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Egypt voters: 'We're making history'

Egyptian voters reflect on the experience of taking part in their first open and competitive presidential election, 15 months after ousting President Hosni Mubarak.

On Wednesday I set my alarm an hour early because I knew it was going to be a big day - one that we've been waiting for so long.

It was a fine day, there was a breeze, and people were just optimistic. You can't fail to be when you know that you're about to make history.

The queue was longer than we expected about 45 minutes before voting actually began. Just like we did during the parliamentary elections, we mingled with the others waiting to vote - socialising, talking about anything but the candidates we were supporting.

I was a supporter of Khalid Ali, but I switched to [independent] Hamdin Sabbah who has more or less the same ideological platform especially regarding social welfare.

I'm positive about the process of voting but not so positive about the potential outcome. My main concern now is that Egyptians may not accept the result whoever wins the election.

I've already heard people saying they are ready to go to Tahrir Square once more if voters elect someone from the old regime or from the Muslim Brotherhood.

Raouf Aly Hafez, 68, retired, Cairo

This is my first vote for a president in all my 68 years.

I was at the polling station from the early hours of the morning - arriving an hour before it opened and waiting for another hour before voting.

I have never witnessed so many women voters along with the men - I pray that this is a good omen. People are taking part for the first time. They are now being counted as human beings.

I hope this election will change Egypt for the better. I also hope things will settle down after the process and the country will become more stable, then we can get the economy back on its feet and the tourists will come back.

I am looking for a leader with experience - I don't want someone who is learning on the job, so I voted for [former foreign minister] Amr Moussa.

Whoever wins I wish him all the best as we should all rally together for the good of this country.

Interviews by Nathan Williams, BBC News

Egypt voters: 'We're making history' -1

Ahmed Sherif Soufi, 22, manager at software firm, Giza

The voting was really smooth and there were lots of positives. The queue was long but military and police officials did their job in organising it. The process inside the polling station did not take more than five minutes.

The way normal people reacted towards different candidates shows that Egypt is really going in the right direction. People waiting in the queue were happy to be able to exercise their right to vote.

As an Egyptian, I am really proud to be a part of this - and proud of finally being able to get my voice heard. Of course, it is important not to forget our martyrs - we wouldn't be in this situation if they hadn't acted.

I want my country to become more organised and to stand up for Egyptians abroad. I want the government to tackle poverty - it's not nice to see hungry children when you walk down a street.

What happens next depends on who wins. I don't want to see any candidate who served in the old regime win this election - as they will just bring back that regime. I don't want the Muslim Brotherhood to win either as they already have control of parliament.

I voted for [moderate Islamist] Abdul Moneim Aboul Fotouh but would be happy if [independent] Hamdin Sabbahi won.

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