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  1. Перевод словосочетаний с русского на английский.

Сухое красное вино

Минеральная вода без газа

Крепкий чай

Яйцо в всмятку

Солёные огурцы

Основное блюдо

Отварная говядина

Паровая цветная капуста

Свиной фарш

Палтус в сметане

Осетрина в белом вине

Подаётся с зеленью

Это вроде горячей закуски

Курица с грибами

Фаршированный гусь

Тушёная куропатка

Билет № 13

  1. Сообщение по теме: Основные блюда. ( супы, бульоны, гарниры, способы приготовления и подачи.)

  2. Перевод профессионально –ориентированного текста со словарём.

The kitchen staff.

The kitchen staff begins their work early in the morning. The head chef writes the menus and is responsible for the main courses, all the meat and fish. The sous chef prepares all the soups, hot starters, and the side dishes like chips and vegetables. The commis chefs are responsible to the sous chef, so they help him. The chef de partie handle all the cold dishes, the sauses, and mayonnaise. The pastry chef bakes all the bread, rolls, and croissants, and prepares the hot desserts. The kitchen porters have lots of duties. They prepare the vegetables, sharpen the knives, and clean the ovens. And they are responsible for taking out the rubbish and they have to clean the bins regularly. The chefs don`t have to do this, but they must put the rubbish in the correct bins: food in one, and general rubbish in the other.

  1. Перевод словосочетаний с русского на английский.

Билет № 14

  1. Сообщение по теме: Десерты.( фруктовые и ягодные десерты, сыры, мороженное, пироги, торты.)

  2. Перевод профессионально – ориентированного текста.


The menu is generally designed by the chef of the restaurant. The structure of the menu is usually based on the following courses:

- starters


- entrees

-main courses


When a chef designs a menu, he usually starts with the main course and then plans the other courses. There are four basic types of menus:

  1. A la carte menu allows the customer to choose dishes which are cooked to order and served to the guests.

  2. Table d’hôte menu offers a limited choice of dishes. The guests have to take the whole meal consisting of three or four dishes and pay a fixed price.

  3. Carte du jour means “ card of the day” and the dishes of this menu are served on this day only.

  4. Cycle menu is a number of menus, which are repeated in a certain period of time. It is usually used in hospitals, student and school canteens.

  1. Перевод словосочетаний с русского на английский.

Билет № 15

  1. Сообщение по теме: Жалобы гостя на качество приготовленной еды.( вежливые объяснения, извинения, аргументация)

  2. Перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста со словарём.

Cheese and desserts.

There are three main types of cheese in Europe. The first of these is the hard type. For example, in the north of Europe there is Cheddar from Britain, and Gouda from the Netherlands. Further south you can find Gruyere and Emmenthal in Switzerland, and Manchego in Spain. And in Italy there`s a cheese which is harder than all the others, Parmesan.

The next group is soft cheese. Camembert and Brie are two famous French soft cheeses while Mozzarella and Mascarpone are the best known Italian soft cheeses. Many countries also have blue cheese. In Britain there`s Stilton, and in Denmark there`s Danish Blue, while in France there`s Roquefort, a soft, creamy blue cheese, and in Italy there`s Dolcelatte, which is also soft and cremy.

Many desserts are prepared with fruits and berries, for example, baked apples with vanilla sauce, fresh fruit assorted, berries with whipped cream.