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Sexual discrimination at work and at home

Since time immemorial, issues of sexual discrimination especially against women have been widespread. There are many forms of discrimination but discrimination based on sex has been the most dominant. During different periods of time and in different civilizations, people have been discriminated on the basis of culture, ethnic background, and language, and race, physical and mental challenges among others.

Sexual discrimination involves devaluation or degradation of a person or persons of a given sex based on, gender roles, beliefs, or a person’s attitude. Sexual discrimination mostly referred to as sexism in relation to women may involve prejudice and hatred to the opposite sex and in extreme circumstances lead to violence against people of the other gender. For instance, we have seen examples of confessed serial killers targeting people of the opposite sex where the reasons are purely based on sexual discrimination. These are extreme forms of discrimination on the basis of gender. Sexual discrimination is widespread and can be found in all sections of society. Generalized sexual discrimination does not discriminate against a section of men or women but rather discriminates against the entire population. Sexual discrimination will be found in the homestead, in the education sector, military service, office, or corporation settings among many other areas.

Sexual discrimination especially against women has been practiced for many years. For example in law and universal suffrage. Many countries restricted the legal existence of a married woman for many years. As thus, the woman was deemed as a property of the man and had no authority. In addition, women were not allowed to vote since they were not recognized as being men who were allowed to vote. Objectification of women has also played a significant role in increasing discrimination against women. As a result, issues of “pornography” illegal in many jurisdictions have also contributed towards sexual discrimination against women.

As we have seen, there are many forms of discrimination on the basis of gender. It is true that much discrimination is against women but the opposite is also true. For instance, cases of domestic violence where the wife is the batterer and not the bartered victim are on the increase globally. This according to certain scholars is as a result of increasing campaigns on gender equality and the rise of women to positions of power in different parts of the world. As a result, women are now emerging from their cocoons and taking up their rightful positions in the homestead and society according to some of these scholars.

Institution of marriage today

Today, a lot of significant number of people are being married and still being single. This has changed their lives and gives differences between one another. In this essay, I’m going to compare and contrast the differences between single people lives and married people lives in lifestyle, companionship, and responsibility.

In lifestyle, single people will have much more privacy in their lives. They will not be bothered by anybody at home. Nobody will command them not to sleep late, not to watch movie too much and so on and so on. Therefore, single people live life freely. They can spend their time with their friends anywhere at anytime they want. In contrast, married people will be bothered with their partners. They have to take care of each other and if they have children things would become a lot more complicated. They can’t live a free lifestyle. They need to get permission from their partners if they want to go out with friends, best friends or whatever you name it. In general, married people are more busy because simply the strong bond between their children and their partners are tangible.

Secondly, companionship is another distinct difference between single and married people lives. A husband will depend on his wife, and a wife will depend on her husband. Livelihood will be achieved easily by married people from their partners, parents and from their children. In contrast, single people don’t depend on anybody except their friends and parents. They can’t trust anyone else to share their secrets or to rely on shoulders. However, livelihood can be achieved from their parents and their friends.

Lastly, married people are more responsible and busy than single people. They have to manage their money or expenses gently and economically every day. They are also responsible for raising their children and guiding their families in the right manner. Otherwise, they can ruin their lives easily. Married people are also responsible to manage their time for their families. They have to spend their time with their children, husband or wife every day. In contrast, people who still remain single don’t have schedule to look after their children or partners and they are not obligated to guide and/or manage their livings. Therefore, they are much less responsible than married people.

There they are; lifestyle, companionship, and responsibility are the 3 main differences between single and married people lives. In my opinion, being a married person is better than being a single person, because we are created by God with partner like Adam and Eve story.

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