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Answer the questions:

1. Are there different types of higher educational institutions?

2. Which establishments train specialists in various fields in our city?

3. What does our University provide?

4. What is the oldest Pedagogical University in the Urals?

5. What are the main points in the history of our University?

6. What kind of centre is the Perm Pedagogical University?

7. Which faculties are there at our University?

8. Can you prove that education is free for most of students?

9. How many hostels has our University got?

10. What is the teaching staff like?

11. What scientific schools have been formed at the University?

12. Where is the administration housed?

13. In which fields do the students carry out their research work?

14. What part does the University play in developing public education in the Urals?

Great britain Learn the following words and expressions:

actually – фактически

to unite – объединять

a state – государство

a capital – столица

population – население

to be situated – быть расположенным

an isle – остров (обычно с именем собственным)

a coast – побережье

to consist of – состоять из

an island – остров

to separate – разделять

to vary – менять(ся), разнообразить

mountainous – горный

all the rest – все остальное

vast – обширный

a valley – долина

a plain – равнина

to extend – простираться

to flow – протекать

a tributory – приток

to fame – прославлять

deep – глубокий

narrow – узкий

however – тем не менее

a mystery – тайна

to influence – влиять

mild – мягкий, умеренный

temperate – умеренный

to freeze – замерзать

to lie – лежать

a queen – королева

to rule – управлять

to elect – избирать

legislative power – законодательная власть

a chamber – палата

partly – частично

hereditary – наследственный

a member – член

a general election – всеобщие выборы

to hold – проводить

to receive – получать

the majority – большинство

to be appointed – быть назначенным

originally – первоначально

sheep-farming – овцеводство

wheat – пшеница

barley – ячмень

oats – овес

disadvantage – недостаток

raw material – сырье

nevertheless – однако

highly developed – высокоразвитый

oil – нефть

to consider – считать, рассматривать

moreover – более того

coal – уголь

iron ore – железная руда

coal mining – угледобыча

machinery – машинное оборудование

aircraft – самолет

equipment – оборудование

shipbuilding – судостроение

a birthplace – место рождения

famous – знаменитый

Practise the pronunciation of the following words:

official language [ə'fiSəl'læŋgwiG], area ['Fəriə], kilometer ["kilə'mJtə], relief [ri'lJf], beautiful ['bjHtiful], is called [iz'kLld], climate ['klaimit], warm [wLm], autumn ['Ltəm], typical ['tipikəl], parliamentary ["pRlə'mentəri], monarchy ['mOnəki], agricultural ["ægri'kAltSərəl], industry ['indəstri], industrial [in'dAstriəl], resources [re'sLsiz], textiles ['tekstailz], chemicals ['kemikəlz].

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