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seminars 1-7.doc
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Questions for independent work:

- to make in written form:

  1. Dynamism of the system of international economic law.

  2. The concept of international economic law.

  3. Conceptions of international economic law.

Literature: Main literature:

  1. Баймуратов М. О. Міжнародне право: Підручник для студ. вузів. – Суми: Університетська книга, 2006. – 422 с.

  2. Дахно I. I. Міжнародне економічне право: Курс лекцій. – 2-ге вид., стереотип. – К.: МАУП, 2003. – 160 с.

  3. Кузьмин Э. Л. Международное экономическое право: учебное пособие. – М.: Проспект, 2008. – 196 с.

  4. Международное экономическое право: Учебник: Пер. с фр. / Д.Карро, П.Жюйар. – М.: Международные отношения, 2006. – 608 с.

  5. Международное экономическое право: Учеб. - метод. пособие / В.М.Шумилов. – М: ДЕКА, 2006. – 400 с.

  6. Опришко В. Ф. Міжнародне економічне право: Підручник. – 2-ге вид., перероб. і доп. – К.: КНЕУ, 2003. – 311 с.

  7. Чубарєв В.Л. Міжнародне економічне право: підручник. – К. : Юрінком Інтер, 2009. – 368 с.

Additional resourses:

  1. http://resources.alibaba.com/topic/644649/Foreign_Economic_and_Trade_Activity_in_Ukraine.htm

  2. http://www.londoninternational.ac.uk/prospective_students/postgraduate/laws/study_guides/international_economic_law.pdf

  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_economic_law

  4. http://www.asil.org/iel1.cfm

  5. http://media.routledgeweb.com/pdf/9780415543262/9780415543262.pdf

Seminar 3. The harmonization of legislation of Ukraine with international economic law Plan

  1. The general problems of harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with international law.

  2. The process of harmozation of The Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

  3. The harmonization of field Ukrainian legislation with international law.

  4. The problems of approximation of Ukrainian legislation with the European law.


- to make in written form the questions of the plan

- to give the meaning of the terms: harmonization, the European law, Ukrainian legislation .

- to learn the translation:

harmonization - гармонізація

approximation- зближення

field Ukrainian legislation – галузеве законодавство України

- to read and make summary about:

1.THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EU STANDARDS TO THE UKRAINIAN CUSTOMS LEGISLATION // http://www.law.muni.cz/sborniky/Days-of-public-law/files/pdf/mep/Sakalosh.pdf

2.Harmonization of Ukrainian agricultural legislation with the World Trade Organization norms and rules


to make presentations, abstracts on the topics:

  • Ratification activity of the Parliament of Ukraine.

  • The questions in relation to practical realization of norms and principles of international law.

Questions for independent work:

to make in written form:

  1. Original and secondary right.

  2. Legal status of European Union.

  3. A role of President and organs of executive power in relation to providing of process of concordance of national legislation of Ukraine with the legislation of European Union.

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