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4. New English Syntax

The order “subject – predicate – indirect object – direct object” has been established. As a result, the position of a noun shows whether it is the subject or the object, and in the latter case whether it is direct or indirect.

In most questions inversion has become the rule, i.e. the verb is placed before the subject. Owing to the abundance of analytical forms of the verb and of compound predicates this inversion usually does not break the established word-order since only a part of the predicate (the auxiliary, modal, or linking verb) is moved, the notional part of the predicate remaining in its fixed position after the subject.

In order to carry through the above principles of word order it was necessary to find means of splitting the few synthetic forms of the verb that still remained in the language, such as write, writes and wrote. This has been done with the help of special auxiliaries do, does, did.

One of the characteristic features of the New English period has been the development of structural substitutes (there, it, one, do and others), as in There is a man there (structural subject).

The development and extensive use of infinitival, gerundial and participial complexes is another remarkable feature of New English syntax.

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