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Unit 5 Punishment

Ex.l Find in Text 5.1, translate and memorize the following words and word combinations:

To impose punishment, to deter a crime, law-abiding, extenuating and aggravating circumstances, solitary confinement, suspended sentence, probation, community service, fine, compensation, forfeiture, deprivation, to serve a sentence.

Ex.2 Translate the following words and word expressions:

To find guilty, to commit a crime, to prevent from, the restriction of the rights and interests of convicted persons, to break law, to pass a sentence, a penalty, life imprisonment, banrdng from driving, a minor offence, to implement a sentence without more ado.

Ex.3 Match the following penalties with their definitions:

1. probation; J

2. community service;

3. fine;

4. compensation;

5. forfeiture.

6. solitary confinement;

a) spending some time making useful work in a place you live, b) Paying for some loss, damage, etc. p) money paid as a punishment, d) taking your property away as a punishment, e) allowing some law-breakers not to go to prison if they behave well and report regularly, f) keeping a person in prison without any chance of speaking or talking to others.

Ex.4 Fill in the gaps with the words below.

l.Your sentence may be lighter in case you have any ... circumstances and more severe in case of... ones. 2. His parents had to pay ... for the broken window. 3. He broke the shop window of the florist's and was sentenced to 100 hours of... in the same shop. 4.Many people believe the death penalty doesn't ... criminals from committing murder. 5. They had to pay a parking .... 6.The judge ... a very harsh penalty on him 7.He is too he never crosses the street on red light. 8. The young offender was put on ... for 2 years. 9.He ... 4 years of his sentence and was released because of good behaviour. Has imposed, deter, law-abiding, extenuating, aggravating, probation, community service, fine, compensation, served.

Ex.5 Read Text 5.1 and try to find out the information about the functions and types of punishment in Great Britain

Text 5.1 Criminal punishment

Criminal punishment may be imposed only on a person found guilty of committing a crime. Any criminal punishment has several purposes. First of all, the most impotant function is that it should prevent criminals from hurting others. Thus punishment is always associated with the restriction of the rights and interests of convicted persons. On the other hand, punishment is very irnportant for the prevention of crimes. It should deter crimes by showing a potential criminal the result of breaking law. Punishment should change criminals into law-abiding citizens.

In passing the sentence, the court takes into consideration the degree to which the committed crime is a danger to society, the character of the guilty person and also extenuating and aggravating circumstances. In Britain they have the following basic penalties: prison sentence (for example, life imprisonment, solitary confinement), suspended sentence, probation, community service, fine, compensation, disqualification from a specific activity (for example, banning from driving), forfeiture, deprivation of military ranks and some others.

The most common sentences are fines, prison and probation. Probation is used often with more minor offences. A person on probation must report to a local police station at regular intervals, which restricts his or her movement. Magistrates and judges may also pass suspended sentences in which case the person won't serve the sentence unless he or she commits another crime when it will be implemented without more ado. A sentence of community service means that the convicted person has to spend several hours a week doing useful work in his locality.

Ex.6 Answer the following questions:

1. On which people may criminal punishment be only imposed? 2. What is the most important function of punishment? 3. Why is punishment very important for the prevention of crimes? 4.What should the court take into consideration in passing the sentence? 5. What basic penalties do they have in Britain? 6. Which are the most common sentences? 7. What does "putting on probation" mean? 8. In what way is suspended sentence different from probation? 9. What is a sentence of J community service?

Ex.7. What do the terms "extenuating and aggravating circumstances" mean? Divide the ideas mentioned below in two groups: 1) extenuating circumstances; 2) aggravating circumstances.

I .The guilty person's prevention of harmful consequences of the crime committed;

2.The commission of a crime by a person who has previously committed a crime;

3. Voluntary recompensation of the damage done;

4.The commission of a crime as a result of grave personal or family circumstances;

5 .The commission of a crime by an organized group;

6 .The commission of a crime under threat or Ыаскгпай, by force of material or other dependence;

7. The commission of a crime having grave consequences;

8.The commission of a crime under strong mental excitement caused by unlawful acts on the part of the victim;

9 .The commission of a crime for personal gain or similar motives involving excessive cruelty or the abuse of the victim or that takes advantage of disaster;

10. The commission of a crime by an expectant mother.

Ex.8 Choose the right word:

1.Criminal punishment may be imposed only on a person...

a) suspected of a crime; b) charged with a crime; c) found guilty of a crime.

2.Punishment is always associated with:

a) imprisonment; b) the restriction of rights; c) compensation

3.People who never break laws are called

a) law-abding; b) law-obeying; c) law-conscious.

4.Banrring from driving is an example of:

a) probation; b) disqualification from a specific activity-; c) forfeiture.

S.One of the most common sentences is:

a) fine, b) ccmimunity service; c) forfeiture.

6.1f you are having a suspended sentence, it will be implemented if:

a) you leave your city without permission; b) you commit another crime c) the police will be able to catch you.

Ex.9 Say what you know about punishment in Great Britain.

Ex.10 What is capital punishment? Can you name any countries which have it? How many arguments can you think for and against its use?

Ex.11 As you read Text 5.2, check to see if your answers and ideas are mentioned. Which of the arguments do you agree with?

Ex.12 Read Text 5.2 again. Choose from the paragraphs

A-G the one which fits each gap 1-6. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.