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7.3. Composition or compounding

Compounding or word-composition is linking together at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms, e.g. oak-tree, blackbird, fancy-dress-maker.

Compound words may be classified according to different principles: (1) according to the relationship and degree of semantic independence of components; (2) according to the parts of speech compound words represent; (3) according to the means of composition used to link the Immediate Constituents together; (4) according to the type of Immediate Constituents that are brought together to form o compound; (5) according to the correlative relations with the system of free word-groups.

7.4. Conversion

Conversion is the process of coining a new word in a different part of speech with a different paradigm and distribution, but without adding any derivative element and without changing the form of the derivative word, so that the original base-word and the derivative word are homonymous. E.g. ape (n.)  to ape (v.). The second word in the conversion pair is semantically derived from the first one.

According to the type of semantic relations in this pair we may distinguish the following basic conversion patterns:

1) NV: verbs converted from nouns or denominal verbs: bag to bag; this process is called verbalization;

2) V ®N: nouns converted from verbs or deverbal substantives: to move ® move; this process is called substantivation;

3) N ®A: adjectives converted from nouns or denominal adjectives: suspect (n.) ® suspect (a.); this process is called adjectivization;

4) A ®N: adjectives converted into nouns or deadjectival nouns: intellectual (a.) ® intellectual (n.); this process is called substantivation;

5) A ®Adv: adjectives converted into adverbs or deadjectival adverbs: dear (a.) ® dear (adv.); this process is called adverbialization.

7.5. Shortening and abbreviation

Shortening or abbreviation is the process of subtraction of a part of the original word.

7.5.1. Shortening or contraction

Shortening may be also called clipping, curtailment or contracting of words.

The generally accepted classification of shortened words is based on the position of the clipped part. According to the part of the word that is cut off – final, initial or middle we distinguish:

  1. final clipping (or apocope) in which the beginning of the prototype is retained; e.g. lab < laboratory;

  2. initial clipping (or apheresis [], or aphesis[]) in which the final part of the prototype is retained; e.g. chute < parachute;

  3. medial clipping (or syncope) [] in which the middle part of the prototype is left out; e.g. specs < spectacles;

  4. final clipping may be combined with initial clipping and result in curtailed words with the middle part of the prototype retained; e.g. flu < influenza.

There are cases when curtailment is combined with affixation; e.g. nightie < nightdress + -ie.

There are also cases when curtailment is combined with composition that result in compound shortening; e.g. satcom < satellite communication.

Among such formations there is a special group of derivatives named blends, blendings, fusions or portmanteau [] words; they are formed by clipping combined with blending; e.g. smog < smoke + fog.

There are cases when the words slide or inserted into one another without any clipping; this process is called telescoping; e.g. alcoholiday < alcohol + holiday “a drinking spree”.

There is a special type of curtailed forms base on clipped phrases; they result from a combined effect of curtailment, ellipsis and substantivation. Ellipsis is defined as the omission of a word or words in a word-combination or phrase; e.g. finals < final examinations.

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