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IV. Answer the following questions in accordance with the example.

Example. Has the work been done?

No, it hasn’t. It is still being done.

1. Has the report been written? 2. Has the letter been typed? 3. Has tea been made? 4. Has the student been examined? 5. Has the apartment been cleaned? 6. Has the novel been translated? 7. Have the questions been answered? 8. Has the house been built? 9. Have the exercises been done? 10. Have the winners been chosen? 11. Has the text been learned? 12. Has the question been settled? 13. Has the suit been pressed? 14. Has the film been shown? 15. Have the flowers been watered?

Sequence of tenses and reported speech

I. Turn the following sentences into reported speech: a) using the present tense of the verb in the principal clause; b) using the past tense in the principal clause, and making other necessary changes.

Use the following verbs to introduce statements: “to say”, “to tell”, “to admit”, “to declare”, “to announce”, “to state”, “to explain”, “to deny”, “to claim”, “to promise”, “to whisper”, ”to boast”, “to shout”; to introduce commands and requests use “to order”, “to ask”, “to tell”, “to beg”, “to command”.

Example 1. I like cycling. – a) Peter says that he likes cycling. b) Peter said that he liked cycling.

Example 2. Write down my address. – a) Ann asks me to write down her address. Or: Ann is asking me to write down her address. b) Ann asked me to write down her address.

1. I have seen many good films during the festival. 2. We shell finish the work in few days. 3. I won’t let you go without breakfast. 4. You don’t realize that you have offended me. 5. I have been expecting you all this time. I am glad you have come at last. 6. We were just speaking about you. 7. I don’t speak German but I can read German books with a dictionary. 8. This months I have missed six lessons of phonetics. 9. We are now learning French as a second foreign language. 10. I shall to the room while you are cooking lunch. 11. Don’t interrupt me. Let me finish my story. 12. Post this letter for me, will you? 13. Don’t ask me any questions, I shall tell you everything a little later. 14. You are always grumbling over trifling matters. 15. It is her parents who made her this wonderful present. 16. I am writing my course paper at present. I have not yet finished.

II. Change the following direct questions into indirect according to the examples. Answer the questions and report the answers. Mind the pronouns and the word order.

Example. What do you usually do on Sundays in winter? Sally, ask Peter what he usually does on Sundays in winter.

Sally: Peter, can you tell me what you usually do on Sundays in winter?

Peter: Usually I go skating or skiing.

Sally: Peter says that he goes skating or skiing.

Sally asked Peter what he usually did on Sundays in winter. He answered that he usually went skiing or skating.

1. Are there any new houses in your street? 2. Who washes up the dishes in your family? 3. Have you an English-Russian dictionary? 4. Is there enough ink in your fountain-pen? 5. How many large lakes are there in Great Britain? 6. Where do you put your scissors? I can’t find them. 7. Do you play the guitar? I saw one hanging in your room. 8. Have you informed the group about the time of the lecture? 9. Can you lend me your umbrella? I have left mine at my sister’s. 10. Have you been waiting for me long? 11. When did you finish school? 12. How did you manage to repair your apartment so quickly? Did anyone help you? 13. Did Sidney see off his sister yesterday? 14. Did you meet David in Yalta? I believe you stayed at the same hotel. 15. What do you think we shall be doing at this time next year? 16. I missed the lecture in English literature the day before yesterday. Will you show me your notes? 17. In about a months the bridge will be completed. Will the road to the station be any shorter? 18. Why are you so often late for classes? 19. Do you often work in the language laboratory or do you prefer working at home? 20. Who is the best student in your group? 21. When did you last go to the theatre? 22. Are you fond of classical music? 23. You are not feeling well, are you? Why don’t you consult a doctor? 24, Has it been raining all day? The grass is all wet. 25. Were you taking a bath? I knew you were at home but you did not hear the telephone ring, did you?