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Vocabulary notes

broadcaster - диктор; (радио- или теле-)вещательная компания

broadsheet - большой лист бумаги с печатным текстом на одной стороне; листовка; плакат (зд. серьёзная пресса)

contemporary – современник; современный

fictionalization - рассказ о событиях, с изменениями и добавлением некоторых деталей; использование реальных событий в качестве сюжетной основы для литературного или драматического произведения

grime - грязь ( тж. перен. )

grimy - запачканный, покрытый сажей, углем; чумазый; грязный

identifiable - опознаваемый

medieval - средневековый

morality plays - миракль

Morris dance - моррис (народный театрализованный танец; исполняется во время майских празднеств [May games]; мужчины в средневековых костюмах с колокольчиками, трещотками изображают легендарных героев, Робин Гуда [Robin Hood I]) от Moorish - мавританский, по предполагаемому происхождению танца

mummers' play – шутовское представление

mystery play - мистерия

notoriety - дурная слава, известность; знаменитость; человек, пользующийся дурной славой

outpouring - излияние (чувств)

performing arts - исполнительный вид искусства ( танец, драма и т.д. )

pervasively - проникающий

pickpockets - вор-карманник

playwright - драматург

relapse - повторение; рецидив

Restoration – Реставрация, реставрация монархии (1660; после Английской буржуазной революции)

rhyming - рифмующий (ся)

The Rover - морской разбойник, пират; вор, грабитель, похититель, разбойник

(to) spawn - порождать, вызывать

tabloid - малоформатная газета со сжатым текстом, иллюстрациями и броскими заголовками; бульварная (низкопробная) газета

vernacular - народный; национальный

venue - место сбора, встречи

vibrant - живой, энергичный; трепещущий

visual arts - изобразительные искусства (включая кино и телевидение)

weaver - ткач; ткачиха; вязальщик; паук


BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation

rep. – report

rev. – review

Educational System

Public education in Great Britain consists of primary, secondary and further education. Primary and secondary education is compulsory for all children. Further education is voluntary. The primary school includes nursery school (age 2-5), infant school (age 5-7) and junior school (age 7-11).

English children must go to school when they are 5. First they go to infant school, where they learn to read, write and count.

At the age of 7 they go to junior schools until they are 11 years old. Their school subjects are English, arithmetic, history, geography, music, art, religious instruction and so on. They study 5 years there. Then they have to take exams and after that go to a secondary school.

The full secondary school age ranges from 11 to 18. There are different types of secondary schools. Among them are the secondary technical schools. It is not specialized one. It teaches many general subjects.

The grammar school offers a full theoretical secondary education including foreign languages. Students can choose the subjects they wish to study. Children can get the General Certificate of Education at the ordinary level after 5 years of study. They also can obtain it at the advanced level if they study 2 or 3 years more, which allows to enter the university.

The comprehensive schools combine in one school the courses of all types of secondary schools.

There are many non-state schools in Britain and you must pay (high fees) to study there.

Among them are private schools in the UK, separate for boys and girls. The biggest and the most important of them are public schools. They train young people for political, diplomatic, military or religious service.

Less than ten percent of the UK school age population attends independent fee-paying schools. Many prominent independent schools, often founded hundreds of years ago, are known as public schools of which Eton, Harrow and Rugby are three of the better known.

After finishing secondary school it is possible to enter institute or university to get the higher education. You can get the bachelor degree or the master’s degree there.