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National Stereotypes of the Belarusians

Few of us like to be told that we’re average, and Belarusians are no exeptions. In my opinion the world will be a dull place indeed when all the natioanistics behave exactly alike. The most distinctive features of the Belarusian national character is tolerance and hospitality. Also our nations value individualism quite highly, we have a sense of dignity.

The Belarusioan is generally intelligent, tactful, esay-going, hard-working and open to new ideas. Our nation has an optimistic view of life and we are humanists even in adversity. It’s necessary to notice that Belarusians are very effective workers. We are treat the business honestly, put a maximum of efforts for the result. Such persistent workers have only one lack - they talk much. Hight skill to communicate is also a typical for the nation. Representatives of our nation prossess enviable nation pride. We try to hold the traces of the past and preserve the spirit of the ancestors.

There is in Belarus society one important features, it is supporting

You work for the travel agency what would you write in a holiday brochure to advertise Belarus?

The name of our country goes back to the twelfth century and its origins have as many explanations as it various spellings.

The landscape is mostly flat. Belarus is a country of long, ribbon-like rivers, numerous streams and crystal clear, sparkling surface. The best known are the Belovezha Puscha and the Naliboki forest. The reserve in Belavezha is the major home of the European bison.

Belarus has a continental climate moderated by maritime influence from the Atlantic Ocean.

Belarus is a wonderful country of great past, a hospitable land of friendly, hospitable people, a small part of Europe, where the past and present exist side by side. We try to preserve the spirit of our ancestors. Travelling about Belarus you will enjoy the disseat of the country in every season of the year. We invite you all the best in search of new sports. No visit to Belarus would be complete without a look at ancient towns Nasvizh, Polotsk. Polotsk is the capital of the first Belarusian state and Birthplace of Francisk Skaryna and Euphrasyne Polatskaya, is the major source of pride. St. Sophia`s Cathedral is very impressive and majestic building, a place of warship and pilgrimage draws in crowds of visitors.

Niasvizh is famous for its role in past centuries. It was the capital of the mediral duchy ruled by the family of Radzivil who built a splendid palace. Mir, a small settlement founded in 1395 is renowned for its world famous 16th century castle now under reconstruction. The castle is breathtaking in its perfection.

London is a city of great attractions for tourists.

It is a common truth, that travels boarders the mind and liberalizes our outlook. And I think that London is worth visiting, because it a city with a character and atmosphere of its own.

Today London is a cosmopolitan metropolis, an exciting world which many visitors from a broad see first from the sky. Down there 7 million people are at home, not in suburbs but in the Cities of London and west minister and in districts which have remnants of the countrified past.

It`s difficult to say what is a real heat of the London, but many people would choose Picadilly Circus. Within a few hundred yards of it we find most of London`s best known theatre and cinemas, restaurants and clubs.

In the middle of Prcadilly Circus, there is a statue, there god of love. This place will really award you with enchanting images. It is out of the question to tour of London without catching a glimpse of Nelson standing high over his Trafalgar Square. Crowds of sightseers still flock there in all seasons, and at Christmas time vast tree stands three surrounded every evening by carol singers. No visit to London would be complete without a look at the Tower of London. The white Tower has a long and colorful history and the men who guard it-can tell you everything about it.

West minster Abbey is another obvious land mark of the city. It is a place where nearly all English kings and queens were crowned It is also notable for its Poet Corner, where many of the greatest English writers are buried. There you can face to face to the history and to read the epitaphs on the graves of the famous people.

St. Paul`s Catedral is also merits a visit It was built after the Great Fire in 1666. It `is the mighty and impressive cathedral.

To make sure you make the most of London home of the kings and queens of Britain, and watch the Changing of the Guard, one of the most popular tourists sights.

The British Museum and the Natural History Museum have something for everyone. They boast a priceless collection of the riches. Both of them enjoy a deserved reputation. So you don`t have to search for history in London, there is history around virtually every corner.

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