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Тема 2: Environment Protection

Задание 1. Запомните следующие слова и словосочетания:

to contaminate – загрязнять soil – почва

to pollute – загрязнять harmful – вредный

to be extinct – вымирать fuel – топливо

rain-forest – тропический лес to destroy – уничтожать

environment – окружающая среда to detect – обнаруживать

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Подготовьтесь к пересказу текста на английском языке.

The Earth is our home but much of it is dirty now. It is becoming contaminated with dangerous materials. Industry, agriculture, transport, power plants are polluting the atmosphere, soil and water with substances that are harmful to all living things.

Every year people cut down more trees to provide paper, wood, medicines, mineral fuel. But it is not only trees that disappear, many animals, birds, fish, insects may be extinct. Every rain-forest also contains millions of animals, insects and flowers and they are destroyed too. We should protect certain areas and plant new forests. A number of rivers and lakes dry up. Nuclear power station is another source of pollution. It produces radiation which is dangerous for people’s health.

Ecology is the science dealing with relation between living organisms and their environment. It is a very important science because it concerns the future of our planet. The most general law for every citizen of any civilized country is to worry about environment protection.

In most industrially developed countries the rational utilization of resources is a matter of a state policy. In our country the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environment Protection is responsible for organization of control over the sources of pollution.

The present-day ecologists, specialists in safety engineering and labour protection, factory managers and engineers use special sorts of technique to monitor and detect pollution. They ought to take measures so as to make the environmental situation better. But aside from them, the numerous groups of people are engaged in environmental problems as volunteers, for example, the world-known Greenpeace organization.

II. Контрольные задания по грамматике Вариант 3

1. Выберите предложения, содержащие инфинитив:

1.1. Who can translate this sentence? a) да;

1.2. Не went to hospital a week ago. b) нет

1.3. We’ll read such texts next year.

1.4. His duty is to control the machine operation.

2. Выберите соответствующий вариант перевода предложений:

2.1. He is happy to have repaired his car.

a) Он рад, что отремонтировал свою машину.

b) Он рад, что ремонтирует машину.

2.2. The rule was difficult to understand it.

a) Правило было трудно для понимания.

b) Правило было понято с трудом.

2.3. The students were to be writing the test for 2 hours.

a) Студенты писали тест два часа.

b) Студенты должны были писать тест два часа.

2.4. The operator entered the data to be processed.

a) Оператор ввел данные, подлежащие обработке.

b) Оператор обработал поступившие данные.

3. Укажите соответствующий вариант перевода инфинитива:

3.1. To obtain the Doctor degree he worked very hard.

a) получить, b) получил, с) чтобы получить

3.2. To obtain the Doctor degree is a hard task for him.

a) получить, b) получил, с) чтобы получить

3.3. Kate was the first to answer all the questions

a) отвечать, b) ответила, с) отвечает

3.4. Do they want to be informed about their next examination?

a) сообщать, b) чтобы сообщили, с) сообщали

3.5. Nobody likes to be looked at.

a) смотрят, b) смотреть, с) смотрел

4. Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой инфинитива:

4.1. She doesn’t like … reports at the conferences. a) to make; b) make;

4.2. He can … tasty coffee himself. c) to be made;

4.3. He is sorry … some mistakes in his work recently. d) to have made

5. Определите тип инфинитивного оборота:

5.1. The weather is too cold for us to go for a walk. a) Complex Object

5.2. The article is supposed to be read by all. b) Complex Subject

5.3. The letter appeared to have been translated. c) For-phrase

5.4. She watched her son play tennis.

5.5. We believe you to be right.

5.6. The plane was reported to have landed already.

5.7. He wants the telegram to be sent at once.

5.8. He happened to see her old photos.

6. Выберите соответствующий вариант перевода предложений:

6.1. He is said to know all about it.

a) Он говорит, что знает все об этом.

b) Говорят, что он знает все об этом.

6.2. The designers were supposed to have developed the project.

a) Предполагали, что конструкторы разработали проект.

b) Конструкторы предполагали разработать проект.

6.3. I don’t like children to cry.

a) Я не люблю, когда дети плачут.

b) Я не люблю детей, которые плачут.

6.4. The teacher liked the students to have written the test well.

a) Учителю понравились студенты, написавшие тест хорошо.

b) Учителю понравилось, что студенты хорошо написали тест.

6.5. It was interesting for me to translate that story.

a) Мне было интересно переводить тот рассказ.

b) Переведенный рассказ был интересным.

6.6. I believe them to be honest people.

a) Я полагаю, что они честные люди.

b) Я верю им как честным людям.

7. Заполните пропуск соответствующей формой инфинитива:

7.1. It appeared the documents … already. a) to write; b) write;

7.2. She watched the children … an essay. с) to have been written;

7.3. She is likely … the exercises already. d) to have written

8. Определите тип предложения:

8.1. The book you gave me is very interesting. a) простое;

8.2. The signal was given and the train started. b) сложносочиненное;

8.3. I came home early and had dinner. c) сложноподчиненное

8.4. How he did that was unbelievable.

9. Употребите соответствующее средство связи:

9.1. The problem is … he can do for you. a) although; b) if;

9.2. … the problem was difficult we solved it. c) how;

9.3. … you go straight, you’ll see the museum. d) what;

9.4. The man … has just come in is our chief. e) because;

9.5. He can’t write the test … he didn’t learn the rule. f) where;

9.6. I shall go … my daughter lives. g) not so … as;

9.7. Rostov is … old … London is. h) who

III. Текст и задания к нему Вар.3

Задание 1. Переведите текст в письменном виде.

Today machines have to withstand such tremendous stresses and to be able of such complex motions that complicated and specialized calculations taking hundreds of factors into account are needed in the design of quite a simple mechanism like a motor-car engine.

As engineering progresses, engineers must become ever more scientific and specialized. Today the branches of engineering are so wide that it is impossible to classify them satisfactorily. But we may try to divide them. The main divisions of engineering may be listed as follows:

1. Mechanical engineering.

Steam engines, internal combustion engines, turbines (steam, gas, water), pumps, compressors, machine-tools, mechanisms.

2. Electrical engineering.

a) Power: generators, motors, transformers, transmission (power lines);

b) Electronics: radio, radar, television.

3. Civil engineering.

Dams, tunnels, roads, and so on.

4. Structural engineering.

The structural details of all large buildings and bridges.

5. Chemical engineering.

Any of these branches of engineering may require special services of the following specialists: the metallurgist; the strength of materials expert; the thermodynamics of heat expert; the mechanics or machines expert; various production engineering experts such as the engineering designer or the tool designer and so on. The engineer must also deal with the economists to be sure that he designs products which are in demand and their manufacture is economically justified.

In recent years engineering has changed significantly. The change in manufacturing technologies is startling. Thanks to the introduction of computers and new technologies like “virtual reality” people are more in control than ever. This also means the engineering employers are looking for people with a wide range of skills and broad-minded personalities: from lone-theorists to more gregarious and practical individualists; from managers who can get along with people, lead teams and solve problems to creative designers with a keen sense of market realities. Engineering needs them all – women as well as men.

Задание 2. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Why are complicated calculations needed in the design of simple machines?

2. Why does the engineer deal with the economists? 3. What does introduction of computers mean for engineering? 4. What kind of people are the engineering employers looking for?