5. Today’s industries are able to satisfy the consumers’ wants.

V. Match each term in Column a with its definition in Column b:

Column A Column B

1. industry

a. That which is produced or manufactured, usually in a specified period of time.

2. consumer

b. The application of science to commerce and


3. service industries

c. Anything legally owned or possessed by a person or organization.

4. technology

d. The sector of an economy that is concerned with manufacture.

5. output

e. Businesses which provide services, such as health care, legal advice or appliance repair.

6. market economy

f. An economic system in which national economic decisions are the result of decisions by individual buyers and sellers in the marketplace.

7. property

g. Anyone who uses goods and/or services.

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