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In the hearts of many the truth of the old saying that there is no place like home.

Unit 9

Mr smith's birthday party

This year John turned fifty. Because this is a special birthday in England, Helen decided to throw a surprise party for him. A month before the event she booked a room in a restaurant in Stratford. She chose Stratford because it is a pretty town. It is also one of John's favourite places. Helen then set about secretely contacting all their family and friends. It was sometimes difficult to keep Johnfrom suspecting anything. It was also difficult to make some people understand that it was to be a surprise. For example, the only time she could ring John's father was when John happened to be in the house. Helen sent him out to work in the garden, then picked up the phone. John's dad is hard of hearing, and just as Helen was shouting the invitation to him, John came back in. Of course, he wanted to talk to his dad and Helen was in terrible suspense lest old Mr Smith should mention the party. She knew he had not really understood her. However, he said not a word and everything was alright. .

A month of such secret planning was more than Helen could stand. She was glad when the day actually arrived, but nervous in case something went wrong. She had told John that for this birthday they would just go to Stratford and potter round. He agreed as he did not often make a big fuss of his birthday. Helen had bought him a new watch and he wore it when they went out. Arriving in Stratford it was difficult to find a place to park the car, but eventually they found a very convenient spot. They wandered along the river and then around the shops. It was a lovely day and many peo­ple were out. It therefore was not at all surprising that they should bump into some old friends out­side Shakespeare's house. Nor that they should meet a couple of John's colleagues near the theatre. John was certain that he saw his father somewhere in the distance. Helen, however, argued that his father could not possibly be in Stratford. Why would he come all the way from London just to visit Stratford for the day. when Birmingam and his son were so near? Helen was by now very nervous. Surely John would guess and her surprise would be ruined! Eventually it was time for her to suggest having a meal at their favourite restaurant. It would be her treat as a kind of birthday present. John readily agreed, little guessing that not just a quiet luncheon with his wife was awaiting him. Great was his surprise when he saw his brother-in-Iaw's car parked outside the restaurant, and greater still when in the foyer he saw his son and daughter! They were supposed to be in their respective University towns! What a crowd of people he found inside ready to wish him a happy birthday. Needless to say, it was a happy one indeed.

From theatre

Julia decided that Tom must come again. It was not long before an opportunity presented itself. "You know that young accountant of yours," she said to Michael. "Tom Fennell's his name. I met him out at supper the other night and I've asked him to dinner next Sunday. We want an extra man".

"Oh, d'you think he'll fit in?' "He will".

It was rather a grand party. It was on that account she had asked him. She thought it would please him to meet some of the people he had known only from their pictures. She had realized already that he was a bit of a snob. Well, that was all to the good; she could give him all the smart people he wanted.

Their play was running through August, and Michael had taken a house at Taplow so that they could spend the height of the summer there. Julia was to come up for her performances and Michael when business needed it, but she would have a day in the country and Sundays. Tom had a fortnight's holiday; he accepted the invitation with alacrity. On Sundays they had a good many people down for the day, actors and actresses, an occasional writer, and a sprinkling o/some o/their grander friends. Julia found these parties very amusing and she knew that people liked to come to them. On the first Sunday after Roger's arrival there was a great mob. Roger was very polite to the guests. He did his duty as part host like a man o/the world.

Unit 10

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