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Topic 4. Should we save land for endangered animals?

Human beings tend to put their needs in the first place all the time. It is obvious, that we all need shelter, food and clothing to survive. For some people possession of mentioned above things is not enough and they start to build houses and industrial institutions all over the world. In my view, this way we put the wild life of our planet in jeopardy. I definitely do not agree with the statement that our need for farmland, hosing and industry is more important than lives of endangered animals.

We all know that industry provides not only necessary things for people, but also destroys our environment. Of course, every person in the world needs such things as food, clothes and home. People already has built abundance of mega polices, small towns and villages with all kinds of industrial institutions. Human's activity influences our environment dramatically every single day. For example, people cut forests, throw garbage into the ocean and create pollution all the time. Many species of animals are already endangered because of our poisonous activities. Do we need to destroy our picturesque world even more, or it is time to stop now? I believe that people should decrease the development of industry, hosing and farms where there are wild forests and animals.

Also, I would say that everything in the nature is connected so strongly that by killing one kind of animals and destroying one type of wild plant, we can destroy many other species. As an example, Panda bears eat only bamboo trees and leaves. If people cut bamboo forests where Panda live, they would disappear too, because of the luck of their favorite food.

Et the end, I would say that the land should be saved for wild and endangered animals. People should start thinking not only about their goods, but also about saving our planet.

Topic 5. Has technology made the world a better place to live?

With the development of technology, there have been a lot of changes to our life. Admittedly, some of these changes are bad, causing many environmental and social problems. However, most of these changes contribute to making our life more convenient, more comfortable and more wonderful.

First of all, due to the improvement of technology, people can enjoy more conveniences than ever. For example, it only takes travelers or businessmen several hours to go to another countries by jet planes, which makes the world seem to be much smaller. With the help of the Internet, people at different corners of the world can communicate with each other at a significantly high speed and low cost. It is technology that has cleared away the barriers that once prevented people from leading a convenient life.

Secondly, technology has made our life as comfortable as we can imagine. Sitting in air-conditioned rooms, people do not have to suffer the extremely cold or hot weather any more. Whatever vegetable or fruit we want to eat, we can always find it in a supermarket regardless of the season. We can also go to work in a place far away from our homes by using automobiles or public transportation tools.

In addition, technology provides us many choices to spend our spare time. Listening to music by using an MD, MP3 or Walkman, surfing the Internet or watching digital movies, all of these entertainments make our life wonderful.

In conclusion, although technology has brought about some problems, such as air pollution caused by increasing number of automobiles, and ethnic problems caused by cloning human beings, the benefits of technology far outweigh its bad influences. So it is safe to say that technology has made the world a better place to live.

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