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Good morning everyone. Let me introduce myself: my name is Dmitrieva Sasha. The purpose of my presentation is to tell you about Finland. I’m going to divide my talk in to 4 parts. First I’ll give you information about geographical position and about climate of Finland, after that about population and its economy, finally I’ll tell you about political system of the state and I’ll mention some up-to-date information.


I’d like to start with geographical position.

Finland is a state in the north Europe. Its area is 338 000 km2. It takes the 5th place in Europe by its square. It is washed by Botnicheskiy and Finskiy bays. There are a lot of broad rivers and near 100 000 lakes, the most famous is Saima. 10% of the territory of Finland is covered by lakes, 68%- by forests (most of them are coniferous).

Finland is a state with clear expressed seasons. Climate is temperate continental, the variety of temperature is from -300C till +250C. The average quality of rain is 400-700mm a year.

Finland borders on Russia in the south, on Norway and Sweden in the north.

Let’s now move on to its population and economy.

Population of Finland is near 5,2 million people. Population density is 17 men per m2. 90% of people are finish and 10% are Swiss. 76% of population lives in cities. 85% of women work in offices. An average salary is 2,421 Euros for men and 1,981 Euros for women. Average duration of working week is 38 hours. The level of unemployment is 9,3%. Inflation rate 1%.

The well-developed industries are tourism, trade, agriculture and fishing. Monetary unit is finish mark. There is a well-developed chain of banks in Finland.

Finland exports electronics, fish and some agricultural products and imports wood. It cooperates with Russia.

There are 2 official languages in Finland. They are Finish and Swiss. But most of Finish people know English. Most of Finish confesses Protestantism and 1% belongs to Finish Orthodox Christianity.

Now let’s look at the political system of the state. I’d like to begin with history.

During 700 years Finland was a part of Sweden. In 1809 it became a part of Russia. And the head of the state was Russian Emperor.

After October Revolution Finland its independence (6 of December of 1906). In 1906 the Parliament appeared. According to this finish women were first in Europe who got right to vote.

Now Finland is a parliamentary republic with its multiparty political system. The head of the state is the President. He represents executive branch of power and is elected every 6 years. Legislative branch of power belongs to Parliament. 200 members of Parliament are elected every 4 years. President make lows but every low should be discussed with head of ministry. There are 9 political parties. The biggest parties are: sosial-democratic party; Finish Central party and Party of National Coalition (145 members of Parliament belong to this party).

In 1995 Finland entered the Europe Union. Now the president is Taria Halonen, Prime minister is Matti Vanhanen.

Now Finland is rather well-developed industrial country. Its electronic products are well-known all over the world. It has trade relations with Norway, Swiss, and Russia. And standard of living in Finland is rather High.


I’ve just told you about Finland. Thank you for listening.

I’ll be glad to answer any questions.