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Sample dialogues

Card 1 Language Courses

S: Hello, is it London Language School?

T: Yes, London Language School, can I help you?

S: I’d like some information about English courses, please.

T: All right. What exactly would you like to know?

S: How long are the courses?

T: What course would you like to sign up? We can offer you English for business, general English course and intensive course.

S: Mm… Intensive course.

T: This course lasts for two months.

S: Are there classes every day?

T: Yes, two hours a day.

S: Fine. How does the course cost?

T: &50 per week.

S: Please tell me where your Language School is located.

T: Certainly. Whitechapel High Street, 70, next to the Art Gallery.

S: Thank you. When do the classes start?

T: In a week.

S: Shall I register for the course?

T: Well, you’ll have to arrive at our office and fill in an application form.

S: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

T: Goodbye.

Card 2 At the Weekend

S: Hello, Pete! Is everything OK?

T: Hi, Dima! I’m fine, thank you. I’m so glad you’ve come!

S: You seem very busy, Pete. You’re going somewhere, aren’t` t you?

T: You are right. I have an invitation to Tanya’s birthday party today.

S: I’m sorry, I’m not on time.

T: Of course, you are! I’m always glad to see you.

S: I wanted to invite you to the stadium, Pete. There is a very interesting football match there today.

T: I` m terribly sorry.

S: And how about the weekend? Are you busy at the weekend? If you aren’t, let’s go to another match on Saturday.

T: Well…It’s in the open air… It’s getting cold and the weather forecast for Saturday isn` t very good.

S: I see you aren’t interested in sports, Pete. OK, I know you are interested in the history of vehicles. Let’s go to the Polytechnic Museum. There is an exhibition of unusual cars there.

T: Great! I’m sure it’s very interesting.

S: What time shall I call for you?

T: Would some time about 12 be all right?

S: Yes, that would be fine. Bye, Pete. Have a nice time at the party!

T: Thank you. Bye-bye, Dima.

Card 3 Going on an Excursion

S: So, you’ve been enjoying your time in Russia, Jane?

T: Very much. These are fantastic holidays.

S: I’m sure you’ve done a lot of sightseeing since you arrived in Moscow. Have you visited all the places which are always visited by tourists: Red Square and the Kremlin, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts?

T: Yes, of course. I enjoyed visiting them greatly!

S: Jane, I’d like to invite you to the places where you haven’t been yet. I know you are interested in Literature very much. I suppose you’ll enjoy the excursions.

T: Fine. What excursions?

S: Well… Near Moscow there are a lot of estates where the famous Russian writers, composers and painters lived. I mean Melikhovo, Yasnaya Polyana and others. These places are very popular with tourists. You can learn a lot about famous Russian people there and you can enjoy beautiful nature.

T: Oh! I’ve heard about Yasnaya Polyana – Leo Tolstoy lived there.

S: Now there is a Museum-Estate of Leo Tolstoy there. There is a large park there too.

T: Fine. Melikhovo? It sounds familiar.

S: Chekhov lived there. It’s a wonderful place. Chekhov had a lot of friends: actors and actresses, writers, painters. Have you heard about Levitan, Gilyarovsky, …..?

T: It’s a pity, I haven’t but I’ve read a couple of stories by Chekhov, in English, of course.

I’d like to go to Melikhovo if you don` t mind.

S: I don` t. I was in Melikhovo long ago and I’d like to go there again. I’d also like to invite my mother and sister to go with us. They have always wanted to visit this place.

T: Great! When could we go there?

S: Is next Sunday OK?

S: OK. Thank you very much for your invitation.

Card 4 Writing an Article

S: So, I am to write an article for our school English Magazine, aren’t I?

T: Yes, you are. The following issue will be about environmental problems.

S: What shall I write about? There are a lot of environmental problems to be concerned about: air and water pollution, global warming, endangered animals, and others. Which of them should I write about?

T: It’s up to you. You may write about the problem which you are most interested in, or which you think is the most urgent.

S: All of them are urgent, and all of them are interesting to me.

T: As for me, I’d write about….

S: I’m terribly sorry. I know what I’ll write about. One of the most important and interesting green issues is how to be ‘green’.

T: Fine. What exactly will you write about?

S: I’ll write about people who understand what it means – to be environmentally friendly, what they do to protect nature. I’ll write about those who know how to save energy, reuse things, help plants and animals. They can give other students some practical advice. The more people know how to be ‘green’, the better.

T: It sounds interesting. What about the title of the article?

S: “Environmentally friendly” or something like this. I have enough time to think it over. When shall I bring the article?

T: Will next week be all right for you?

S: I’m afraid, I won` t be able to write the article by the next week. I’ll have to meet some people to interview them – it will take time. I think, I’ll be ready with it in ten days, or so.

T: OK. See you.

S: Goodbye.

Card 5 Getting a Grant

S: Good afternoon and welcome to our school, Mr Grey. We are ready to answer your questions.

T: Why was the grant given to your class?

S: The pupils of our class took part in the contest ‘Teenagers of the 21st century’.

T: What kind of contest was it?

S: We took part in sports competitions, in art, information technology and speech-writing contests. So, we can say it was an all-round competition.

T: How many pupils took part in the contest?

S: I don’t know exactly. A lot of schools competed against each other for the grant. Each of the contestants had to answer questions on the variety of subjects. Our class team won most of the competitions, and we were awarded the grant.

T: Who gave you the award?

S: It was a city contest, so our city authorities did.

T: What are the pupils of your class going to spend the money on?

S: You see, our class team have won the grant, but we all think that it belongs to the whole school, not only to the pupils of our class. This matter was discussed by the teachers and pupils of our school. We `d like to have excellent sports facilities and equipment. The pupils of our school love doing sport.

T: Thank you very much for the interview.

S: You’re welcome. It was a pleasure to speak to you, Mr Grey. Goodbye.

S: Goodbye.

Card 6 A trip to the UK

S: Kate? What a nice surprise! It` s great to see you!

T: Hi, Ann! I haven’t seen you for ages. Where have you been?

S: I’ve just come back from Britain.

T: Have you? How did you like it there?

S: I enjoyed it greatly. I can’t say I’ve seen a lot, but I liked the places I visited: London, Stratford-upon-Avon, and Cambridge.

T: How long did you stay there?

S: For a week. I wouldn’t mind staying there longer. You know, you need lots of time to see all British landmarks.

T: Sure. You visited Stratford, Cambridge, Oxford and London within a week! How did you manage?

S: Stratford and Cambridge are small towns; it took me a day to go sightseeing there. Another day for Stratford-upon-Avon – all he other time I went sightseeing in London. And I can’t say I was able to see much of London. So, I have an excuse to come back there some day.

T: You are right. What impressed you most?

S: The weather. When I was in London, it rained the whole time.

T: Is it a joke?

S: About the weather? Unfortunately, it isn`t. And if you mean the sights, I liked everything I saw there. Well, Ann, I’m afraid, I have to go. Goodbye.

T: Goodbye, Kate.

Card 7 Asking the Way

S: Excuse me…

T: Yes, can I help you?

S: Oh, I` m completely lost. Could you tell me the way to the Niki Hotel, please?

T: The Niki Hotel? Let me see… It’s near Paddington Station.

S: Is it far from here? Shall I take a bus or the underground?

T: Yes, it’s quite a distance from here.

S: Could you show me the nearest underground station?

T: I think, it’s more convenient to get Paddington by bus. Bus 9 will take you right there.

S: Thanks a lot. Where is the nearest bus stop?

T: Turn to the right and keep straight on until you come to the traffic lights.

S: I see. I turn to the right and go straight ahead as far as the traffic lights. How long does it take to get there?

T: It` s a five-minute walk.

S: Thank you very much.

T: You’re welcome.

Card 8 In a shop

S: Excuse me, can you help me?

T: Yes, certainly.

S: I’m looking for a dress for summer wear. Could you show me any?

T: What colour would you like? We have dresses in various colours.

S: White, yellow… Light colours.

T: And what size are you?

S: 36.

T: How about this one?

S: It’s nice. Can I try it on?

T: Certainly. The fitting room is over there.

S: Thank you. …………… I like the dress. Does it suit me?

T: Yes, it suits you nicely.

S: How much is it?

T: &40.

S: All right, I’ll have it, please.

T: OK, how would you like to pay?

S: By credit card. Here is my Visa.

T: Thank you. Have a nice day!

Card 9 Giving a Talk

S: Excuse me, Mrs Brown. Can you help me?

T: Yes, Mary. What can I do for you?

S: I am to give a talk about an English-speaking country. Could you advise me what country to choose?

T: You can talk about Australia. We haven` t spoken about this country at the lessons yet.

S: Great! I think, I can find a lot of interesting information on the Internet. Do you know any Australian sites?

T: Certainly. Wait, I’ll write down one of them. Here you are.

S: Thank you. I also have “A Glimpse of English-Speaking Countries” – a very good book. How long shall I speak? Is a quarter of an hour enough?

T: It’s a pity, 10 minutes only. Three other students are going to give talks too.

S: What topics should I cover? It would take too much time to speak about the country in detail. Oh! I know. I will speak about unusual Australian nature. I have a CD-ROM with the Australian sights; I’ll be showing them during the talk.

T: Very good, Mary. I believe it’ll be really interesting.

Card 10 A Friend’s Phone Call

S: Hello! Is that you, Jane?

T: Yes, glad you’ve recognised me.

S: Happy to hear you, Jane. Have you decided about your trip to Moscow?

T: Yes, I have. I’m arriving in Moscow next week. Could you meet me at the airport, please?

S: Sure. What is the number of your flight and the arrival time?

T: Sheremetyevo -2, flight BA 1809, 15 p.m. Moscow time.

S: I’ve put it down. How long will you be staying in Moscow, Jane?

T: For a week.

S: I’m asking you about it because you didn’t see much of Moscow last time. Now I’d like to arrange everything for your visit beforehand: to buy theatre tickets, to find out about new exhibitions and so on. What would you like to see this time?

T: Oh! I really don’t know. I’ll gladly leave it to you.

S: Fine. Have a good trip, Jane. I’m looking forward to seeing you.

T: So am I. Bye-bye. See you in Moscow soon.

S: Bye.

Card 11 Doing sports

S: You're really fit, Paul. Do you exercise very much?

T: Well, I always get up early and do morning exercises for an hour.

S: You’re kidding!!!

T: And then I often go rollerblading.

S: Wow! How often do you exercise like that?

T: About five times a week. What about you?

S: Oh! I hardly ever exercise. I usually just watch TV in my free time.

I guess I’m a real couch potato.

T: I know how to help you. Let’s join a tennis club. Can you play tennis?

S: No, but I’d try. And why would you like to join a tennis club?

T: I like this sport very much but I can’t play tennis well. I’d really like to learn.

S: Great! We’ll be playing together. How many times shall we go to the club?

T: Twice a week, I think. On Wednesday and Saturday, do you agree?

S: Of course, I do.

Card 12 Learning Foreign Languages

S: Kate, I’m starting a course of Spanish in a week.

T: Not a good idea. I think it’s a waste of time.

S: I don` t agree. Spanish is spoken in many countries.

T: In each country you can find an interpreter if necessary…

S: I take you point but it’s more interesting for me to learn about everything by myself.

I don’t like being dependent on anybody.

T: Hm, if you go to Germany, you’ll start learning German?

S: I’ll think it over later. Usually I use English as lingua franca in most countries.

T: Why are going to learn Spanish, then?

S: Firstly, learning foreign languages helps to broaden my mind – I can better understand the people and the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Secondly, I hope to find an interesting job in future, it’s easier to do it if you know two or more foreign languages.

T: You may be right but it takes so much time! You have classes, do homework – it’s so boring!

S: It` s interesting! You meet new people, read books, watch films in class. It` s great! Sign up the course too and you’ll see which of us is right.

T: Mm… I’ll think about it.

CARD 13 Interview with a Foreign Singer

S: Hello, everybody! Chris Newman is in our today’s programme, and it’s about music and musicians. Good evening, Chris. Can you tell us about your attitudes towards music and when you got into it?

T: I’ve always loved music. I think I really got into it when I was a child. My mother used to listen to music all days long. She especially loved The Beatles, and I knew all their songs.

S: When did you realise that you were going to do it professionally?

T: When I understood that people enjoy my songs and my singing.

S: How many discs have you recorded so far?

T: About ten.

S: I’ve heard now you’re working on a project with some musicians in New York. Could you say a few words about it?

T: We are doing two recordings of my new songs.

S: When are you planning to finish the project?

T: By the end of the months, I suppose, and then we are going to start touring.

S: What countries are you going to visit?

T: This time we’re going to Japan.

S: Have you ever been there before?

T: No, and we’re looking forward to going there.

S: Your life is very interesting! You travel all over the world; you meet and play with famous musicians!

T: That’s exactly what I think.

S: Thank you for the interview, Chris. I hope you’ll come again. Goodbye.

T: Goodbye.

Card 14 Ambitions

S : Jane, I hear your sister has married a famous athlete. Don` t you think she is too young to get married?

T: Yes, she is only 18. But he’s a good match.

S: A good match? Is marriage making a good match? How about love?

T: Yes, she loves him. But I don` t think she would have married him if he wasn` t a success.

S: He is a successful man, he is famous, and he earns a lot of money. Does your sister want to achieve anything?

T: Good family, children…

S: I see… She is like those women who don` t want anything besides a husband and children. I don` t want to live in vain. I want to go on living after my death!

T: Why not if you have a great music or artistic talent?

S: Unfortunately, I’m not keen on arts. I don` t have any special talent for anything, but I’m not disappointed. Nowadays women have a lot of opportunities to become successful. I’ll get a good education and make a brilliant career! I’d like to be an independent career woman! I can become a TV presenter or a famous journalist.

T: Stop daydreaming!

S: You’re so boring, Jane! Are you against a good education?

T: I’m certainly not. It’s very good that you have ambitions; but first of all you must be patient and hardworking if you want to achieve anything.

S: Yes, that` s to the point.

Card 15

S: Are you eating hamburgers for lunch again, George?

T: Yeah. I love these things. I can't get enough of them.

S: But they're so bad for you.

T: Why? I’ve just bought them in McDonalds. The food is delicious there.

S: If I were you I wouldn’t go there so often. You like the taste of McDonald’s food, but do you know that it` s junk food? If you want to be healthy you must eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, diary products… What did you have for breakfast today?

T: A couple of sandwiches with cheese and a cup of coffee.

S: Sandwiches? It's a miracle you're still as thin as you are. Do you eat fruit and vegetables?

T: Yes, of course. Everybody likes fruit but I feel hungry if I don` t eat a couple of hamburgers.

S: It’s because McDonald’s food is very addictive, I’ve read about it. How many meals a day do you usually have?

T: Breakfast, lunch at school, dinner at about 6 o` clock, and a cup of tea and sandwiches before going to bed.

S: Terrible! Sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper! You should stop it, otherwise you’ll become fat, and you’ll have heart troubles. When you get up tomorrow, eat cereal with milk or cornflakes, some toast with butter or jam and juice. It’s just we call healthy eating.

T: I can` t say it’s my favourite food but I’ll try.

Card 16

S: Hey, Denis, how often do use computer?

T: Frankly speaking, I don’t use it very often – sometimes I type an essay.

S: Don` t you use the Internet?

T: No, I don` t have an access to the Internet.

S: I use it every day! I read the news on the Internet, chat with my friends.

T: I’m absolutely convinced it’s not healthy to work on computer very much.

S: How much? – that is the question. If you stay online for hours, it’s definitely unhealthy.

T: Right, right. You say you like chatting with your friends, don’t you think it’s boring “to chat” with somebody by typing messages?

S: Come on, Denis! I’m sure you know you can do “voice chats” if you have a microphone. By the way, you are interested in foreign languages. You can chat with people from France, Japan, Argentina…. It’s not expensive, it’s like using a telephone but much cheaper:

T: Oh, that sounds like a good way to practice foreign languages.

S: Yes, besides on the Internet there are various kinds of materials for students: texts, exercises; you can download video- films and radio- programmes in foreign languages.

T: Mm… It’s interesting. Do you know any good sites specially made for students learning foreign languages?

S: Certainly. You say you sometimes type essays. I know a lot of interesting sites where you can find materials on different subjects. It’ll be easier for you to prepare essays – you can find unusual facts, the latest data, and pictures for your presentations…I don` t know how you can do without a computer in your everyday life.

T: You may be right; computers have become part of peoples` life. But I’m afraid, I’ll spoil my eyesight.

S: You must know where to stop, and everything will be OK.

Card 17 Ambitions

S: Good afternoon, Olga Vladimirovna!

T: Good afternoon, Tanya.

S: I`ve come to discuss some points. Can you help me?

T: Yes, certainly.

S: It` s about our city’s day. I suppose you remember we decided to have a party. We are not sure about the date. Shall we have the party just on our City Day, on Saturday, or on a week day after classes?

T: I think many of you would like to spend this day with your families. There are usually a lot of events: concerts, carnivals all over the city. So, let`s have a party on the day before, on Friday.

S: Fine. We have only four classes on Friday.

T: What`s on the programme?

S: First, Lena and Olya are telling about our city, its landmarks, its people. Some boys have taken a lot of pictures of our city, and they are going to make a power point presentation to illustrate the girls` report.

T: is anybody going to tell about the history of our city? It`s worth telling about.

S: I`m going to give some interesting facts.

T: Do you remember about our guests from England?

S: We do. We are going to speak English. We are also going to ask the guests about their towns and cities. We are sure it will be very interesting! Oh! Kate is going to recite a poem about London by William Blake.

T: I think you could sing anything. You sing nicely.

S: That` s to the point. We are going to sing some songs to the guitar. Our guests might sing with us some popular English songs. We’d like to have a discotheque after all this. Can we?

T: Yes, if you promise to clean the classroom after all. Last time it was in a mess.

S: We promise everything will be OK!

Card 18 A City Day ?????

Card 19 In Trouble

S: Hello, Anna. I’m calling to say I’m not going to the cinema today, sorry.

T: What` s the matter?

S: I don` t fancy going anywhere.

T: I feel you’re upset. Can I help you?

S: I’m afraid, you can` t. I have problems with my parents again. They don` t understand me.

T: Have you spoken to them about your problems?

S: I have, but nothing happened. I’ve been asking for a permission to go to the music festival, but they don` t let me.

T: Who are you going to the festival with?

S: With my friends. They are going there on motorbikes.

T: I think your parents are absolutely right. It’s dangerous, and they are worried about you.

S: But I want to go to the festival. My favourite group is playing there.

T: OK. How about going there with me? I think your parents will agree.

S: Oh, I’d love to. I’ll ask my mother, she isn`t as strict as my father. Will you drive to the festival?

T: No, I haven` t got a driving licence yet.

S: How shall we get there then?

T: We could ask your father to take us there.

S: Great idea!

Card 20 English-Speaking Countries

S: Well, I think the lesson about English-speaking countries will be very interesting.

T: So do I. What country should we speak about?

S: Do you know about the others? What countries are they going to speak about?

T: As far as I know they are going to give talks about the USA, Australia, New Zealand…..

S: Oh, I know! Let’s give a talk about Wales, shall we? There are so many interesting things to talk about: Cardiff, the capital, Celts and their culture, Prince of Wales, Eisteddfod.

T: What is Eisteddfod?

S: It’s a music festival – the most ancient and the most famous. Let’s discuss a plan.

T: Okay. We’ll start with the geographical position of Wales. Then we will show the pictures of Cardiff and speak about the places of interest. I can look for some pictures on the Internet. I can give a talk about all this.

S: Great. Then I’ll speak about cultural traditions and famous people. You know, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Anthony Hopkins, Tom Jones, Roald Dahl were born in Wales.

T: I haven` heard about it. I have a few books by Roald Dahl, I can bring them to show the class. I hope it will be interesting for our classmate.

S: I think it’s really great, don` t you?

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