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Unit 3. Listening.

Task: listen to the text about New York and choose the right variant in the following sentences:

1. The largest city in the USA is … .

a)Washington b) Boston c) New York

2. The first permanent white settlers of New York were:

a) from Britain b) from France c) from Netherlands

3. … languages are spoken in New York.

a) Few b) The Dutch and English c) All world’s

4. The Manhattan Island is … .

a) in the centre of New York b) in the suburbs (пригород) of New York c) very far from New York

5. The Island is connected with other parts of New York by … .

a) by one long bridge b) by six long bridges c) by six short bridges.

6. The subway trains move … .

a) as fast as railroad trains b) slower than railroad trains c) faster than railroad trains

7. New York is … .

a) a rich city b) a city of contrasts c) a poor city

8. New York transport system includes the following means of transport except:

a)buses b) subway trains c)taxis d) ferries e) trams

9. New York, like London consists of … districts.

a ) two b) three c) four

10. Prices in the expensive New York shops are … .

a)moderate (доступный) b) high c) fabulous

Unit 4. Additional reading. September 11th 2001. Day of terror.

Task 1. Read the text to find answers to the following questions:

1. How many planes were hijacked by terrorists?

2. What American city greatly suffered from air attacks?

3. What did the USA President promise to the American citizens?

The events of the day that shocked the world. Wednesday September 12, 2001 The Guardian

A passenger jet flies into the north tower of the World Trade Centre in Manhattan shortly before 9 a.m.

As viewers watch live television coverage of the disaster, they see a second passenger jet fly into the building's south tower 18 minutes after the first crash.

Within the hour, a third plane hits the Pentagon, causing part of the building to collapse.

A fourth plane crashes near Somerset, Pennsylvania.

More than 10,000 rescue personnel in New York rush to the scene of the collapsed World Trade Centre. The entire downtown area of Manhattan is evacuated.

The scale of the attacks are compared by almost everyone to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in December 1941.

American Airlines said two of the planes belonged to it: flight 11, a Boeing 767 from Boston with 81 passengers and 11 crew on board; and flight 77 from Washington Dulles airport, a Boeing 757, with 58 passengers and six crew on board. Both planes were en route to Los Angeles.

United Airlines claimed the other two planes: flight 93, a 757 heading from Newark, New Jersey to San Francisco, carrying 38 passengers and seven crew was the one that crashed in Pennsylvania; and flight 175, a Boeing 767 bound from Boston to Los Angeles with 56 passengers and nine crew on board .

The four planes were hijacked with a total of 266 people on board.

Shortly after 10am the World Trade Centre began to collapse, with both towers reduced to rubble and scattering debris and dust across the city.

By the afternoon a third, 47-storey building close to the trade centre collapses. President George Bush interrupts a visit to a children's school in Florida. He flies to Barksdale air force base in Louisiana then to a military base in Nebraska and finally to Washington in the late afternoon.

Bush promises: 'Freedom itself was attacked this morning and I assure you freedom will be defended. Make no mistake. The United States will hunt down and pursue those responsible for these cowardly actions'.

For the first time in US aviation history, all commercial flights are grounded. 20,000 people were believed to be inside the World Trade Centre.

The death toll was unknown but New York authorities reported some 3,600 people injured.

US placed military forces and facilities in the Gulf region and Europe on the highest level of alert.

US navy sent aircraft carriers to New York and placed battleships along the east coast.

'This is an act of war, there's no doubt about it' James Kallstrom former deputy director of the FBI declared.

Tony Blair announces all flights will be re-routed so they do not fly over central London: 'We therefore here in Britain stand shoulder to shoulder with our American friends in this hour of tragedy, and we, like them, will not rest until this evil is driven from our world'.

Osama Bin Laden, the Saudi-born terrorist wanted by the US for attacks on its embassies in east Africa in August 1998 was named as chief suspect by top US officials.

Task 2. Match the words with their definitions:

1. hijacker

2. passenger

3. downtown

4. president

5. crash

6. death toll

7. terrorist

a) someone who uses violence such as bombing, shooting etc to obtain political demands.

b) the official leader of a country that does not have a king or queen

c) a sudden descent of an aircraft as a result of which it hits land or water

d) a person using force or threat against those in control of an air craft in order to achieve certain aims or to reach a desired destination.

e) someone who is travelling in a vehicle, plane, boat etc, but is not driving it or working on it.

f) the centre or main business area of a town or city

g) the total number of people who die in an accident, war, etc.

Task 3. Give your definitions to the following. For examples see the previous exercise.

live television coverage, a disaster, a visit, freedom, chief suspect.

Task 4. Choose the right variant.

1. The World Trade Centre was situated in … .

a) Washington b) Boston c) New York

2. Pentagon is … .

a) the official Washington residence of the president of the US b) the five-sided building in the suburbs of Washington that houses the headquarters of the US Department of Defense c) on the world’s famous airlines

3. The US was made to start fighting in World War II because … .

a) the Japanese landed troops on the American shore b) a German submarine sank an American battleship c) Pearl Harbor (US naval base) in Hawaii was suddenly attacked by Japanese planes in December 1941

4. For the first time in US aviation history all commercial flights were grounded … .

a) when hurricane Catherine hit the country b) during oil shock in 1973 when Arabian countries cut oil supplies to US c) on the 11th of September 2001when terrorists attacked American cities.

5. After the act of terror American troops landed in Afghanistan because … .

a) the Talibs destroyed ancient monuments b) they were interested in Afghanistan oil c) al-Qaeda bases were there

Task 5. Agree or disagree to the following:

1. All hijacked planes belong to the same airline (авиакомпания).

2. There were no passengers travelling on the crashed jets.

3. The World Trade Centre was empty at the time of the attack.

4. President George Bush stayed in Florida to avoid being attempted on his life.

5. The World Trade Centre was badly damaged but didn’t collapse.

Task 6. Say what you have learnt about:

1. The chief suspect responsible for the acts of terror in America.

2. The scale of the attacks.

3. The number of passengers hijacked on board the four planes.

4. The fate of the World Trade Centre.

5. The response of American military forces to the attacks

Useful vocabulary.

alert [ə′lə:t] (n) – тревога, состояние боевой готовности

assure [ə′Ðuə] (v) – уверять; заверять кого-л.; убеждать

authorities [é:θérûtûz] (n) – власти, начальство, администрация

chief suspect [tÐi:f′sšspekt] (n) – главный подозреваемый

claim [kleûm] (v) – заявлять

collapse [kə′læps] (v) – разрушаться, обваливаться, оседать

television coverage [′telûvûž(ə)n′kšv(ə)rûdž] (n) – телевизионный показ, репортаж

cowardly [′kauədlû] (adj) – трусливый; малодушный

crash [kræÐ] (n;v) – авария, крушение; потерпеть аварию, крушение

crew [kru:] (n) – экипаж

death toll [′deθtəul] (n)

debris [′deûbri:] (n) – обломки, развалины, мусор

downtown [′dauntaun] (n) – деловой район, деловая часть города

deputy director [′depjutûdû′rektə] (n) – заместитель директора

embassy [′embəsû] (n) – посольство

en route [,én′ru:t] (adv) – на пути

entire [ûn′taûə] (adj) – целый, весь

ground [óraund] (v) – запрещать полёты

hijack [′haûdjæk] (v) – заниматься воздушным пиратством, угонять самолёт

hunt down [hšnt′daun ] (v) – выследить; поймать

injure [′ûndžə] (v) – ранить

jet [džet] (n) – авиалайнер

pursue [pə′sju:] (v) – преследовать

rescue personnel [′reskju:,pə:s(ə)′nel] (n) – спасатели

rubble [′ršbəl] (n) – обломки (камней, кирпичей)

scale [skeûl] (n) – масштаб

scatter [′skætə] (v) – разбрасывать, рассеивать, scene [si:n] (n) – место происшествия, события

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