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Application form



ADDRESS ____________________________ Phone No.______________________________

Do you have a valid driving license YES NO

Marital status _________________________ No. of dependents_______________________

EDUCATION _____________________________________________________

Name of School Year graduated Course Taken or Degree


Russian Excellent Good Fair




others _______________________________________

EXPERIENCE (Give present or last position first)

Company Address

Type of business/ industry employed (month & year)

Position(s) held Supervisor's name

Describe your duties

Why did you leave

Test yourself

1. Попросите на английском вашего друга:

  • Помочь вам

  • Перевести английский текст

  • Присоединиться к вам вечером на вечеринке

  • Передать вам ноты

  • Следовать за вами


2. Измените предложения, используя местоимения в скобках:
  • Let’s buy these biscuits (she)

  • Let’s do this exercise at home (he)

  • Let’s rehearse in the evening (they)

  • Let’s go to the library (we)

  • Let’s help them (I)


3. Переведите предложения, используя Let+дополнение:
  • Давайте позавтракаем

  • Давайте не будем смотреть этот фильм

  • Давайте я куплю программу

  • Пусть они придут к 6 часам

  • Пусть он не смотрит в текст


Module 10

Текст: Art in my life

Грамматика: Настоящее длительное время

(Present Continuous)

Тест: What can you say about your cultural life this month?

Практика: A letter of recommendation I

1. Прочитайте и переведите, обращая внимание на употребление времен:

1. Listen! The teacher’s explaining a very difficult thing. She always explains difficult things carefully.

2. My best friend lives a long way from me, so I can’t visit him very often, but we usually call each other twice a week.

3. - Hello! I can’t hear you. Who’s calling?

4. John speaks three foreign languages. Just now he’s speaking French on the telephone.

4. I always drive my wife to work. The road’s bad today, so I’m driving very carefully.

2. Напишите ing – форму от следующих глаголов и прочитайте:

Meet, mend, test, fetch, listen, show, explain, do, ask, answer, read, tell, work, write, translate, drive, give, smoke, take, make, have, prepare, dance, stop, put, sit, get, swim, begin, travel, study, copy, play, say, stay, pay, try, lie, die.

3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous:

1. My book (to lie) on the table.

3. The doctor and her patient (to talk).

4. We (to cook) dinner. My mother (to make) a salad.

5. A young man (to drive) a car. He (to listen) music.

6. My grandfather (to read) a book.

7. You (to have) a break?

8. She still (to sing).

4. Изучите новые слова, прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: What kinds of art do you know and which of them do you like most?

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