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Business Communication.doc
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  1. Ask questions on the dialogue.

  2. Act out the dialogues.

  3. Act out similar dialogues.

1. You'd like to speak to Mr. Steel of White & Co but he is out. Speak to the secretary. Make an appointment.

2. You'd like to speak to Mr. Smith of Smith and Co. He is in. in. Make an appointment with him to discuss some business matters

Note: Could 1 take a message for him? — Передать ему что-нибудь?

Ex.14 a) Read the dialogues and learn them.

Reserving a Room at the Hotel.

-- Hello. Northern Star Hotel. Can I help you?

-- Yes, I’d like to reserve a single room with bathroom, for three nights, from Wednesday, the 12th of February, to Friday, the14th of February, inclusive.

-- Let me see… Yes, sir. A single room for three nights with English breakfast, is that right?

-- Yes, that’s right.

-- What is your name, please?

-- It’s for Mr. Klimov.

-- Could you spell, please?

-- Sure. K-L-I-M-O-V.

-- Thank you, sir.

-- Shall I send a deposit?

-- No. It isn’t necessary, sir.

Buying a Ticket.

-- Good morning. What can I do for you?

-- I want to fly to London. Are there any seats available on Wednesday, next week?

-- Are you flying alone, sir?

-- Yes.

-- What class?

-- Economy.

-- Just a moment, sir. I’ll check. There are a few seats left.

-- What’s your name, sir?

-- Sergey Klimov.

-- As a rule we sell Belarusian citizens return tickets. You can buy an open return.

-- O. K. How much is it?

-- Its four hundred dollars, including airport taxes.

-- May I pay in cash?

-- Certainly, sir. Here you are. Flight PS501.

-- What time is the flight due to depart?

-- It leaves at 8.55 a.m., but you must check in one hour before the departure.

-- And what time does it arrive in London?

-- At 10.30 local time. There’s two hours time difference, you know.

-- Thank you indeed.

-- You are welcome, sir.

  1. Сформулируйте фразу для заказа двухместного номера в гостинице сроком на четверо суток со вторника 18 ноября по пятницу21 ноября включительно.

  1. Restore the dialogue.

Travel agent: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

You: (Поздоровайтесь. Спросите, можно ли купить один билет экономического класса до Минска на четверг, 7 марта).

Travel agent: Let me see. I’m very sorry, sir. There are no seats left for Minsk on Tuesday.

You: (Спросите, остались ли билеты на тот же рейс в среду).

Travel agent: Just a minute, sir. Yes, there are some seats left for Wednesday.

You: (Скажите, что четверг Вас устраивает. Спросите, сколько стоит один билет и включены ли в стоимость билета сборы в аэропорту).

Travel agent: It’s 198 pound, including airport taxes. Here you are.

You: (Узнайте у агента номер рейса, спросите, когда самолет отбывает из Лондона и когда прибывает в Минск. Поблагодарите агента).

Ex.15. Here is a phone conversation between Mr. Jackson and Brenda Dyer. Read the dialogue and copy out phrases in italics.

-- Good morning, Sales Department of the L.L Bean Company.

-- Good morning, my name is Brenda Dyer. I’m calling from GMC in Detroit, Michigan. Could I speak to Mr. Jackson, please?

-- Speaking. Good morning, Miss Dyer. What can I do for you?

-- My colleague Joan Smith wrote to you recently and we received your sales materials. We are interested in ordering some T-shirts to give away as Christmas gifts to our customers. We understand we can create our own design. Is that right?

-- Yes, that’s right. You send us a deposit and we produce them from your design.

-- We are a little anxious about the delivery times. You see, we need the goods by mid-November the latest.

-- Yes, I see. Well, if you send the order off right now, you should receive our proof garment in two weeks.

-- Two weeks?

-- Well, we could make it one week if you write a note saying it’s urgent.

-- Good.

-- Then if you send us the order, we can send you the invoice immediately.

-- If we fax you a copy of our banker’s order, would you accept that or would you wait until the money is credited to your account?

-- I’m afraid we have to wait until we receive the money. But it usually takes two or three days at the most.

-- Thank you very much indeed. You’ve been most helpful.

b) Ask questions on the dialogue.

c) Say, what you have learnt from the dialogue.

d) Act out a similar dialogue.

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