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Case questions

1. Whom is the Sunnyvale Hotel operated by?

2. What is mailed to guests each month? Why?

3. How does the hotel company categorize the guest satisfaction scores?

4. What did the most recent survey indicate?

5. Why isn't the name "Sea Grill" appropriate for this type of res­taurant?

Discussion question

What would you do, as director of food and beverage, to get the guest satisfaction scores back into the clear or green zones?

2. Identify key points in the text and extract information from it to pass on to your partner.

3. Let your partner see whether key points identified by you are the same as those covered in the text. Let him agree or disagree with you.

From time immemorial... The horn of plenty рог изобилия

The horn of plenty, or cornucopia, is the symbol of abundance. According to the myth, when Jupiter was a baby he was nursed by nymphs with the milk of Amalthea, the goat. The broken horn of Amalthea filled with fruits, vegetables, and flowers was brought to Jupiter by one of the nymphs. Jupiter presented the horn to the nymphs promising that it would become filled with whatever they wished. On this account it was called the horn of plenty. Ceres, the goddess of the growing vegetation, is usually drawn by painters with the horn of plenty in her left hand. Sometimes the fruits, vegetables, and flowers are being poured on the Earth from the full horn, and sometimes they are held in it as in a basket.

Pronunciation and stress:

Amalthea [æmәl’θi:ə], Jupiter ['du:pita], Ceres ['siәri:z], myth [miθ], goddess ['godis], cornucopia [ko:nju: 'kuəpia], nymph [nimf], abundance [ə’bndns]

Make up questions in English to which the following Russian sentences would be answers. Do a two-way translation using both the statements and the questions.

1. Рог изобилия является символом обеспеченной и сытой жизни, богатства.

2. Это выражение заимствовано из мифологии.

3. В одном из мифов рассказывается о том, что коза Амалфея, вскормившая своим молоком младенца Юпитера, однажды сломала себе рог.

4. Одна из нимф нашла его, наполнила плодами и преподнесла Юпитеру.

5. Юпитер подарил этот рог воспитавшим его нимфам.

6. Он обещал нимфам, что из этого рога появится все, чего бы они ни пожелали.

7. Богиня плодородия Церера обычно изображается с рогом изобилия в руках [3].

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