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Master's examinatons.10- variants.doc
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II Variant

1 limitate a b c

2 repetitive a b c

3 visualize a b c

4 approvement a b c

5 courageous a b c

6 typify a b c

7 abolition a b c

8 brightness a b c

9 miserable a b c

10 senselles a b c

Variant III

I Read the text and do two tasks below it

Building a global brand

Coca-Cola is the most recognized brand in the world. When the company began, it was very small. For the first year, it sold only nine drinks a day. Today, it sells about 7,000 products every second.

John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola in 1886. He made it at home and brought to a shop where he sold it for five cents a glass. He worked with a man called Frank Robinson who invented the name Coca-Cola. It is still used on the bottles today. In 1891 the Coca-Cola company was bought for 2,300 dollars. In 1919, the company was sold for 25 million dollars. Robert Woodruff who became the president of the Coca-Cola company in 1923, stayed in the job for more than thirty years and helped Coca-Cola to become one of the largest companies in the world. By 1945, there were 64 Coca-Cola factories across the world.

A global brand must look the same everywhere in the world. All the Coca-Cola factories use the same bottles. The colours red and white have been an important part of the brand since those days.

1 Are the statements below true (t) or false (f)?

a Coca-Cola sends more than 40,000 products a minute.

b Coca-cola is more than 100 years old.

c J. Pemberton invented a new drink and its name in 1886.

d J. Pemberton sold the Coca-Cola company in 1919.

e All the Coca-Cola products are the same in form and colour.

2 Complete the sentences 1-5 with the correct endings a-e.

1 John Pemberton started a thanks to its colours.

2 The new product got its name b not once.

3 The Coca-Cola company got its world popularity c thanks to Robert Woodruff.

4 The company was resold d with the price of five cents a glass.

5 The drink can be recognized easily e thanks to Frank Robinson.

II Read the text and choose the phrase (a, b or c) that best completes the sentences 1-5. Michelangelo

Michelangelo, one of the greatest artists of all times, was born on 6th March 1475 in Caprese, where his father, Lodovico Buonarotti, served as a magistrate for six months. Lodovico was not a wealthy man but he claimed he was descended from an aristocratic family and he was very proud of this connection. Michelangelo grew up in Settignano, a little mountain town just outside Florence. One of the first sights Michelangelo must have become familiar with was the dome of the beautiful Cathedral in Florence, which dominated the city then as it still does today. At school, Michelangelo was by no means an outstanding pupil; lessons did not appeal to him at all. The only thing he wanted to do was to draw and ‘waste his time, as his elders probably called it, in the workshops of various painters and sculptors in the city. One can imagine the eager boy, for whom art was the most important thing in his whole life, watching the wonderful pictures and statues which filled the beautiful churches of Florence. His best friend while he was still a schoolboy was Francesco Granacci, who, although six years older than Michelangelo, seems to have taken an interest in the boy and helped him to draw and paint. Michelangelo’s choice of profession did please his father at all. Only the most successful of artists in Florence could make any money.

1 When at school, Michelangelo

a) did well b)did not belong to the best pupils c) missed classes very often

2 Michelangelo was born in

a) an aristocratic family b) a rich family c) a rather poor family

3 Michelangelo spent a lot of time

a) in the beautiful cathedral in Florence b) with the painters and sculptors

c) with his best friend

4 Lodovico Buonarotti was not happy about his son’s profession because

a) there were a lot of artists in Florence b) not many artists made money

c) he did not consider his son talented enough.

5 The Cathedral dominates Florence because

a) it is very beautiful b) attracts people’s attention

c) it is the highest building in the city

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