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практическая грамматика КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ.docx
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  1. Раскройте скобки, обращая внимание на степень сравнения прилагательного

  1. The tree is ten times bigger, which is what one would expect.

  2. And yet I felt happier than I had done since this crushing blow had fallen upon me, for it was good to think that the world should know that we had done, so that at the worst our names should not perish with our bodies, but should go down to posterity associated with the G.E.C. is happiest then.

  3. I have a presentiment that you are going to propose, Ned. I do wish you wouldn’t; for things are so much nicer as they are.

  4. Our road was personally upwards, and as we ascended the woods became thinner and lost their tropical luxuriance.

  5. The girls had, in one of their earliest walks, discovered an ancient respectable looking mansion.

  6. In the meantime Mr. Pocket grew greyer, and tried oftener to aft himself out of his perplexities by the hair.

  7. Of course I made no further effort to refer to it.

  8. She was the rarest soul I’ve ever known and the gentlest of all us.

  9. His closest friend, Bob, may have had something to do with it.

  10. She had answered with her sweetest long-suffering smile and her most potent weapon: silence.

  11. The word would get around that So Dunmore’s Wheel had been hit and tomorrow play would be heavier than ever.

  12. It’s the most goddamn thing

  13. Five minutes earlier or later on that road would have changed everything.

  14. The understanding look made her angrier than ever.

  15. It is the commonest method.

  16. He is the most active person in our group.

  17. He is abler.

  18. I have less time than you.

  19. I’ve got further information on this matter.

  20. He gave the completest answer.

  21. He is my elder brother.

  22. This book is superior to that.

  23. His composition is better of the two.

  24. It costs twice as much as your book.

  25. He bought the oldest book.

  26. Is it lesser of two evils?

  27. Have you heard the latest news?

  28. You’ve got the most.

  29. I’ve got the least.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребив прилагательное или наречие

  1. She plays the violin well.

  2. The sun is shining brightly.

  3. The girls speak fluent French

  4. She walked away sad after the other students had called her a “gook”.

  5. They felt worse than their friends.

  6. He spoke Spanish fluently.

  7. Please shut the door quietly.

  8. Can you be quiet, please?

  9. This soup tastes nice.

  10. Tom cooks very well.

  11. It doesn’t look safe.

  12. Do you feel nervous before exams?

  13. Hurry up! You’re always so slow.

  14. He looked at me angrily when I interrupted him.

  15. It doesn’t look good.

  16. You know, he couldn’t drive his car carefully.