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Ex.4 Put the correct word into the gap in each sentence.

1. borrow/lend Can you ……..me 5 pounds until tomorrow? I didn’t bring my umbrella, so I’ve had to……John’s.

2. discovered/invented Primitive men…..fire thousands of years ago. Alexander Bell…..the telephone.

3. worthless/priceless She thought that the painting was valuable, but experts told her that it was a……forgery. It is generally agreed that the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is……..

4. raise/rise The sun will……at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning. He will…..his hand when he needs attention.

5. infamous/unknown Although William Barnes wrote many poems, he’s almost …..to the present generation. All British children have heard of Dick Turpin. He was an……robber, who stole from travelers and was executed for his crimes.

Gerund as an attribute

Walking – stick, boiling- point, swimming – race, blotting-paper, eating apples, cooking apples, laughing- stock, dancing-room, dancing master


Complete the sentences by inserting the right verb in the right form. Use each of the following verbs only once:

To work on; to run at; to do; to approach; to teach; to expand; to find;

To come; to happen; to plan; to think; to manage

1. - At the moment, the market------- -------- . So this is an opportunity we must take. Our advertising agency------- ---------- --------- a new campaign for next month. Now, what about production?

2.- Currently we ------ -------- -------- 75% capacity – so, that gives some spare capacity.

1. – Good, how ------- we ----- on staffing levels in the factory?

2. – We ------- it difficult to recruit technicians. There seems to be shortage on the job market.

1. –What ------ you ------ to do about it?

2. – Well, we -------- --------- of using a recruitment agency. A chap from a local agency ------------- in to see me on Monday to talk about it.

1. – Fine, what about cash flow? This upturn in the market is going to be a drain on cash.

2. – That’s right. At the moment, we ------ -----------on an overdraft of about $50,000 and our current debts -------- --------- $85,000. I can go and talk to the Bank Manager about it. We’ve always been a good customer.

1. – Yes, do that as soon as possible. Finally, training. We’re going to need some more sales reps and technicians in production. What -------- ---------- at the moment in training?

2. –We ------ ------- a refresher sales course but we’ve got spare capacity.



  1. Today business, government, and other organizations depend on computers to process data and to make information available for decision making. A computer is an electronic machine that can accept, store, manipulate, and transmit data in accordance with a set of specific instructions. Although computers are a relatively recent invention, we have already seen five generations of computers. Currently, firms can choose mainframe computers, minicomputers, or microcomputers to match their information needs.

Mainframe computers may be as big as a good-sized room, can handle huge quantities of data, perform a variety of operations on these data in fractions of a second, and provide output information in several different forms. The largest and most powerful mainframe computers are used sometimes called supercomputers. These very large computers are used almost exclusively by universities and government agencies that are involved in research activities that require large memories and high-speed processing.

Minicomputers are smaller (more or less desk-sized) computers that made computers available to most firms.

The microcomputer, sometimes called a personal computer (PC), is a desktop computer. It was made possible by the development of microprocessor chips, a fraction of an inch in size, that contain all the electronic circuitry required to perform large-scale data processing. Although microcomputers are often purchased for use at home many small firms find them completely satisfactory for their limited needs. Each of these machines consists of at least one input unit, a memory, a control unit, an arithmetic-logic unit, and an output unit. Firms can also establish a computer network – a system in which several computers can either function individually or communicate with each other.

2. Computers require software, or programs, which are operating instructions. Today, software has been developed to satisfy almost every business need. Database management programs can store and transform data into information. Data contained in a database program can also be stored. Graphics programs make it possible to display in graph form data and conclusions. Spreadsheets are software packages that allow users to organize data into a grid of rows and columns. Spreadsheets allow users ti store answer “what if” questions by changing data to match new assumptions. Word processing programs allow users to store documents in the computer’s memory or on a disk. Once entered, the material can be revised, edited, deleted, printed, or simply used at a later date. Most experts predict that in the future computers will affect every aspect of human life. Specific trends that will affect business include the increase in available information, the use of automation, and the need for employees that know how to use a computer.

  1. A management information technology (MTI) is a means of providing managers with information they need to perform management functions as effectively as possible. The data that are entered into the system must be relevant, accurate, and timely. The information provided by the system must be all of these. Managers in different areas of a business generally require information pertaining in their own areas. The management information technology should match the firm it serves in capacity and complexity.

  1. The four functions performed by MIT are collecting data, storing and updating data, processing data, and presentation information. Data may be collected from such internal source as accounting documents and other financial records, conferences and meetings, and sales and production records. External sources include customers, suppliers, bankers, publications, and information-gathering organizations.

  1. With a computer, data can be stored on magnetic tapes and disks and used when they are needed. Data should be updated regularly to maintain their timeliness and accuracy. Updating can be accomplished manually or via computer.

  1. Data processing is the MIT function that transforms stored data into a form that is useful for a specific purpose. Large groups of numerical data are usually processed into summary numbers called statistics. Although statistics can provide information ina manageable form, the user is responsible for correctly interpreting statistics.

Finally, the processed data (which can now be called information) must be presented for use. Verbal information is generally presented in a text form. Numerical information is often displayed in graphs and charts or tables.



Technology технология

Depend on полагаться на, зависеть от

Process data обрабатывать данные

Available доступный

Machine машина

Accept принимать

Store хранить (в памяти)

Manipulate манипулировать

In accordance with в соответствии с

Set ряд, набор

Instruction команда

Although хотя

Relative относительный

Recent недавний

Invention изобретение

Generation поколение

Currently в настоящее время

Mainframe computer очень большой компьютер

Match соответствовать

Good-sized room крупногабаритная комната

Handle обрабатывать

Huge quantities огромное количество

Fraction доля

Output information выходная информация

Several несколько

Exclusively исключительно

Agency ведомство, агентство

Be involved in заниматься чем-либо

Research activities исследовательская деятельность

Processing обработка

Desk-sized размером с письменный стол

Available доступный

Desktop размером с письменный стол

Be made possible стать возможным

Development разработка

Microprocessor chip микропроцессорная интегральная схема

Inch дюйм

Electronic circuitry электронная схема

large scale крупномасштабный

Purchase покупать

Completely satisfactory вполне удовлетворительный

Limited ограниченный

Consist of состоять из

At least по крайней мере

Input unit входное устройство

Memory память

Arithmetic unit арифметическое устройство

Logic unit логическое устройство

Output unit выходное устройство

Establish устанавливать

Network сеть


Require требовать

Software программное обеспечение

Operating instruction операционная команда

Database база данных

Sort сортировать

Conclusion вывод

Spreadsheet крупноформатная таблица

Software package пакет программ

Grid сеть

Row ряд

Column колонка

Assumption предположение, допущение

Once entered после вывода

Revise пересматривать

Edit редактировать

Delete удалять, стирать

Print печатать


Trend тенденция, направление

Automation автоматика


Means средство

Relevant относящийся к делу

Timely своевременный

Pertain to иметь отношение к

Capacity возможность

Complexity сложность


Update обновлять, модифицировать

Present представлять

Record записывать, регистрировать

External внешний


Tape лента

Timeliness своевременность

Manually вручную

Via через, посредством

Data processing обработка данных

Specific конкретный

Purpose цель

Numerical data числовые данные

Summary number совокупное, обобщенное число

Statistics статистика

Manageable выполнимый

Finally и наконец

Present представлять

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