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  1. view, rare, equestrian, support, hind (legs), faith, wisdom, justice, might, similar, supposedly, statesman, snake, envy, spite, broad, dome, solid, semi-precious, surroundings;

  2. to belong, to frame, to put up, to assist, to unveil, to surmount, to interfere (with), to accommodate.

Notes to the text

1 date back to — восходят к

2 in the early 20th century — в самом начале 20 века

3 so called — так называемый

4 it was she who moulded — именно она вылепила

5 porphyry, black slate, lapis lazuli, malachite — порфир, черный сланец, лазурит, малахит

6 the observation platform... commands a fine view — со смотровой площадки открывается красивый вид


1. Practise the pronunciation of the following word and define their meanings:

  1. St. Isaak's Square, Nicholas I, Stakenschneider, Montferrand, Quarenghi, Falkonet, Marie-Ann Collot;

  2. an architect, bronze, a column, the centre, a collection, to copy, to construct, to decorate, granite, ensemble, a figure, a lion, lazurite, malachite, metre, a monolith, mosaic, ornamentation, a pedestal, a portrait, a portico, religious, a reformer, the senate, a statue, supreme, to symbolise, a theme, triumphal, the tzar, unique.

2. Use these words to fill the gaps in the following sentences:

to frame, dome, to belong, to take, equestrian, semi-precious, corner, to support, triumphal, outstanding, staircase:

I. This ... arch was erected in memory of the last war. 2. The ... figure was supposedly designed by a famous Spanish sculptor. 3. The columns and lions on the ... are made of marble. 4. These two semicircular constructions ... the square. 5. The modern building on the ... of these streets was put up in the early 30s. 6. The design of the cathedral ... to Montferrand. 7. The golden ... of the cathedral can be seen all over the city. 8. It... ten years to build this majestic palace. 9. Fourty columns ... the cathedral. 10. Many... architects and sculptors worked on the ornamentation of the interior of the church. 11. These items are made of ... stones.

3. Match the synonyms:



















Use the information of the text to answer the questions:

  1. What monument is there in the centre of St. Isaak's Square?

  2. What is this sculpture famous for?

  3. Who was the Mariinsky Palace built for?

  4. What does the Palace house now?

  5. What hotel is situated on St.Isaak's Square?

  6. What is the oldest construction on St. Isaak's Square?

  1. Where is Senate Square situated?

  2. What is the most famous monument in Russia?

  3. Who is the sculptor of the Bronze Horseman?

  4. What do the rock and the snake symbolise?

  5. Who was St.Isaak's Cathedral designed by?

  6. How much time did it take to build the Cathedral?

  7. What are the measurements of the construction?

  8. How many columns surround the Cathedral?

  9. What is special about the columns?

  10. What semi-precious stones were used in the decoration of the interior?

  11. What is there at the foot of the dome?

5. Discuss the following questions:

  1. What sights of St. Petersburg attract your attention most of all? Why?

  1. Describe a square in your own town.

  1. What sculptures by Clodt in St. Petersburg do you know?

  2. If you were a sculptor, what monument would you like to erect in St. Petersburg?

  3. What big cathedrals in Europe do you know? Who are the architects?

  4. Which of these adjectives do you associate with the life in St. Petersburg: wonderful, easy, religious, busy, rich, expensive, monotonous, nerve-racking, cheerful, strange, ordinary, pleasant, boring?



The Russian museum is a treasure-house of national culture. It contains more than 300,000 works of art and covers the period from the 11th century A. D. to the present day. The museum possesses one of the finest collections of Russian paintings and the country's largest collection of prints, drawings and examples of decorative, applied and folk art and the art of Ancient Russia.

The Russian Museum is an integral part of the city and its cultural life. It is situated on Arts Square, aptly named since here, too, are the Maly Opera House, the Philarmonia, the Theatre of Musical Comedy and the Ethnography Museum.

Arts Square was designed by the great Russian architect and town planner Carlo Rossi. The Mikhailovsky Palace which now houses the Russian Museum, was built by Rossi in 1819-1825 for the Grand Duke Mikhail. It was built on a large site between the Nevsky, the rivers Moika and Fontanka, and the Yekaterininsry Canal. When designing the palace Rossi rearranged and reconstructed the whole of the surrounding district so that it became quite unrecognizable. The main building and the symmetrically placed side wings around the front court form the focal point of the whole architectural composition. Monumental iron railings separate the courtyard from the square. In later years the Mikhailovsky Palace suffered some alterations, which spoilt its original appearance. In place of the former eastern wing and other service buildings of the palace a new construction was erected. It soon began to be considered a separate building rather than an integral part of the palace. Now it houses the Ethnography Museum.

In 1957 a statue of Alexander Pushkin designed by Mikhail Anikushin was erected in the centre of Arts Square. The monument depicts Pushkin as a young man, earthy, human and full of inspiration. The statue harmoniously fits into the overall ensemble of the square.

A park was laid out behind the palace where the facade is just as splendid as the main one. The white columns, yellow walls and the lush green of the park combine into a truly lovely picture.

The works of many Russian artists and sculptors are represented in the Russian Museum. Here you can see icons by the famous Russian icon painters Andrei Rublev and Simon Ushakov. There is an exceptionally fine collection of works of the Russian portrait painters, such as Antropov, Argunov, Rokotov, Levitsky, Borovikovsky, and sculptors like Rastrelli, Schedrin, Gordeyev, Shubin, Kozlovsky, Martos, Demut-Malinovsky, Pimenov, Orlovsky and Antokolsky.

The collection of the Russian Museum is housed in more than 130 halls of the Mikhailovsky Palace, the Rossi Wing and the Benois Wing. Excursions begin on the first floor, where you can see the section of Old Russian Art, 18th century art, painting on historical and mythological themes and portraits and landscapes by the early 19th century artists. The exhibition of the 19th century art is continued on the first floor of the Benois Wing. The works of the following Russian painters are on display: Bruni, Bryullov, Aivazovsky, Ivanov, Surikov, Shishkin, Repin, and others. The art of the 20th century is also well represented. There are paintings by Serov, sculptures by Konenkov, Tomsky, Manizer.

The Russian Museum is not only a depository for great works of Russian Art, it is also an important research and educational centre.

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