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Определите статус всех имеющихся в тексте сочетаний to be+PII, учитывая:

  1. Видо-временную форму глагола to be;

  2. Лексическое значение причастия II;

  3. Контекстные факторы (наличие обстоятельств и т.П.) Текст 2

Something broke downstairs, and Philip sadly mounted the stairs to the nursery. He pitied Baines; it occurred to him how happily they could live together in the empty house if Mrs. Baines were called away. He didn't want to play with his Meccano sets; he wouldn't take out his train or his soldiers; he sat at the table with his chin on his hands: this is life; and suddenly he felt responsible for Baines, as if he were the master of the house and Baines an aging servant who deserved to be cared for. There was not much one could do; he decided at least to be good.

He was not surprised when Mrs. Baines was agreeable at lunch; he was used to her changes. Now it was "another helping of meat, Master Philip," or "Master Philip, a little more of this nice pudding." It was a pudding he liked, Queen's pudding with a perfect meringue, but he wouldn't eat a second helping lest she might count that a victory.

Greene G. The Basement Room

Вопросы и задания

  1. Прокомментируйте употребление глагольных форм в главной и придаточных частях условного предложения с точки зрения грамматической омонимии.

  2. Чем является глагол would в сочетании wouldnt take out his train: вспомогательным глаголом в составе аналитической формы СН или модальным глаголом?

  3. Определите статус формы were в структуре as if he were… Имеет ли она какие-либо омонимы в сфере индикатива?

  4. Определите статус глагола would в последнем предложении и обоснуйте свою точку зрения.

  5. Что представляет собой сочетание might count в последнем предложении?

  6. Какую роль в определении его статуса играет тип придаточного предложения, вводимого союзом lest?

Текст 3

Here was a poor lady who had waited for the approach of old age to find out what she was worth.  Here was a benighted being to whom it was to be disclosed in her fifty-seventh year — I was to make that out — that she had something that might pass for a face. She looked much more than her age, and was fairly frightened — as if I had been trying on her some possibly heartless London trick — when she had taken in my appeal. That showed me in what an air she had lived and — as I should have been tempted to put it had I spoken out — among what children of darkness. Later on I did them more justice; saw more that her wonderful points must have been points largely the fruit of time, and even that possibly she might never in all her life have looked so well as at this particular moment. It might have been that if her hour had struck I just happened to be present at the striking.

James H. The Beldonald Holbein

Вопросы и задания

  1. Найдите в тексте формы СН.

  2. Определите статус формы had been trying и обоснуйте свою точку зрения.

  3. Найдите в тексте условное предложение. Каковы особенности его структуры? Прокомментируйте употребление глагольных форм в главной и придаточных частях с точки зрения грамматической омонимии.

  4. Определите статус сочетаний инфинитива с глаголом might. Являются ли оно в данном тексте аналитическими формами СН?

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