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5.3 Прочитайте текст и отметьте, истинны или ложны (True or False) данные утверждения, согласно тексту. Исправьте ложные утверждения.

  1. By the 1930s there had been great changes in the thinking of mainstream economists. T

  2. Keynes’ General Theory was published in the period of the Great Depression. T

  3. Keynes demonstrated that there could be no long-term unemployment.F

Keynes demonstrated that unemployment could persist indefinitely, unless someone stepped in to increase total demand.

  1. Keynes suggested that government regulation led to economic stabilization. T

  2. Modern economists reject the ideas advanced by the “Keynesian Revolution”.F

The ideas advanced by the “Keynesian Revolution” have become part of conventional wisdom.

5.4 Найдите в тексте слова со сходным значением.

  1. Goods - commodities

  2. well-known - noted

  3. not to interfere - to keep hands off

  4. main - most

  5. to come into equilibrium - to come into balance

  6. ratio - at a point

  7. whole - total

  8. to go up - to lead

  9. usual - conventional

5.5 Составьте фразы из слов в колонках a и b.

A. 1) to amass a fortune B.

2) to find a job

3) market demand

4) business failure

5) economic thinking

6) to increase price

7) to reverse the trend

8) full employment

9) influential economist

5.6 Дайте развернутые ответы на вопросы в письменной форме.

  1. What is the “Keynesian Revolution”?

The Keynes General Theory transformed economic thinking in the 20th century. Keynes demonstrated that it was possible for total supply and demand to be at equilibrium at a point well under full employment. What is more, Keynes demonstrated that unemployment could persist indefinitely, unless someone stepped in to increase total demand.

The ‘someone’ Keynes had in mind was government.

  1. Are Keynes’ ideas applicable to your country’s present economic situation?

Yes, they are. Today the government in our country abandoned laissez faire in favor of an active role in economic stabilization


6.1 Подберите правильный перевод к словам и фразам.

  1. comparative advantage d) сравнительное преимущество

  2. tariff (n) g) пошлина

  3. obtain (v) b) получать, приобретать

  4. free trade h) свободная торговля

  5. exchange (n) a) обмен

  6. specialize (v) c) специализировать(ся)

  7. industrial power e) промышленная держава

  8. protection (n) f) протекционизм

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