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Upstream Upper Intermediate, Work Book

To suit body type- підходити до статури

Viewers – (теле)глядачі

Spectators – глядачі

Entire process

To take after sb – вдатись у, бути схожим на

To tape - записувати

Extraordinary - непересічний

Moon landing – висадка на місяці

Fluency – вільне володіння

To expose sb to - піддавати

Enjoyable - веселий

Harmful to sb/sth – шкідливий для

Be in charge of- керувати, відповідати за

Common sense – здоровий глузд

Nursing home

Natural desire for

To ensure- гарантувати

Steady demand for- сталий попит на

To strike a deal with- укладати угоду з

To convert into- перетворювати у

To reshape smb’s life- змінювати, переформатовувати

Health hazard – шкідливість для здоров’я, ризик для здоровя

Obesity - ожиріння

Repetitive - повторний

Eye strain – зорова напруга

To cut sb off from- ізолювати від

Extensive research – розширене дослідження

Piped music – фонова музика

Findings - результати

To question – опитувати

To question the value of – ставити під сумнів вартість

The vast majority of sth – колосальна більшість

To be hard of hearing – погано чути

To deafen - глушити

Abuse (n) - зловживання

Customer - споживач

To tend to do sth – бути схильним щось зробити

To affect - впливати

Senior - старший

A right to sth – право на

To deny the right to- відмовляти у праві на

To vent one’s anger- виливати гнів

To hold hatred for- мати ненависть до

To stay away- триматись осторонь

To think straight- чітко мислити

To turn down music

To socialize -спілкуватись

To become vocal about smth.- відкрито про щось говорити

Out of the ordinary- незвичайний

Peace and quiet – тиша та спокій

To drop sb off – висадити когось, викинути

Rush hour – година-пік

Side street – бічна вулиця, перевулок

Shortcut – короткий шлях

Traffic lights - світлофор

Three days in a row – три дні поспіль

To set the alarm clock – навести будильник

Bus pass (n) – пільговий квиток

To set a good/bad example – подати хороший∕поганий приклад

Public holiday – державне свято∕вихідний

To make up for - компенсувати

Speeding - перевищення швидкості

To carry out a questionnaire- проводити письмове опитування

To eat out- їсти не вдома

High standard of living

On sb’s part- з чийогось боку

Supplementary tasks

1. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which fits in the space on the same line.

  1. You know how _____________ he can be. CHILD

  2. Britain is well known for its _____________ weather. PREDICT

  3. The Eiffel Tower is a _____________ landmark. FAME

  4. Tanya’s attempts to win the competition ended in _____________. FAIL

  5. Customs officers use _____________ trained dogs for drug searches. SPECIAL

  6. It's been a _____________ to meet you. PLEASE

  7. She didn't even have the _____________ to stand up.STRONG

  8. I know that spiders are not _____________ and my fear is irrational but I can’t help it! HARM

  9. The Sunday papers are full of _____________ for cars. ADVERTISE

  10. The president's _____________ has declined considerably. POPULAR

  11. Some fish can grow to a _____________ of four feet. LONG

  12. The students listened to the counsellor in _____________. SILENT

  13. Before the race, you need to do exercises to _____________ your leg muscles. STRONG

  14. He has been working as a taxi _____________ for twenty years. DRIVE

  15. It is _____________ not to eat what you are served at a dinner party. POLITE

  16. Different children have different _____________ needs. EDUCATION

  17. This is only a _____________ solution to the problem. PART

  18. Nursing is an _____________and physically demanding job. EMOTION

  19. I don't think George is capable of having _____________ ideas! ORIGIN

  20. Most athletes these days are highly-trained _____________. PROFESSION

  21. Style and colour are a matter of _____________ taste. PERSON

  22. _____________, that was the best part of the whole trip. ACTUAL

  23. A microwave cooks food much faster than a _____________ oven.


24. A small number of people in the poll expressed__________for commercials. HATE

25. Computers have become an ___________ part of everyday life. DISPENSE

26. If the disorder is _________we’ll examine you more thoroughly. REPEAT

27. How many _________are there supposed to be in the show? CONTEST

28. Most Ukrainian TV shows are_________ with youngsters. POPULAR

29. The first part of the paper should __________theoretical background of the research. LINE

30. Being ________prevented the woman from career pursuit. MARRIED

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