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Часть 3. Планирование

Yetton Contingency Model of Leadership Behavior», Academy of Management Review 4,1979,249-257.

16 Jennifer T. Ettling and Arthur G.Jago, «Participation under Conditions of Conflict: More on the Validity of the Vroom-Yetton Model», Journal of Management Studies 25,1988, 73-83: Madeline E. Heilman, Harvey A. Homsteinjack H. Cagejudith K. Herschlag, «Reac­ tions to Prescribed Leader Behavior as a Function of Role Perspective: The Case of the Vroom-Yetton Model», Journal of Applied Psychology, February 1984, 50-60; Arthur G. Jago and Victor H. Vroom, «Some Differences in the Incidence and Evaluation of Part­ icipative Leader Behavior», Journal of Applied Psychology, December 1982,776-783.

17 Tom Richman, «One Man's Family», Inc., November 1983,151-156.

18 Irving L.Janis, Group Think. 2d ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982, 9; Glen Whyte, «Groupthink Reconsidered», Academy of Management Review 14, 1989, 40-56; Brian Mullen, Тага Anthony, Eduardo Salasjames E. Driskell, «Group Cohesiveness and Quality of Decision Making: An Integration of Tests of the Groupthink Hypothesis», Small Group Research 25, no. 2, May 1994,189-204.

19 Woodruff v/itli Miller, «Chrysler's Neon».

20 Aimee L. Stern, «Why Good Managers Approve Bad Ideas», Working Woman, May 1992, 75,104.

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