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Ex.4 Japanese work ethics ( sb Listening page 52, Tapescript tb page 21)

Learn and tell:

I Emphasis on the group

• Group orientation is important historically, because it is the question of survival of any island nation.

• Japan has no natural resources; people are the only resource Japan possesses.

• The person will tell you the name of the company he works for instead of his position: “I work for Mitsubishi”, “I am a Sony man.

II. Human relationships

• The employees have “ lifetime employment” and are promoted by the “seniority order”.

• The employees are very much devoted to the company and call it their “father”

To achieve harmony, people make sacrifice for the sake of the group and try to agree with each other.

• People always try to come to a compromise and to arrive at the consensus. They learn to get along with each other.

III. Japanese managing styles.

• In Japanese corporations everyone is trained to be a generalist, as opposed to a “narrow specialist” in the USA.

• People are rotated in every department of the company and transferred to other departments to familiarize themselves with the entire company, and can therefore take over several different duties.

Decisions are made by all employees, and not just by one top executive as in the USA.

Management consensus is very common.

Informal get-togethers (at lunch, coffee breaks) allow the participants to develop a better understanding of the subject and then bring to successful negotiations with the partner.

5 WRITE A MEMO (MEMORANDUM) based on Listening task, (SB: page 52)

a). Listen to Ms Morivake, a Japanese consultant discussing the content of her seminars on successful management. While listening make notes after the plan of SB page 52. You will find the model for writing a memo at the reference section at the end of the brochure.

b). Write a memo of 100 – 150 words based on your notes. Turn to Reference section before writing.

Situation: Vincent Mills, Human Resources Manager recommends the Heads of Department to attend the seminar He does it by writing a MEMO. The memo is usually short, informative and semi-formal, close to the style of E-mail.

Key for writing:

To: HDs

From: …

Subject: Seminars on…

Date: …

Introduction. Announce the event, name and position of the speaker, subject of the seminar. Tell why you want the HDs to attend.

The body of the MEMO: Give brief comments on each item of the plan

• Emphasis on the group. ( See next page )

• Human relations.

• Specific features of Japanese management See next page


Motivate attendance. Give reasons why the information will be of use for the HDs

Inform about: time and place arrangements. Mention coffee break and the opportunity for informal chattering with the guest

Close the memo with the phrase: If you have any questions, please, contact my secretary Ms Chase on 01 793 - 39.

Sign with initials of the sender. (VM )

5. ROLE-PLAY. (SB page 53)

A cross- cultural consultant and a person going to a foreign country on a business trip discuss the cross-cultural issues, which might be important for doing successful business.

In pairs: discuss the following issues:

Use of language: addressing / greeting (formal? informal?)

Non-verbal communication: handshaking, gestures?

Business negotiations: punctuality / respecting the agenda?

Negotiating styles: direct? Indirect? When is the right moment to mention money?

Socializing: attitudes: gift giving, eating, humor? Conversation topics: (religion, politics, salaries?)

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