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To google

To google – as a verb. Of course, everybody’s heard of Google the search engine – popular development of the 1990s. In fact, in 1999, Google was designated the most useful word by the American Dialect Society, as a verb! ‘I’m going to google.’ ‘We are googling.’ And, of course, there’s all sorts of associated words that have come since – you know, ‘we are googlers, if we google!’ And people who google a lot are ‘google-minded’ and I suppose there are lots of other coinages too.

The word itself comes from a mathematical term, ‘googol’, and a term meaning 10 to the 100th power, an impossibly large concept, indeed. And, of course, the Google search engine has also become impossibly large! When you go searching for a word on Google, you might get a million hits, or 10 million hits, or a hundred million hits.

Of course, the penalty of success is when you have a word enter the language and it was originally a word that you thought you owned. In fact, the firm Google is very concerned over this use as a verb, because it is their trade mark – they like to keep the capital letter in the definition, for example – if you use it, they say, do use it with a capital ‘G’. But they’ve got a problem, I mean, no firm, and no matter how big, can control language change!

They’re not the first firm to be worried about this sort of thing. Xerox, once upon a time, was very worried about the way their name had become part of the language as a whole, you know, ‘I’m going to Xerox something’, meaning – I’m going to photocopy something. And Hoover was another one, you know, it now means any sort of vacuum cleaner. Of course, Hover is a particular brand of vacuum cleaner. So Google are a bit worried about this use of their name as a verb, but they won’t be able to stop it. As I say, no firm, no matter how big, can control language change.

b) Read the article again and decide if the following statements are true or false, according to Professor.

27. In 1990 a language society said google was the most useful word.

28. The name ‘Google’ comes from a word used in mathematics.

29. Professor Crystal comments that the Google search engine might be too effective.

30. The company Google thinks the verb should be written ‘google’, not ‘Google’.

31. Professor Crystal says that the company name ‘Hoover’ is also used as a verb.

32. Professor Crystal thinks that businesses cannot manage the way people use their names and trademarks.

c) Find the phrases in the text that have the following meanings.

33. the number 1 followed by 100 zeros

34. to make a copy of a document

35. the specific name of a commercial product, similar to trademark

36. punishment

Task 4. Writing (20 MARKS)

a) Study the advertisement and write the letter of application.

Core Systems Engineer

Founded in 1994, listed on the NASDQ (WFII), with 2500 employees throughout the world, WFI (Wireless Facilities International Ltd) is the largest independent RF engineering company in the world providing business consulting, technical consulting, and Network Engineering services to the largest mobile operators and equipment manufacturers. We are currently looking for Core Systems Engineers. This role involves taking part of the customer installation unit working towards installation and support of in-house core applications within billing, roaming and Interconnect.

The role would involve review of technical documentation, analysis, design, system integration and support requiring experience from CDR (Call Detail Records). Project management experience would be of value. If you feel that you are suitable for this role please apply in writing, with full CV to the HR Department at the address below:


Wireless Facilities, Inc.

4810 Eastgate Mall

San Diego CA 92121

United States

Task 5. Speaking (20 MARKS)

a) Discuss the suggested topic:

1. What questions do you think an Interviewer and applicant could ask as job interviewer’s and applicant’s questions.

2. Imagine that you are making a presentation at the International Conference in London. Give a 5 minute report on industrial development in Ukraine.

3. You are telling your fellow-students what scientific research you are now working at. Much of researches still remain undone but your time is up because you have to make up a report in 2 weeks. Share your concern with your fellow-students and tell them about your plans in the nearest future.

4. You have received an invitation to an International Conference “Innovations in Ukrainian Science and Engineering”. Give a 5 minute report on “Science in Ukraine past, present and future”.

5. KPI as the cradle of inquiring minds in science and engineering.

6. Why did you choose this specialty?

7. We can’t imagine our life without computers.

8. You take part in the International Conference dedicated to “European language years”. Inform your colleagues about it.

9. You take part in an International Conference. Make a about the ecological problems in Ukraine.

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