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Rephrasing and correcting markers

Exercise 9. Mr. Perkins doesn’t like Bert, his daughter’s boyfriend. Complete what he says about Bert.

  1. He wastes his money on useless things. __________, he wastes my daughter’s money.

  2. You can’t trust him. ___________, you can trust him to tell lies.

  3. He’s ‘allergic’ to work. ___________, he’s a lazy good-for-nothing.

  4. He spends his whole life in the pub. ________ he’s there most nights of the week.

  5. Last night he borrowed a friend’s motor bike. _________, he took it without permission.

  6. The police followed him and found he was going at 125 kilometres an hour – or ___________, he was over the speed limit.

  7. They also tested his eyesight and found that he was driving with ‘defective vision’. ___________, he should have been wearing glasses.

  8. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t go to prison for it. _________, he’ll be banned from driving.

  9. Of course he’ll be very sorry now – or _____________he’ll say he is.

  10. It’s time his association with my daughter ended. _________, it’s time she got rid of him.

Exercise 10. Insert in other words, or rather, at least. Consider the ways of translating the sentences into Russian.

  1. The brides usually keep their bouquets, _______ whoever caught them does.

  2. As an occasional journalist, his only “offensive weapon” was his pen, __________, his word processor.

  3. In Jacques Lacan's reinterpretation of Freud, sexuality, ________ sexual desire, is constituted in language.

  4. All this staff makes me feel uneasy and isolated, _________, did make me.

  5. As you can doubtlessly see, I'm in the middle of decorating, _________, I was when you barged in and interrupted me.

  6. He came very late last night, __________, very early this morning.

  7. So that was how it all began: the life, __________ the new life, or better still the Good Life.

  8. Rayleen helped too, _________ her uniform did, giving us a pseudo-official status which meant we could jump the queue.

  9. As he had already been interviewed four times and been in police custody for over 24 hours, the expectation would be that a solicitor might well consider that, ________ for that evening, enough was enough and that he ought to advise his client not to answer further questions.

  10. Wasn’t a bowl of wine the cause of the demise of Alexander the Great, __________, doesn’t Dr. Lempriere say so?

  11. Too often, for example, rural communities are faced with an educational system which denies, _________ neglects, many traditional rural values, and emphasizes urban values to the detriment of the rural community.

  12. After three years of groping in the dark they have emerged not quite into sparkling sunshine but _________into the hint of a new dawn.

  13. How many of us really try to buy goods made of recycled materials, _________ protest at the extravagant use of costly and unnecessary packaging?

  14. He left last Tuesday – ________ I think he did.

  15. This is what is sometimes referred to as intentional terminological inexactitude, _________, a lie.

  16. They took with them some chocolate, cans of beer and fruit juice, a flask of coffee, a pack of sandwiches: ________, enough refreshments.

  17. Local authority revenue could be obtained through either a local income tax and/or a local sales tax –__________, through methods similar to those used in raising central government revenues.

  18. Your performance in the exam did not reach the required standard __________, you failed.

  19. Addicted TV viewers have a shortened attention span and a lack of reflectiveness – the ability to think, ____________.

  20. Effective staff management is, therefore, as much concerned with ‘why’ and ‘how’ as with ‘what’ and ‘when’; __________, organisational processes are as significant as organisational tasks, and the one should inform the other.

Exercise 11. Insert appropriate “main point”, “extra point”, “rephrasing and correcting” markers.

  1. I'd say my job has become more interesting. , I wonder if we could discuss my salary some time.

  2. The cost may be lower than we first thought but it will still be quite substantial.

  3. He explained what the Crux is, what it was.

  4. Either he escaped, or he came to grief. ________, he was never seen again.

  5. I am very happy now that I have passed my test! We should celebrate it! __________, do you think you could lend me $10?

  6. I didn't ask you to come. __________, why have you come?

  7. The mobile library services have been reorganized – _____________, they visit fewer places.

  8. It is not difficult to get money for research, it's not always difficult.

  9. What does you market research consist of? -- Well, ___________, it depends on our target age group.

  10. He left on Tuesday – ___________ I think he did.

  11. I must go now. , if you want that book, I'll bring it next time.

  12. I'm getting a grant for a speech therapy course. But , I don't know whether I want to do it any more.

  13. The police say his death was an accident, , officially.

  14. They liked the magazine very much – , they bought it or borrowed it from each other.

  15. This topic is very difficult for the 1st years to discuss. , how did the seminar go?