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Russia's Foreign Policy (Внешняя политика России)

   As is well known, in recent years substantial changes have taken place in Russia's Foreign policy. Compared to Soviet times, its recent policy reflects a very positive evolution. It is now characterised by a more balanced perception of "West" and "East” indeed, the tenor of Russia's Foreign policy now corresponds better to what is in national interests.

   In the wake of the collapse of the USSR, Russia's government prioritised democratic reforms and the creating of a market-oriented economy. The shaping of its foreign policy followed thereafter. Most significant among changes in its foreign policy, both then and now, has been the development of cooperation within the framework of "the CIS".

   When the Soviet Union disintegrated, Russia attempted to re-establish links between the former "Republics". An Agreement was signed on 8 December 1991 in the Belovezhsky Forest, Viskuli (seat of the Belorussian Government) — by the leaders of Belarus, Ukraine, and the Russian Federation — instituting a "Commonwealth of Independent States". That Commonwealth now includes — all on an equal footing — Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Moldova, Russia, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. The CIS Interparliamentary Assembly is based in St. Petersburg. The States jointly resolve economic issues, as well as questions relating to security, counter-terrorism and measures against extremists.

   Equally important Is Russia's foreign policy in regard to Western Europe. The Soviet Union remained in a state of "cold war" with Western Europe and the United States for a considerable time. Over the past ten years our country has endeavoured to reciprocate the respect accorded us by Western countries and to conduct a dialogue with them. For example, the Russia-European Union "Paris Summit" adopted a Joint Declaration for increasing dialogue and cooperation in Europe on political issues and questions of security in Europe, The European Union is undoubtedly a promising partner for Russia — partnership is indeed now the characteristic of our relations with principal European countries. An Agreement on partnership and cooperation between Russia and the European Union has been set in motion. Preparation of major projects for economic cooperation is under way, including the field of safety in the power-generating industry.

   Relations with the United States are attuned to long-term interests in particular. Russo-American "summit" meetings aim to promote constructive and mutually-beneficial bilateral relations and the strengthening of Russo-American coopera-tion on international questions. These include disarmament, non-proliferation, joint action to combat terrorism, as well as the extension of bilateral cooperation in various sectors — for example Russia joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

   The "Shanghai Forum" was set up in 1996 — otherwise known as the "Shanghai Five". The leaders of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia and Tadjikistan signed a joint declaration, identifying spheres of cooperation under the aegis of this organisation. Not many years later Uzbekistan joined this grouping.

   Leaders of the "Shanghai forum" hold meetings at regular intervals to settle topical matters relating to mutual trust in the military field in frontier regions, mutual arms and force reductions in frontier regions also, and the extention of cooperation in regional security and also of commercial and economic interaction.

   The guiding principle of Russia's foreign policy at the present time has been enunciated by President Vladimir Putin as follows: "Clear delineation of our national priorities, pragmatism, and economic efficiency."