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методические указания 2012.doc
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2.7. Translate the sentences into English:

1.Коровы могут переваривать большое количество грубых кормов. Молочных коров следует доить три раза в день. 2. Период лактации у коров продолжается около 10 месяцев. 3. Молозиво стимулирует нормальную деятельность кишечного тракта. 4. Поскольку летом скот пьет больше воды, чем зимой, поэтому необходимо обеспечивать обильный запас воды для скота. 5. У свиньи и лошади простые желудки.


    1. Read the text and translate it with a help of the dictionary:

As we already know, the pig is an omnivorous animal with a simple stomach. There are a number of pure breeds of pigs, including Black breeds, White breeds, and the Tamworths which have a golden-red colour. Crosses commonly show the mixed colours of the pure breeds.

Pigs thrive in the open air under summer conditions, and they can during warm weather, convert their food into meat as economically out-of-doors as in the sty.

A pregnant pig is called a sow which usually produces from 6 to 12 piglets at a litter. The act of parturition is called farrowing. On the approach of farrowing a sow should be in good condition but not fat. Close confinement prior to farrowing is harmful. Sows suckling litters require somewhat more water. Their rations should be supplied with micro and macro elements otherwise anemia will result.

One should remember that the teeth of the pig do not provide conditions for very fine grinding. That’s why they do not digest the fiber of feeds well.

3.2. Answer the following questions:

1. How many breeds of pigs do you know?

2. What do crosses commonly show?

3. What is a pregnant pig called?

4. Has the pig a compound stomach?

5. How can pigs convert their food into meat?

6. What is harmful for a pregnant sow?

7. What should the rations of sows suckling litters be supplied with?

8. Do the teeth of the pig provide conditions for very fine grinding?

3.3. Give the Russian for: omnivorous animal, farrowing, sow, simple stomach, close confinement, suckling, harmful, thrive, rations of sows, digest, sty, anemia, fine grinding, pure breed.

3.4. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. Pigs excel all other farm animals in the economy with which they convert feed into edible flesh. 2. When pigs are on good pasture, a considerable amount of protein is provided by the green forage they eat. 3. Swine, like all other animals of stock should always be supplied with plenty of water. 4. Though swine require less salt than cattle, horses or sheep, they should be supplied with it regularly. 5. Beef and mutton furnish a higher percentage of protein, on the average, than does pork.

3.5. Say if the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements:

  1. The period of gestation in swine is about 40 weeks.

  2. The pig is an omnivorous animal with a simple stomach.

  3. The pigs are kept for the production of mutton, beef and wool.

  4. Close confinement prior to farrowing is useful.

  5. A litter of piglets typically contains between 6 and 12 piglets.