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5. Talk about madame tussaud’s as one of london’s famous museums.

It often comes as a shock for Londoners that Madame Tussaud’s museum is one of the capital top tourist attractions. Many find it gruesome and frightening. Others maintain that its collection of wax statues has no artistic merit. Yes, despite this criticism, Madam Tussauds has become a world famous. Millions of tourists from overseas and from other parts of Britain wouldn’t consider their trip to the capital worthwhile without a stop at the unusual waxwork exhibition. M T aws French in origin and was herself a model of waxwork in her uncle’s waxwork museum in Paris. She is said to perfect her skills by modeling the royal family of France. In 1802 she brought the collection, inherited from her uncle.

A great number of waxwork are on display at M T’s. the exhibition consists of a series of halls:

1)in the first hall there’s« the Sleeping beauty» figure. By the way the figures are really durable and this one (s b) was cast from M T’s oldest models.

2)the 2nd hall is known as «the Conservatory», where visitors can view life-size wax models of sport, TV and film personalities. Accurate measurement and photographic preferences, photo all the way round the body, they are taken from many angles for the statue to be as lifelike as possible; it’s also very important to capture the personality. Also «multimedia environment» effect is used to create a special atmosphere.

3) next to «Super Star» in the Grand Hall. This room is peopled by revere historical, political, military and royal figures from Henry 8 to Gorbachev. Pr minister of GB and from abroad.

4) the next hall is undoubtedly the most famous of the waxwork rooms «The Chamber Of Horrors». Nowhere are the visitors quieter than in this eerie place with terrifying scenes, keeping breath of history. There are models of execution, famous murders like Christie and in the-cells, the most infamous 20th century prisoners who were sentenced to life imprisonment for their wild crimes.

So, it’s easy to understand why some people criticize parts of M T’s for it’s horror and sensationalism. It’s even easier to understand why more people go there to be entertained.

6. Taik about holywood and the epics produced there in the 1930s and 1940s.

Nowadays for million if people there’s nothing better than watching a good film and the vast majority of films are produced in Hollywood. But what we really know about this really know about this great-star factory? To tell the truth, everything we read about the great days of Hollywood in the 30’s and 40’s seems like exaggeration. The studious always said their film were «superb» and «colossal» because vast sum of money that had been spent to produce them. But if we look deeper, we will be totally surprised at how the people in charge of the studious could make good films at all.

Almost all the owners of the big films companies developed the philosophy of «the bigger, the better», owing the production companies, cinemas, studious and being very powerful in the film industry. But in private life they were ignorant, unattractive people and were believed to be monsters.

I suppose it’s very funny to trace the history of production some epics, like Samson and Delilah, that cost money. First of all, a massive actor cast as Samson, was not as brave as he looked. He was afraid of the fame lion his stand-in had to fight, of the imitation swords in the battle scenes, and what’s the funniest—he was afraid of the wind machine. But despite all this, Samson and Delilah made a profit at the box office.

«Gone with the wind» was the most expensive picture, which was made at that time. Even screen tests took almost as long as «Gone with the wind»itself. It’s an interesting fact, that Vivien Leigh got the part of Scarlet while the film had already been started. She won an Oscar for her outstanding performance and deserved it. The film was a really big hit. But I believe that all the previous screen tests with 1400 people was a waste of money and there must have been thousand of really strong and handsome actors who could have played the part of Samson without being frightened of the wind machine. Nobody will deny if I say that epics encouraged extravagance, but they very seldom gave value for money even when they made profit. I must confess that produces who think that the more money they spend, the greater profit they would make will become completely failures one day.AND 1940S.