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17. Distinguishable values in the uk.

Societies change over time while their reputation lags behind. Many things which are often regarded as typically British derive from books, songs or plays which were written a long time ago & which are no longer representative of modern life. Like any other society, the British like to create an agreeable picture of themselves. The British possess definite number of values.

1. Stability & Change :

Stability: the British may not behave in traditional ways, but they like symbols of the tradition & stability.

Britain is characterized by

1. conservatism & individualism. And it is revealed through:

• the system of the British government which is hereditary monarchy;

• driving on the left;

• reluctance to change their system of currency, to introduce Euro;

• preserving their own system of measurements;

• politicians’ enthusiasm for ‘traditional family values’ (both parents married & living together, parents as the main source of authority for children).

2. the 2nd typical feature of stability is respect of history & traditions, which is revealed through ceremonies at the level of public life (the annual ceremony of the state opening of Parliament)

3. the 3d one is combination of formality & informality. The vivid image of the existence of this value is created with the help of the way they are dressed. Formality is revealed through the dress-code people should follow while performing public roles during the week, when they are “on duty”. Informality is revealed through dressing down on Sundays, when people can wear smth really scruffy.

Change: there are many examples of supposedly typical British habits which are not typical any more:

1. the stereotyped image of the London “city gent” is substituted by multinational community

2. social stratification is not so vivid nowadays. Nobody wants to be thought as snobbish. The word “posh” illustrates this tendency. It is used y people from all classes to mean a person of a class higher than the speaker belongs to. It is normally used with negative connotation.

3. a phenomenon of “inverted snobbery” appeared. It means that working –class people are proud of their class membership & don’t wish to belong to any other class.

4. changing food habits. The traditional British breakfast is now eaten only by 10% of population. Coffee, hot tea is more preferable now.

5. it is now acceptable for TV & radio presenters to speak with other accents, not only with strict RP.

2. Voluntarism.

Voluntarism is characterized by active involvement into charity work. This voluntary activity is a basic part of British life. It is not surprising that many of the world’s well-known charities (Amnesty International, the Save the Children Fund) began in Britain.

3. Moderation, Tolerance, Reserve.

The British people are more reserved than the people of many other countries I can prove it with the help of the habit to form queues whenever the British are waiting for smth, but ths doesn’t mean they enjoy it, they are patient people.

4. Love of animals, nature, wildlife:

1. gardening is a wide spread hobby

2. the British enjoy beautiful lawns

3. organize cemeteries for pets

4. cruelty for animals is a criminal offense

5. the British have the idealized vision of countryside. Nature makes such positive feelings as peace & quietness, beauty, good health, no crime, stability.