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In Canada have rarely, if ever, been surpassed by any

other red men in the ways of peace.



Meanwhile, how was it faring with the tribesmen of the

Six Nations who had remained in their former territories

east of the Niagara? They were anxious to come to terms

with the government of the United States, but not by

themselves alone. In any treaty which might be made, they

wished the concurrence of the western tribes. The officials

of the new republic were, however, opposed to this and

treated their desire with scant courtesy. In 1784 a

conference was called at Fort Stanwix, but the western

tribes were not invited to come. While this was taking

place, Red Jacket, the Seneca orator, rose in the company

of his fellows and uttered a speech burning with eloquence.

His attitude towards the Americans had undergone a change

since Brant had undone his treachery before the war had

closed. The Six Nations should renew the contest, said

Red Jacket. Never should they submit to the yoke of their

oppressors. On the other hand, Chief Cornplanter, with

sounder judgment, argued for peace. It would surely be

an unwise thing for the Indians to enter upon a fresh

war single-handed, and without the assistance of their

former allies, the English.

At length Cornplanter had his way, and on October 22 a

treaty was made with the representatives of the United

States. By this treaty the Indians were to give up all

the prisoners of war still in their hands. Until this

was done, six hostages were to be furnished from among

their number. At the same time, the boundaries of the

country over which they held sway were defined.

Loud murmurs of complaint arose within the Six Nations

on the completion of this pact, and no one was more angry

than Joseph Brant himself. He was at Quebec, on the point

of leaving for England, but he hurried back on learning

the terms of the treaty. He was especially exasperated

because Aaron Hill, one of the lesser chiefs of the

Mohawks, was to be given up as a hostage. Arriving at

Cataraqui, Brant, on November 27, sent a long and stirring

letter to Colonel Munroe. In this he showed that his

Indians were in no way to blame for the retention of

prisoners of war. The fight was over, and the Six Nations

wanted harmony restored. With considerable feeling, he

referred to the 'customs and manners of the Mohawks.'

'They are always active and true,' he protested; 'no

double faces at war or any other business.

The difficulty was quickly righted and the War Chief

satisfied, but he saw that all the Indian races were in

a precarious position and might, sooner or later, be

drawn into hostilities. Meanwhile he was meditating a

scheme which might be likened to the bold conception of

Pontiac. In vision he saw all the Indian tribes united

into one far-reaching confederacy for the assertion of

their liberties. Brant was of a singularly ambitious

disposition and had no humble idea of his own capacities.

He pictured himself as the chosen head of such a vast

league of the native races. It was with this in view that

at this very time he paid a visit to the western tribes

and sought to ascertain their ideas upon the subject.

At the close of 1785 Brant was ready to make his second

journey across the Atlantic. It was indeed fitting, after

his years of active service for the crown, that he should

do homage once more at the English court. He desired,

also, to plead the cause of his Mohawks, who had lost so

much in the struggle. It is even likely that he was

pondering over his design of uniting all the tribes and

wished to disclose this scheme to the home authorities.

A striking sketch of the War Chief's appearance during

this period is given by the Baroness Riedesel. This

talented lady, who had met the Mohawk chief at Quebec,

was the wife of the noted general who led a troop of

Hessians in the War of the Revolution.

'I saw at this time,' she writes, 'the famous Indian

Chief, Captain Brant. His manners are polished: he

expressed himself with fluency, and was much esteemed by

General Haldimand.' The strenuous scenes through which

Brant had lived, indeed, seem to have left but little

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