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Investment climate in Russia. Luchkiv.doc
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Investment climate is a set specific to each locality factors determining the possibilities of companies and provides them with incentives to invest productively, create jobs and expand operations. As a component of a favorable investment climate and investment attractiveness of the country (region) distinguish two main characteristics: investment potential (maximum possible amount that can be used for investment) and investment risk (the probability of loss of investments and income from them).

The investment climate is closely linked with the investment policy. On the one hand, it defines the starting conditions for the development of investment policy and on the other - is its result. In general, the Russian economy in recent decades has developed into an acute crisis of investment. Virtually all industry is facing a catastrophic shortage of investment resources. All the years of the transformation period of Russia's development up to 2005 dominated capital outflow from Russia, suggesting low real investment attractiveness of the country. The situation changed in 2006 when the net outflow of capital from the private sector has become significantly positive and significant. But in 2008 the situation deteriorated again due to the global financial crisis. Trends shaping the investment climate of a region are influenced by two groups of factors: country-wide and specific to a particular region. Investment Climate Assessment is based on an analysis of factors determining the investment climate and promote economic growth: natural resources and environmental situation, the level of development and availability of infrastructure, macroeconomic and political stability, law, crime and corruption, the quality of the tax system and the level of tax burden, availability of credit ; openness of the economy, the rules of trade with foreign countries, administrative, technical, informational and other barriers to entry, etc.

Distinguish the following approaches to assessing the investment climate: macroeconomic, institutional, resource and socio-political. An important indicator is the rating of investment activity, since investors are not able to conduct independent detailed study. Leading position to assess the investment climate in Russia's regions is the rating agency "Expert".


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