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Текст VI


Доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении; полезный; действительный

surface, by all means, all funds, this book is not , tickets for one day only


(При) годность


Синхронизация, тактирование; настройка выдержки

of the changes

Планирование изменений


Хронирование шага задания


Синхронизация машины


Сигнал синхронизации


The many video subsystems available with (в) the PCs and PS/2s present a variety of programmable control interfaces to (для) the video hardware. For example, all PC and PS/2 video subsystems have a cathode ray tube (CPT) controller circuit (чтобы) to coordinate the tim­ing signals that(которые) control the video display.

Although (хотя) the video control circuits can be programmed in (в) application software, all (все) video subsystems have different programming interfaces. Fortunately (к счастью), all PCs and PS/2s are equipped with (c) basic video control routines in (в) the ROM BIOS.

Текст VII

To dedicate

Посвящать, предназначать


Выделенный, назначенный; специализированный


Посвящение, преданность

To represent





Adj представительный, n представитель


Последовательный; постоянный, согласующийся


PCs and PS/2s have several input/output subsystems with (со) specialized control circuitry that (которая) provides an interface between (между) the CPU and the actual I/O hardware. For example, the keyboard has a dedicated controller chip that (которая) transforms the electrical signals generated by (при помощи) keystrokes into (в) 8-bit codes that (которые) represent the indi­vidual keys. All (все) disk drives have separate con­troller circuitry that (которая) directly controls the drive; the CPU communicates with © the controller through (через) a consistent interface. The serial and parallel communications ports also (также) have dedi­cated input/output controllers.

Урок №3 Текст I

To avoid







Улучшение, усовершенствование

To improve




To add

Дополнять, складывать

To evolve

Эволюционировать, развивать


Возможность (благоприятная)


Своевременный, благоприятный

To bypass

Обходить, не принимать во внимание











Задание №1. Найдите (в Тексте) в выделенном жирным шрифтом предложении простое сказуемое и полное подлежащее и переведите.

Задание №2. Английские технические тексты зачастую пишутся гораздо более живым языком, чем русские, и в них много слов, которые используются не только в профессиональной речи. Найдите в Тексте:

Перед прыжком в... ; стоящая за... ; концентрируется вокруг; не путайте с... ; по нашему разумению; здравая идея; полезные результаты; поддерживает (поощряет); проклятие (бич); повышает шансы; было бы наивно с нашей стороны; по той или иной причине; настолько прямо с..., насколько возможно; красноречиво (красочно) называется; программирование на все более низком уровне, вплоть до «голого железа»; все же; все более мощный; не обязательно имеет результатом; значительно более быстрый; самый быстрый путь; во много раз медленнее; осуществляете средствами DOS; сопоставьте это с... ; лучший путь к... ; имейте ввиду; несколькими средствами/ способами; уравновесить, взвесить (альтернативные) варианты; чем больше вы знаете..., тем лучше... .

Design Philosophy

Before leaping into the following chapters, we should discuss the design philosophy behind the PC family. This will help you understand what is (and what isn’t) important or useful to you.

Part of the design philosophy of the IBM personal computer family centers around a set of ROM BIOS service routines that provide essentially all the control functions and operations that IBM considers necessary. The basic philosophy of the PC family is: let the ROM BIOS do it; don't mess with direct control. In our judgment, this is a sound idea that has several beneficial results. Using the ROM BIOS routines encourages good programming practices, and it avoids some of the kludgy tricks that have been the curse of many other computers. It also increases the chances of your programs working on every member of the PC family. In addition, it gives IBM more flexibility in making improvements and additions to the line of PC computers. However, it would be naive for us to simply say to you, "Don't mess with direct control of the hardware." For good reasons or bad, you may want or may need to have your programs work as directly with the computer hardware as possible, doings what is colorfully calledprogramming down to the bare metal.“

Still, as the PC family has evolved, programmers have had the opportunity to work with increasingly powerful hardware and system software. The newer members of the PC family provide faster hardware and better system software, so direct programming of the hardware does not necessarily result in significantly faster programs. For example, with an IBM PC running DOS, the fastest way to display text on the video display is to use assembly language routines that bypass DOS and directly program the video hardware. Video screen output is many times slower if you route it through DOS. Contrast this with a PC/AT or PS/2 running OS/2, where the best way to put text on the screen is to use, the operating system output functions. The faster hardware and the efficient video output services in OS/2 make direct programming unnecessary.

As you read the programming details we present in this book, keep in mind that you can often obtain a result or accomplish a programming task through several means, including direct hardware programming, calling the ROM BIOS, or using some service. You must always balance portability, convenience, and performance as you weigh the alternatives. The more you know about what the hardware, the ROM BIOS, and the operating system can do, the better your programs can use them.