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1.2. Insert the most appropriate conjunction. Sometimes more than one variant can be possible.

1. She looked at him anxiously, …… he knew that she wanted him to say it could wait until later. 2. I had to hunt to find the letter ……. finally I found it …… picked it up ….. there was an open notebook under it. 3. Damon didn’t know why he had been in jail ……….. why he had been able to come out of it. 4. I’ll try, ……. I can’t guarantee anything. 5. Damon was surprised to see him …….. his father was supposed to be in jail. 6. Yet I could not live alone; …….. I tried the companionship of mistresses. 7. I used to look at my master’s face to see if it were sad or fierce; …….. I could not remember the time when it had been so uniformly clear of clouds or evil feelings. 8. She laughed continually; her laugh was satirical, …….. so was the habitual expression of her arched and haughty lip. 9. Few children can eat when excited with the thoughts of a journey; ……… could I. 10. I could not comprehend this doctrine of endurance; ……. still less could I understand or sympathise with the forbearance she expressed for her chastiser. 11. His complexion was singularly sallow: ……… he was a fine-looking man, at first sight especially.

1.3. Translate into English. Use the inverted word order.

1. Я не только оказался прав, я смог предвидеть дальнейшие события. 2. Эта квартира не только никогда не сдавалась, в ней даже не жили. 3. Бумага была красивой и также очень высокого качества. 4. Прием на работу еще не начался, да и начальство не пришло. 5. Я не собираюсь уходить в отпуск, и еще меньше я хочу уходить на пенсию. 6. Он не получил залог под дом, и его жена также не смогла этого сделать. 7. Его характер оставлял желать лучшего, и материальные условия также были очень плохи. 8. Он не читает этих журналов, и уже тем более не получает сведения из Интернета. 9. Она не знает языков, да и не хочет знать. 10. Мне не следовало обвинять мужа, равно как и закрыть глаза на его проступок. 11. Квартира не только просторная, она очень теплая и светлая. 12. Правительство считает этот закон неразумным, такого же мнения придерживается и президент. 13. Пусть она и моя дочь, я не хочу больше общаться с ней.

1.4. Comment on the means of connection in the following compound sentences. Translate into Russian.

1. “I have not been sleeping well recently,” he said, “but I have a feeling that tonight I shall sleep for the prescribed eight hours.” 2. I’ll explain more fully, and you’ll see what a chance it is for all of us. 3. When I came back she had slipped off her coat, and was warming her hands, which had seen a lot of rough work. We discussed the fog until the kettle boiled, then I went and made the tea and brought it on a tray and we sat and sipped together. 4. Her parents adored her, yet were at the same time disappointed in her. They had wanted a boy. 5. I did not want to talk: I had injured my heel that morning. 6. He must have slept calmly for quite some time after that, for the dream that followed was not linked as the two had been. 7. He clowned badly, but Percival and the others noticed and sniffed and laughed. 8. The sand was thick over his black shoes and the heat hit him. 9. I had to hunt to find the letter and finally I found it and picked it up and there was an open notebook under it. 10. Damon didn’t know why he had been in jail or why he had been able to come out of it.

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