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Seminars in English Lexicology.doc
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Archaisms and Neologisms.

Assignment 1 .

Translate the following words and divide them into archaisms and historisms.

To chide, bloomers, to slay, hansom, billow, landau, beauteous, breastplate, Berlin, betwixt, lone, oft, steed, prairie shooter.

Assignment 2.

Read the following words and try to guess their meanings, then consult a dictionary .

Welfare-mother, neighbour-watch, heliport, boot-sale, fresher, bananas, Eurocrat, infomercials, Oxbridge, loadsamoney.

Assignment 3.

Classify the following neologisms according to the ways they are formed.






Syntactical neologisms



A free-fall, me-first-ism, umbrella, to bottle-feed, perestroika, a rah-rah, yuppie, a youth-quake, teeny-weeny, all-or-none, sexism, Irangate, TGIF, sheepskin, middle-of-the roader, to headhunt, danceaholic, DINKs, whiz kid, punkster, sleeping policeman, all-at-onceness, talk-n’-chalk, dolce vita, know-how.

Assignment 4.

Explain the meanings of the following neologisms taking into account the meaning of a component common to each group

a) In – inside (is used with nouns to form adjectives)

In-city, in-house, in-car, in-college, in-flight

b) In – the most fashionable, modern ( is used before nouns to form nouns)

In-language, in-crowd, in-group, in-thing.

c) In - as a second component in a compound word – a protest, strike or any kind of a meeting (is used after verbs to form nouns)

Sit-in, laugh-in, paint-in, teach-in, read-in

Assignment 5.

Form neologisms on analogy with the following examples and translate them.

Water-proof (doesn’t let water pass through it): burglar, germ, depression.

Sea-sick (feel ill when at sea): home, train, plane.

To job-hop (to change jobs very often): museum, bar, bed, party.

User-friendly: reader, audience, teacher.

Appendix lexicological analysis of the text

I. Etymology

1. Give examples of native words of the common Indo-European word-stock (cognates in Latin, Greek, German, Russian) and the common Germanic word-stock (cognates in Gothic, German, etc.), characterize their peculiarities.

2. Give examples of borrowings, etymological hybrids and doublets. Characterize them according to their origin (source) and degree of assimilation. Find international words.

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