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Revision of the Passive Voice

1. Change the sentences from the active into the passive. Omit the agent where it can be omitted.

1. The party with the majority support in the Commons forms the government. - The government is formed by the party with the majority support in the Commons.

2. They must hold general elections at least every five years. - The general elections must be held at least every five years

3. Voters have elected 650 Members of Parliament. - 650 Members of Parliament have been elected.

4. Government departments carry out policies. - Policies are carried out by Government departments.

5. Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the throne in 1952. - The throne was succeeded to by Queen Elizabeth II in 1952.

6. The monarch summons, prorogues and dissolves Parliament. – Parliament is summoned, prorogued and dissolved by the monarch.

7. They have never codified the constitutional principles, rules and practices of the United Kingdom. - The constitutional principles, rules and practices of the United Kingdom have never been codified

8. Personal union of the Crowns linked the independent Kingdoms of England and Scotland in 1603. - The independent Kingdoms of England and Scotland were linked by personal union of the Crowns in 1603.

9. The Northern Ireland Constitutional Act, 1973 established a new constitutional framework. - A new constitutional framework was established with the Northern Ireland Constitutional Act, 1973.

10. The British Isles don’t comprise the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. - The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man aren’t comprised with the British Isles.

11. The Prime-Minister consults and advises the Monarch on government business. - The Monarch is consulted and advised on government business by the Prime-Minister.

12. The Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain presides over the House of Lords. - The House of Lords is presided over with the Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain.

2. Rewrite the sentences in the passive, where possible.

A) 1. Her husband drives her to work every day. – She is driven to work every day. .

2. Someone will steal your purse if you don’t look after it. - Your purse will be stolen if you don’t look after it.

3. I woke up late on Sunday morning. -------------------.

4. Her mother woke her up at seven o’clock. – She was woken up at seven o’clock.

5. Sue asked the waiter to bring some mineral water. - The waiter was asked to bring some mineral water.

6. David asked for some help. ---------.

7. Simon is moving house next month. - House is being moved next month.

8. Michael moved the boxes out of the way. - The boxes were moved out of the way.

9. Sandra walks on the beach regularly. ----

10. The boys walk the dog every day. - The dog is walked every day.

B) Omit the agent where possible.

1. Do they sell clothes in this shop? - Is clothes sold in this shop?

2. Someone is cleaning our classroom. - Our classroom is being cleaned.

3. She him on the hand with her pen. – He was tapped on the hand with her pen.

4. People spend a lot of money on books. - A lot of money is spent on books by people.

5. Is Sue preparing a report? - Is a report being prepared by Sue?

6. Who made this mess? - Who was this mess made by?

7. Grandfather is going to tell the children a story. - A story is going to be told the children by Grandfather.

8. They will open the new advisory office soon. - The new advisory office will be opened soon.

9. They made him confess to the robbery. – He was made confess to the robbery.

10. Who broke this mug? – Who was this mug broken by?

11. The teacher will mark the essays. - The essays will be mark by the teacher.

12. They heard him call for help. - He was heard call for help.

3. Correct any verb forms which are impossible or inappropriate.

1. A lot of homes in the area have been broken into by burglars.

2. As I drove south, I could see that the old road was rebuilt.

3. I suppose the letter will have been delivered by now.

4. There is nothing more annoyed than being interrupted when you are speaking.

5. Jim was given a sack from his new job.

6. Somehow without my noticing my wallet had disappeared.

4. Both sentences in each pair have the same meaning. Complete the second sentence.

1. The crowd was slowly filling the huge stadium. The huge stadium was slowly being filled by the crowd.

2. The inventor of the computer simplified the work of the accountants. Since the computer was invented the work of the accountants has been simplified.

3. Someone has suggested that the shop should close. It has been suggested that the shop should close.

4. ‘I’d take out some travel insurance if I were you, Mr. Smith.’ Mr. Smith was offered to take out some travel insurance.

5. The waitress will bring you drinks in a moment. Your drinks will be brought in a moment.

6. Someone used a knife to open the window. This window was opened with a knife.

7. You will hear from us when we have finished dealing with your complaint. After your complaint has been finished dealing with, you will hear from us.

8. An announcement of their engagement appeared in the local paper. Their engagement was appeared in the local paper.

9. Nobody ever heard anything of David again. Nothing was ever heard of David again.

10. They paid Sheila $1,000 as a special bonus. $1,000 was paid Sheila as a special bonus.